For all players:

This user has claimed at least 50 tournament spots.
SILVER player
This user has claimed at least 8 tournament spots.
belonging to 267 users: show shanodin, Katsushika, Circadia, rojazu, Kelfecil, Axolotl_questions, CrimsonWraith, Sixtyten, binarydogs, blindidiotgod, sirris, Marcus Pettersson (McBEAST), knails, Moto Taleric, Epimer, Bifurcator, Antisthenes, Shmeguy, internet_potato, JDC_Wolfpack, laneford, JuneCuervo, Grievy, kevintame, mazeberlin, Highwire, strube, RedOnionKnight, HakanCarlstrom, str4atman, Gejben, Conphas, brainscandan, westonodom, TyrellCorp, Inactivist, Nemamiah, imrahil, omnijeff, dusk_, Tyrox, Timmy, HoneyBadger, aleph_c, Jander, radishcat, Terje, teacake27, Labbes, Venali, Roppa, stoppableforce, HarperX5, elidelajandro, Grizzlefluff, DTonius, mbzrl, Thike, BeNNyBiLL, Bl4nk3t, Wausser, lazychef13, fgcsem4n, ToThBeBe, realitycheque, pord, Redino987, RJorb, FreqKing, Evilpyro24, aDumbBrick, just_rob, kisqqcs, groenkaaf, Pao chan, AngelVerve, Janktivist, clercqie, Aaryn Byrne, osclate, qvm, spags, BlooMuse, Zerothmaxima, Zombie, SubTric, kollapse, M0H4WK, Andrew Wright, boreira, Hammers, Duncan 101, Grakhirt, Uruz, Cambro, moks, greyfield, originalme, Ajar, Espatier, echo, Davo, ardu, Frost, Dante42, Navigator, Gries, Nem0, profDEADPOOL, manveruppd, yluras, vesper, yads, DarthIA, Havvy, Absotively, mosquito, PuMeGo, Ar00nDELL, Quercia, Dropbear, Ghost Meat, Lev, lopert, Kobayashi, hemraa, Bazza, Algebraic, Sindarin, Solomir, ilksvorbern, miek, neuropantser, LSTM, Deus Mortis, CryptoGraham, CowboyTintin, Agasha, nbkelly, Goeshi, Late, techgin, Shiiuga, steffmonkey, Laury Plant, CooK_eD, krysdreavus, mendax, b4ralai, bing005, Ben "Slapdash" Hamill, blueeplayer, SimplyTheOnion, chouxflower, E.J.Olmos, x3r0h0ur, is44ru, Fridan, Alecthar, Baltar, AuGold, analyzechris, valerian32, Whiteblade111, sadstug, ExtraC, iRathindux, DeeR, Paillu, Pokerface, Jiří Krůček, jonkey bong, famewolf, Grtll, Rodge, Zeebag, coldlava, Saracenar, Ghost00, TonyHawp, pouchsurfer, Wentagon, wiriamu, SpaceCowboy, izzy, Shiro1981, syd7, MrStyx, Girometics, JayPumpkin, yehonathan_, rongydoge, Fanakito, Testrunning, ThatsNoMun, plural, Veronica, Loki37, ChrisFerg, metamatik, m31345, Baa Ram Wu, emmel, crowphie, Odonuvo, Patrick "Scorpi" Sklar, Cannister, KyraWNY, hams, harmonbee, benvelopment, funkeyman232, RepoRogue, zoehope (The Tag Mill), Redemptor, cablooshe, Hello, TheRealLap, Rhahi, Tyranda, TheRobin, SeaRose (The Tag Mill), sebastiank, snoobz, cmur2, King Solomon, AceEmpress, awildturtok, erika, formerteen, xccam, galehar, profwacko, M.G.K., MrVellis, Tratt, sealgo, CobraBubbles, nin, Wenjong, jfoley, secondskin, Tak, Larrea, Kenhie, zombiak, RayS, Zaphod75, Gulbrandr, Toron, hany, Utati, CephalopodWizard, Gorphax, cranked, Nykride, eBentl, Atien, wigglestick, LLBlumire, xdg, Dudeydude, giventofly, LGetlander, Sunny D20, Kror, EV
BRONZE player
This user has claimed at least 2 tournament spots.
belonging to 795 users: show divadus, McBOeric, Manticore, CodGod, zwarbo, Charlesworth, Devencire, Ben "dodgepong" Torell, Parduckoponya, slowreflex, Noah Waterfield Price, fozza, thesubatomic, Duxmar, ouroboros, bongobongo, Panda with issues..., GTM, ScrappySPJ, yeoda, Shockeh, maxey, seeds34, 3Jane, Vapo, Nemonix, Angedelo, podoboyz99, d1en, Magnus Benzein (Ilza), Bryan Blumklotz, beyoken, Hailey, deaglesuk, Mikael Holmberg (CeeTee2001), tradet, Mr.Jank, raj, Arter, Dazm0, mearsy008, checkthebox, Sudilos, mythras, vinegarymink, fancywookiee, Putzlappen, GarfieldMew, CriticalJoe, Vikk, D4KEN, Roberto "azkiel" Linteau, Nicolas Caron, nivrem, CookieCat, Vicarin, raphaeln, needlepony, Christian Wennberg, hsiale, MrHudson, vor_lord, Tanner Griffin, efay, Dragoonkin, rumirumirumirumi, Phoenix, AkAnderson, kata124, skewie, Quarg, Flekk, adquen, funeral0polis, Tommy Rosén (NetZar), MafiaPenguin, Tomasaki, Elusive, MrBrown, Dagguh, inniscor, ParasitePromo, Ebrey, wkz, mLodon, RFTQ, Noroo :D, SweetC, nodtrio, sigma83, manicmoleman, Zankoku, ctz, guy.brush, Daniel Hallbäck (Hallenbach), brainstorm, Martin Paul, a_legible_nerd, Jakob Helms, Wet Toastie, Laxen, jirkamarsik, RvdH83, LHSimon, Mailman, isc, ozzi, ulrik03, misu007, junior_varsity, andr31, haywire, Ino209, xanarax, xdfubar, hlinks, solendor, ksylves, Robotoast, seskomoe, themeanlady, Reutan, lutomes, Rezalbyks, Humblejuggernaut, CallMeDutch, lukesim3, jrda25, yann, Chimpster, Oliver Matthews, D3thvir, Daniel Martel, Frogblast, Praetor, CodeMarvelous, nismorack, HorstGrobian, pmavers, munchli21, Cuacuani, Quistie, Aesynil, WhackedMaki, HannibalHusker, MFTimber, Mike G, CrushU, YankeeFlatline, PureFlight, Mirilu, WildSam, BoardRunner, Soulcow, Korrigan, Krachn, Nembras, gpking, NichtTim, MrGlue, Mistines, FightingWalloon, Ulkrond, leburgan, Bandura, DonutTaganes, CritHitd20, protolich, firesa, Guv_Bubbs, Hyperbolic_Mess, supercatfish, Lukkychukky, Brightsides, fingerzz, Tessier-Ashpool, Barbrarian, Doc Fooby, Seamus, CopperBoi, Lorac, Vocke, LukeAriel, Red April, bigfleet, Haberdash, dawspawn, ff0X, kevo31415, LeonardQuirm, Ben Emerson, deleriad, bakunin75, Okkdoko, binarymelon, zafuri, Drayven, simili, DocBacon, brianist, tengfred, aeternii, woland, Dazzler, szutek, Rhyme, grimsleeper, presheaf, Antler, rwknoll, quicken, xloserfishx, cyberewok, docents, zengoshugoju, igrekk, Vortilion, RoRo, ZomB, CrashT, eadipus, Hawkeyethelast, BECKETT28, Henader, Aerodyne, Aaron Schnabel, CJFM, ramus, t.p, locker, acrowe, emlun, Christian Naesseth, aunthemod, PineppleBush, AndytheLovell, Pandageddon, S.Iron, DrApathy, nobo, J-Flex, EthosNZ, Juhl42daniel, Huw, .wil, FragSpider, Bokonon, BenkiBejs, Corbec, nicohasa, marsellus, apo, eljenso, SeIverin, TheBigBoy, mathandlove, Ray Flint, jdeng, roeiboot4, BlackCherries, MrEhjiwurth, NetDad, ManBunBatty, sanjayshelat, NoahTheDuke, Jakuza, zimbobway, Random Word, GooberMan, sheriley, Menghini, Pommes, eli_b, hobbes, EnderA, dbAdmin, skry, morgon82, Manta, Renegat, sparko, CaptainMark, NinjaMike, Porkobolo, el-zilcho, internet, Greek Geek, zunbid, Grosseteste, Daine, Matthias, ChaosIsMe, sengir80, jaredrules, dom, teapot37, BraveLilToaster, Icedman, McAvity, raikhan, Chris, BizTheDad, Diomedes, mrteatime66, Speedboat, Terence, mao, BlueHg, negaDan, Melyr, hutch9514, Ola Bjornfot, v01d, errantmage, Ralphus1701, nychuus, MickMick, NL24VEN, Orbital Tangent, Ensu, Cahuita, DarthPeppe, ClosDeLaRoche, PowerBunz, safepassage, Anzekay, Passelune, Bartmoss, Inkarnate, GcFlash, xagabi, JuarezLM, Hmiyamoto, Bucket of Baby Sloths, BayushiOliveira, igorbone, Breaker0neNine, Apopcalyptic, PezzA, Nevofix, craigmurtagh, Ishikawa, Smieszny, rsh, Caedus, g4rr3t, yucaBEAN, Kralle, relamer, Bazin, goodknite, dnddmdb, VarnishingJam, R4V3R, Pinsel, GingercredMan, markfed, bo_, lumbendil, Johnny Polite, Number Three, Pal'Ana, Lukenukem, disperse, s.fritzi, Epoxidd, count_slackula, RaduChinan, Bilby, sarna, Möbius Striptease, Excesum, tsgstarwars, Kysra, lysander534, Zanetti83, ZiNOS, Booshy, OnTheNightrain, Radiant, SMITTYL, Marc | Runaway (Coo Dad), suzume, hyplion, sirophiuchus, lostie, akashiaa, qippoz, ElderMason, Boot, ValkyriezGaming, MelkorsFolly, martinimon, flimflam, rngnsb, Frizzler, gilesdavis, Tempus, ThePatrician, Brogue Leader, whiterabbit, infinitejester00, rusefus, _deadstock, Xtreme, Orxian, Executter, rapanui, Mathilda, Koschei, jpsaxby, bcsj, Shorty, kibosh, Cone11, Colanderil, Xak, belazor, Degeneral_BFM, iceprisma, FreeformJazz, Sesion128, YeiYei, Kubik161, Angelnet5000, ALFlex, nimzowitsch, Jamer, MagicHead, MarcinBLE, Mr_Console, Diegaccio, Oddball, DanaCWSF, hbarsquared, beatsmd, Govrek, SuperStranger, peacho, BinkBonkle, shruthless, r@bbit, jamesmarcus, Dana, osintelligence, tonybluehose, iamatree, djkubala, RedBurningDragon, Nuts!, arranf, DisgruntledElf, Nekomancer, rural_octopus047, lanzaa, em-crabtree, PenguinToast, Sasha, phlip45,, Strngove, chaosof99, Kopiok, kevnburg, cocoro, Griffonstone, chaosjuggler, Vale, SpaceIce, nicemoreoften, Pawndawan, rustryder, TurnLeft25, saff, rubenpieters, Maj.Apollo, Net_Jogger, Shadowdragon, Quacktapus, saifrc, Pedjt, ajjr82, kaffis, creditzathotmail, kronoss, ycarium, itsbigfoot, Therebrae, Dr Bees, MikeJS, Gaurav, Scrub!, Buppu2099, Aubirb, svysockih, Trillian, Lem, Ayah, Kryptik, Limes, svenrald fergit / hot & sexy nipplesalad, benticurus, Lyon, Magnificos, Kawau, Enclaced, Dyzthar, leibniz, Sabureitor, Davidmc7, Rainbow_Monkey, Tzane, ORCH1D, Mal_Ex, AnalogSignal, Dzerards, easterncalculus, #endgame, AnOddRadish, Quelanna, Noroo, NerdFrog, Zigu, RickRageLa, G0rF, hedonismbot, rgdelato, mnemic, Ams, somefish, JuniperTheory, ReinaMorada, Arknet, koldun, ifeelfine, Cloud, frankbsad, Ruben, floracestarfire, aureates, Chaostheorie7, Astefan, Ixoran, cros, thrantar, Claytron, Carlespal, Frydraca, SciCat, seebasss7, Theo Clifford, StevenSlater, Mortivor, LeviPurple, ChiptheRipper, MattOhNo, morita-san, dormio, monra, RPT, wyld, revan3421, riverluna, Dan (grombatmole), Baxder, Weltgeist, tberton, Chromatically, saurian, Joevovich, Wikignometry, GrandLarceny, Zylus, Maëlig, functor, sohum, Elzheiz, die_kralle, revengeanceful, millenomi, FAC3L355, knack, kevinth, dasher, Raptori, DggMuffin, shadowcrow85, scd, misterdangrant, Vaos, felhix, Grim, Tanzzen, Yidaho, GameOfDroids, Espequair, oor_mate_vlad, Ochan, BenjaminLSH, IonFox, Szczwany, gloompunk, discitizen, Reverse, N00dleSoup, irie, steveYeah, WynterEcho, Suipe, Spiph, slobberMcGee, Encoded != Encrypted, psi_sig, cado, Your Niichan's Girlfriend, Ying64, bluestar, bemidiot, tf34, Swiftie, Medic_gbg, Jalenhorm, Crunchums, goods, KakuRainbow, pacx, The Calamity, Chicken Slayer, Minstrel, tso, cjchristopher, Vectorz, Stwyde, Ensades, Wrecko, Toluvel, Wavioli, btgood2me, LastWalter, NotAgain, gammanet, metronome, akizora, phleebagg, Bastelmaus, Lewis.P, Kwoiveth, Ataraxia, overfloatfactor, SweetTornaydo, Awesomecase, Trenzor, F3nr1s, platypus2600, Oddlees, xyceres, toxicAvulsionist, Nagnazul, iamtom77, arlekj, sruman, Tondo, Otrakun, abstracted, rookie2222, mag, Grant, AbyssStaresBack, james123lui, 5ax0n, evie, Kaps, dezigerator, swankyjimjams, DoubleK, CombinationBean, Jack Danbury, Metal, Manu3212, Rene Reed, snedd, mangofeet, tojry, zensiert, Silent Arbiter, Fox Ex Machina, Lockemenos, kusoash, HallucinogenicApplesauce, StackVandal, Foodforachange, Ark1t3kt, ZomZraft, aashbo, Kim, FixB, aotenjo, J0N4LD, binhamin, bitflip, ComradeCoheed, Net-Bear, holzpubbnsubbe, aruzan, ddark, DungeonMxter, dc_, rohit, trucy, jelo, WholockianDalek, Zylarth, zhansonic, spiderbro, saplacat, pouchoflavender, jyguyo, Peltyey, DiscipleOfTheVoid, SpaceGhost, scottiebobottie, Sutto, Scarius, PiroARat, ChonkySeal, wind0, blurbie, gruntownie, Torquemada, RoseKolodny, Maparali, Schr0dinger, CroweFrog, mondegreensleeves, soarix, knightfromchess, jak6955, podunk, Icezox, EqualzDee, kidco, ksodiya, SadisticLego, olisam, username, GoggleChild, qenya, milimill, shaneros, sarasettledown, Galvanator, Piat, mystermerry, syth, jdbartee, Jahan, painhunter, fransy, Oatbergine, Cornelius, Nephralite, ant1, eden_online, nervousnightjar, CyberspacePanda, CyberShark, FreeRice, mabo, ardie, Borisz, Essence.32, Battle_fennec, Ish, metrixgo, olus2000, Mothluin, volande, Xyptero, Sumpurnis, cat, lunari, HexNet, Seabeast, FailSpike, Nitneuq, Cosmic, LesserScarlet, Rhylon, bking, zatka, Harp, Sobek, diamond_deluxe, passive_mult, Disk Elemental
Minority Reporter
This user went to a tournament with a mini-faction (Adam, Apex or Sunny Lebeau).
belonging to 281 users: show lpoulter, ichigokuto, CodGod, dusk_, Hammers, Evilpyro24, hlinks, Parduckoponya, ToThBeBe, taneru, shadowhawk, Dazm0, DarthIA, RJorb, efay, Inactivist, Terje, martinimon, Circadia, Venali, Katsushika, brainscandan, Moto Taleric, Klopstock, Tomasaki, Siegl, mLodon, Murphy, SweetC, chazpf, a_legible_nerd, phette23, Sanjay, mildesorte10, Watzlav, Bernardasaur, Conphas, Ryanbantwins, Cuacuani, Chabunet, FightingWalloon, knails, swan, Thike, Dragoonkin, Krasty, Roppa, Rezalbyks, Epimer, TyrellCorp, Cliquil, thebigunit3000, Cpt_nice, seskomoe, Ollie, DocBacon, funeral0polis, danurai, SubTric, JDC_Wolfpack, Kikai, deleriad, NtscapeNavigator, agentbilly, 5N00P1, pord, xloserfishx, Haberdash, stoppableforce, Duxmar, ff0X, Labbes, GoreSack, CrushU, JackMade, HoneyBadger, Ben Emerson, svenrald fergit / hot & sexy nipplesalad, nate3526, dbAdmin, jase2224, plural, lazychef13, Martin Paul, Redino987, Rhyme, paulyg, needlepony, ulrik03, N3M3515, PeterPan, dome_, Dragonrider, Navigator, relamer, metagros5, twisty_b, zengoshugoju, t.p, Francesco "Cetti", Ghost Meat, Dylan Green, Aaryn Byrne, strube, yads, jirkamarsik, teacake27, Bazin, tsgstarwars, binnet, emlun, PineppleBush, PenguinToast, edobram, PuMeGo, AxWill, uclapunk69, radishcat, McBOeric, rsh, lostgeek, rotage, FragSpider, mcg, 3N1GM4, Saja_PL, frankbsad, bcsj, CasMat, roeiboot4, DrApathy, HarperX5, inbetweennaps, Johnny B. Running, sheriley, Nicky3.0, Menghini, Melyr, DoomRat, moks, Agasha, Porkobolo, b3ar, Odonuvo, Uruz, bullit2, Grosseteste, Duncan 101, M0H4WK, elidelajandro, koga, iMiscalculated, dom, Dante42, kisqqcs, Harald Nautsch (hnautsch), shazzner, protolich, Absotively, Atomikrin, Good Job Phil, OnTheNightrain, nicohasa, PowerBunz, Shiro1981, Havvy, pmavers, Grizzlefluff, Longi, Arter, Corbec, ksylves, cableCarnage, MagicHead, percomis, anarchomushroom, is44ru, blindidiotgod, Bazza, MrBuggles, DL7RRK, Late, Number Three, Jose-san, TheComforter1212, Sindarin, Diomedes, mosquito, Bridgeman, wiserunner, Virulentz, mr_pelle, vesper, valerian32, CooK_eD, bigfleet, Dropbear, Ghost00, hemraa, Algebraic, qippoz, Dunsch, Cucin, ataraxis, b4ralai, @Bookkeeper, infinitejester00, Lev, LastPlaceGrace, Reiyu, Berzelius, wowarlok, DeeR, RepoRogue, Odol, Deus Mortis, Baa Ram Wu, Jai, jdeng, 114141, krysdreavus, Patrick "Scorpi" Sklar, Testrunning, lukevanryn, nbkelly, Laury Plant, Mr_Console, iamatree, MotionBlur, jan tuno, ArminFirecracker, Larrea, Diogene, mendax, djkubala, famewolf, analyzechris, MrStyx, Cahuita, Kror, crowphie, Utati, Baltar, Janktivist, johno, Heinzel, easterncalculus, OF15-15, Trismagistos, aksu, Hello, TugtetguT, jonkey bong, dezigerator, Girometics, Tzane, Paillu, Gorphax, Cobalt, sebastiank, somefish, Zigu, m31345, Ben "Slapdash" Hamill, Saracenar, Cannister, xiaat, gloompunk, ayyyliens, HaverOfFun, StevenSlater,, secondskin, Nykride, Sokka234, ChiptheRipper, TonyHawp, Tyranda, emmel, swankyjimjams, OdsyWrenn
Self-modifying Personality
This user has claimed with all the major runner factions.
belonging to 464 users: show RedOnionKnight, Devencire, leachrode, Katsushika, twisty_b, brainscandan, Eon_II, Zo3 (TR1S), CrimsonWraith, Inactivist, TwadaCZ, Circadia, Siegl, Grievy, Highwire, fozza, Evilpyro24, SpaceHonk, Cluster Fox, inniscor, mcg, Marcus Pettersson (McBEAST), Christian Wennberg, checkthebox, realitycheque, Timmy, mildesorte10, Murphy, RvdH83, guy.brush, 5N00P1, kata124, Axolotl_questions, Klopstock, Countzer0, FreqKing, jase2224, lpoulter, rotage, kevintame, skewie, seskomoe, Jander, Necro, kisqqcs, MrBrown, Slowriffs, Sanjay, Ryanbantwins, yann, Oliver Matthews, RJorb, neuropantser, JDC_Wolfpack, knails, emilyspine, seeds34, TyrellCorp, shadowhawk, Ollie, Dazm0, pj20, a_legible_nerd, swan, Bifurcator, johno, andr31, HakanCarlstrom, Harald Nautsch (hnautsch), phette23, internet_potato, mbzrl, Antisthenes, PureFlight, stoppableforce, scd, Krasty, theoneakaneo, protolich, Rezalbyks, Cliquil, cursor, Longi, dome_, Nemamiah, sirris, strube, uclapunk69, greyfield, kollapse, westonodom, Ino209, paulyg, HoneyBadger, D4KEN, igrekk, SeeHearType, Inermis, x3r0h0ur, Bryan Blumklotz, tzeentchling, miek, PeterPan, str4atman, Zankoku, HarperX5, TugtetguT, blindidiotgod, b3ar, Conphas, MotionBlur, Dragonrider, Kikai, HiddenAway, postis, Cpt_nice, NtscapeNavigator, Mirilu, dusk_, Dante42, Tyrox, teacake27, Venali, Epimer, YankeeFlatline, JackMade, BeNNyBiLL, CrashT, Vortilion, NichtTim, Ben Emerson, radishcat, Wet Toastie, laneford, Roppa, Mikael Holmberg (CeeTee2001), ayyyliens, Daniel Hallbäck (Hallenbach), moks, lostgeek, spags, AxWill, Vocke, Atomikrin, elidelajandro, saiteidrak, groenkaaf, percomis, FREDPI, fgcsem4n, wiserunner, CodeMarvelous, Sixtyten, Bandura, Ar00nDELL, enkoder, Grakhirt, raphaeln, Menghini, BlooMuse, Saan, lazychef13, Red April, swabl, 3N1GM4, skry, Bazza, Trismagistos, Grosseteste, thebigunit3000, PineppleBush, Janktivist, Hoclor, clercqie, ZomB, eli_b, solemnstorm, Duncan 101, Berzelius, EnderA, simili, Pommes, BlueHg, tvaduva, just_rob, LSTM, Roberto "azkiel" Linteau, NL24VEN, ardu, raikhan, lopert, SubTric, Espatier, negaDan, Good Job Phil, nicohasa, Quercia, Davo, ataraxis, Goeshi, Aaryn Byrne, iref, Shiiuga, profDEADPOOL, Ajar, ClosDeLaRoche, Council, echo, Angedelo, Qris, mrteatime66, vesper, CryptoGraham, Francesco "Cetti", Dropbear, branimated, Heinzel, CaptainMark, 114141, iRathindux, Tradon, yluras, Kobayashi, bigfleet, Watzlav, koga, Passelune, Sokka234, metamatik, aDumbBrick, ArminFirecracker, cableCarnage, @Bookkeeper, GingercredMan, Jose-san, Dunsch, CritHitd20, binarydogs, mosquito, Lev, Zombie, Sindarin, Absotively, D3thvir, Cucin, Möbius Striptease, Terence, DL7RRK, Havvy, YsengrinSC, chouxflower, internet, nbkelly, wowarlok, CooK_eD, Diomedes, imrahil, anarchomushroom, bowlsley, Solomir, Matuszczak, Bridgeman, Redino987, lukevanryn, Saja_PL, bing005, lukifer, Guv_Bubbs, rngnsb, KNT_HLZ, Bl4nk3t, SimplyTheOnion, t.p, mr_pelle, Deus Mortis, jan tuno, RotomAppliance, Baltar, DoomRat, Larrea, TonyHawp, plural, Ben "Slapdash" Hamill, Diegaccio, Alecthar, Paillu, coldlava, DeeR, ctz, Drager, RepoRogue, tsgstarwars, RoRo, aunthemod, is44ru, mao, Jamer, Bilby, manicmoleman, phlip45, dnddmdb, AuGold, Veronica, izzy, valerian32, analyzechris, Sauc3, hams, Marc | Runaway (Coo Dad), OF15-15, Griffonstone, secondskin, SpaceIce, willybn1, nicemoreoften, Daine, xiaat, sheriley, Buppu2099, qvm, Saracenar, aksu, steffmonkey, Nicky3.0, JuniperTheory, ChrisFerg, Oddball, FreeformJazz, beatsmd, Rodge, osintelligence, Dyzthar, jonkey bong, BinkBonkle, ThatsNoMun, Wentagon, BenkiBejs, Claytron, Pawndawan, Diogene, Zaphod75, FireRL, MrStyx, Ghost00, AugustusCaesar, Amarum, Gaurav, Radiant, Dzerards, JayPumpkin, crowphie, Jai, seebasss7, HaverOfFun, mallory (l0velace), Utati, J-Flex, emmel, Mortivor, davz131, Virulentz, MattOhNo, Kawau, Loki37, Fanakito, Girometics, Brightsides, DanaCWSF, CobraBubbles, Ghost Meat, Henader, monra, Odol, Cannister, Gathzen, krysdreavus, Ams, cmur2, Enclaced, m31345, benvelopment, cablooshe, Redemptor, Tanzzen, Grtll, ifeelfine, Porkobolo, snoobz, funkeyman232, awildturtok, Zeebag, pacx, Wrecko, wyld, RayS, Cobalt, Hello, syd7, DisgruntledElf, AnOddRadish, Limes, Gorphax, SeaRose (The Tag Mill), AngelVerve, King Solomon, xdg, CephalopodWizard, Testrunning, MrVellis, mag, Booshy, nin, Sunny D20, Weltgeist, Toluvel, Tyranda, Ochan, slobberMcGee, galehar, Dudeydude, erika, Tratt, snedd, cranked, Szczwany, Chicken Slayer, easterncalculus, sohum, Zylus, AlPi, Wikignometry, wigglestick, Gulbrandr, Vectorz, oor_mate_vlad, Drayven, pouchoflavender, 5ax0n, Vaos, profwacko, giventofly, eBentl, felhix, jfoley, Kubik161, F3nr1s, not_yeti, KakuRainbow, harmonbee, hemraa, Trenzor, steveYeah, volande, SpaceCowboy, Metal, shaneros, Jahan, eden_online, jimmycorrigan, ksodiya, FailSpike, soarix, ant1, AceEmpress
Diversified Portfolio
This user has claimed with all the corporation factions.
belonging to 307 users: show Devencire, Grievy, CrimsonWraith, brainscandan, Inactivist, Circadia, mcg, shadowhawk, SpaceHonk, leachrode, jase2224, Timmy, Moto Taleric, Cluster Fox, Krasty, twisty_b, Eon_II, cursor, Zo3 (TR1S), Harald Nautsch (hnautsch), Murphy, sirris, phette23, PeterPan, knails, emilyspine, dome_, Dazm0, a_legible_nerd, johno, swan, Siegl, mythras, Rezalbyks, Sanjay, Watzlav, funeral0polis, pj20, Ollie, JuneCuervo, lpoulter, percomis, teacake27, mildesorte10, Antisthenes, strube, igrekk, mazeberlin, Inermis, Klopstock, Hoclor, uclapunk69, RJorb, JDC_Wolfpack, lostgeek, NtscapeNavigator, Conphas, neuropantser, 5N00P1, Epimer, Martin Paul, binarydogs, postis, Aaryn Byrne, MrBuggles, Necro, Ryanbantwins, Tyrox, Venali, DTonius, Cpt_nice, Tolaasin, Davo, SeeHearType, MotionBlur, Okkdoko, rotage, ayyyliens, radishcat, laneford, Roppa, 3N1GM4, Daniel Hallbäck (Hallenbach), Bl4nk3t, andr31, stoppableforce, bakunin75, Dragonrider, Wausser, AxWill, paulyg, Qris, theoneakaneo, b3ar, Nicky3.0, zengoshugoju, iref, Slowriffs, kevintame, Bryan Blumklotz, CodeMarvelous, lazychef13, fgcsem4n, HiddenAway, Noroo :D, tvaduva, HarperX5, solemnstorm, Grosseteste, yads, Menghini, kisqqcs, Grakhirt, Trismagistos, mbzrl, E.J.Olmos, Longi, clercqie, Uruz, Janktivist, osclate, spags, Atomikrin, FREDPI, kollapse, Marcus Pettersson (McBEAST), Cliquil, RotomAppliance, Roberto "azkiel" Linteau, thebigunit3000, SubTric, JackMade, Good Job Phil, CopperBoi, Duncan 101, M0H4WK, HakanCarlstrom, swabl, saiteidrak, Labbes, Cucin, Tradon, Kikai, DL7RRK, Gries, iRathindux, Matuszczak, cableCarnage, groenkaaf, wiserunner, profDEADPOOL, enkoder, FreqKing, Brightsides, Sokka234, branimated, DarthIA, Lev, Heinzel, anarchomushroom, Berzelius, ArminFirecracker, Dunsch, Saan, ataraxis, hyplion, willybn1, Shiiuga, wowarlok, 114141, Havvy, bowlsley, ZiNOS, Kobayashi, gilesdavis, RepoRogue, lopert, Council, Algebraic, Bridgeman, lukevanryn, Saja_PL, sadstug, Bilby, @Bookkeeper, TugtetguT, CooK_eD, koga, Deus Mortis, krysdreavus, chouxflower, CowboyTintin, Laury Plant, SimplyTheOnion, tsgstarwars, Odol, techgin, is44ru, mr_pelle, mendax, DoomRat, nbkelly, Redino987, x3r0h0ur, Baltar, KNT_HLZ, Sindarin, iceprisma, Espatier, apo, dnddmdb, Diogene, Utati, Marc | Runaway (Coo Dad), Rodge, Pawndawan, Baa Ram Wu, OF15-15, steffmonkey, jan tuno, xiaat, Terje, Ben "Slapdash" Hamill, ChrisFerg, Saracenar, secondskin, J-Flex, JayPumpkin, lukifer, Veronica, emmel, crowphie, Virulentz, m31345, Cobalt, GreatA1exander, HaverOfFun, jimmycorrigan, tzeentchling, TheRobin, Odonuvo, Fanakito, Ghost Meat, Hello, Zombie, Cannister, aksu, vesper, Gathzen, ALFlex, Francesco "Cetti", davz131, metamatik, Radiant, IonFox, AugustusCaesar, cmur2, mallory (l0velace), funkeyman232, ThatsNoMun, cablooshe, easterncalculus, Tak, Nykride, Jai, Amarum, Wikignometry, TheRealLap, snoobz, SeaRose (The Tag Mill), harmonbee, AngelVerve, AceEmpress, sebastiank, xccam, Claytron, FireRL, not_yeti, Weltgeist, AlPi, Tratt, galehar, Countzer0, Dzerards, Henader, wigglestick, Testrunning, Sauc3, giventofly, King Solomon, Zaphod75, felhix, Atien, xdg, mangofeet, awildturtok, AnOddRadish, ZomZraft, Dudeydude, AbyssStaresBack, Santa, FreeRice, NotAgain, soarix, Ish, CobraBubbles, steveYeah
Trapped in time
This user is registered for a weekly recurring event.
belonging to 284 users: show Guv_Bubbs, lostgrail, Sumason, shadowhawk, Dragonrider, Boomzilla, rojazu, CallMeDutch, .Feathermark, blindidiotgod, ZomB, a_legible_nerd, brainstorm, Okkdoko, Grievy, willybn1, beyoken, Harald Nautsch (hnautsch), Saintis, Evilpyro24, Epimer, Hammers, Dee.Twenty, PDXNetrunner, theonegunslinger, Mark.Knights, SpaceHonk, strynn, emilyspine, poysama, suniahk, Cluster Fox, funeral0polis, Ryanbantwins, Slowriffs, Arter, lopert, CodeMarvelous, karnivor989, brainscandan, Ensades, Duxmar, Countzer0, Inactivist, RonZacapa, Driesel, twisty_b, kata124, laneford, Elstyr, clercqie, Tessier-Ashpool, GameOfDroids, BlankFate, Axolotl_questions, imrahil, lpoulter, RFTQ, JarkkoRaven, Mikael Holmberg (CeeTee2001), Complexjoke, Ollie, HannibalHusker, mearsy008, binarydogs, hsiale, Venali, AtropheX, Mechanoise, P4ndaH3ro, TwadaCZ, knails, joni911, Fentonizer, Cambro, Kikai, Severedhead, brianist, Longi, rotage, Vicarin, b3ar, yaba, snark, Murphy, JDC_Wolfpack, mazeberlin, moks, andr31, BloodJoker, lloydinspace, Cuacuani, Jander, jase2224, MrHudson, Dazm0, xloserfishx, lutomes, Euky27, paulyg, pspacekitten, CookieCat, HiddenAway, Watzlav, seeds34, internet_potato, HarperX5, junior_varsity, Ra1dy, Tomasaki, Joed, 3N1GM4, blacklionchest, trnd7, Marcus Pettersson (McBEAST), Lubo_Boda, leachrode, zafuri, BECKETT28, needlepony, Vortilion, whiterabbit, mouseofknives, radishcat, owniscool1993, Alkar Semmel, Doc Fooby, Berzelius, Lukesimm, ayyyliens, FREDPI, MickMick, swan, valerian32, joaofcv, teodorhfb, Bazza, waltsontanaka, igorbone, Peter, Jimmyrsworld19, Pendraeg, zengoshugoju, BayushiOliveira, Krasty, koga, dusk_, Orbital Tangent, Aurori, mrteatime66, Frost, g4rr3t, boreira, @Bookkeeper, branimated, Cliquil, Apopcalyptic, .wil, Wausser, wowarlok, rattkin, sanjayshelat, BlueHg, disperse, andrewjjolly, malone1384, Ola Bjornfot, Necro, yluras, mda8787, blueeplayer, mosquito, Tentakuru, kronoss, MagicHead, cadence, qm3071, Trewaters, footlong, Meejh, Saja_PL, Angelnet5000, Colanderil, yehonathan_, bignose, Vale, PowerBunz, ttagen, DavidMac, Phros, thesach, osintelligence, LachlanF98, Gerlander, bazyn, ocrooh, AngelVerve, Ben "Slapdash" Hamill, tvaduva, Dr Bees, httpriestess, maninthemoon, hany, k1282, saifrc, BinkBonkle, Utati, Inermis, lazychef13, Nirjen, Girometics, awildturtok, Jahriusz, secondskin, AnalogSignal, DoomRat, zi99y, wedge1126, Cylonenema2077, Ozvaldo, icoN_, plural, Baxder, mr_pelle, Drager, HeavyGravy, phleebagg, G0rF, TheRealLap, Gabran, jonkey bong, rip netrunner, TonyHawp, Virulentz, Marc | Runaway (Coo Dad), Icecreamcollege, KNT_HLZ, Darksider, Zylus, Toluvel, Streke, oor_mate_vlad, sealgo, OF15-15, GreatA1exander, goods, Cpt_nice, Espequair, Rainbow_Monkey, .dan._, AHHD, sp473n, Bastelmaus, Tradon, riverluna, steveYeah, tzeentchling, Tak, Mirror-Maker, hemraa, Ochan, Kim, iamtom77, pengguin, lostgeek, ataraxis, Temporal, Rhylon, millenomi, vampireweekdays, jyguyo, Mr., Hanabilam, Gorphax, sarasettledown, WaterlilyJoy, graveyardfrog, venomandserum, postis, Meathir, bowlsley, Mercury0, aelis, ifeelfine
Travelling player
This user claimed in tournaments belonging to 3 different countries.
belonging to 280 users: show Krasty, Longi, TwadaCZ, mildesorte10, Gejben, shadowhawk, HorstGrobian, percomis, 5N00P1, Kelfecil, hsiale, mazeberlin, Mirilu, dome_, JackMade, Klopstock, MrBuggles, rotage, Saintis, Hoclor, ff0X, mLodon, Heinzel, Ryanbantwins, andr31, moks, Saan, Nembras, hlinks, Tradon, miek, Zenthanian, Wet Toastie, Cluster Fox, Necro, PuMeGo, Trismagistos, Jakob Helms, Inermis, iref, Shmeguy, N3M3515, TugtetguT, blindidiotgod, Tolaasin, Siegl, MikeJS, Lubo_Boda, fea1, HoneyBadger, kisqqcs, Tyrox, Rodge, RvdH83, ToThBeBe, SpaceHonk, locker, Slowriffs, b3ar, krystman, Layana, ayyyliens, FREDPI, vesper, a_legible_nerd, Ghost Meat, emilyspine, Wausser, simili, dusk_, SlickHenry, Pommes, lostgeek, mrteatime66, mcg, Bast10n, Corbec, leachrode, metamatik, Odol, Pao chan, PeterPan, Grakhirt, AxWill, R4V3R, Council, Jakuza, Cahuita, nicohasa, Cucin, lukevanryn, Jose-san, fgcsem4n, qvm, 3N1GM4, DL7RRK, Harald Nautsch (hnautsch), Dante42, Flekk, Quercia, wiserunner, RotomAppliance, CopperBoi, twisty_b, RJorb, boreira, Labbes, ataraxis, swabl, E.J.Olmos, Cambro, Matuszczak, @Bookkeeper, Watzlav, Shiiuga, postis, paulyg, Ola Bjornfot, Kralle, saiteidrak, MotionBlur, SeeHearType, realitycheque, t.p, Lukenukem, Cpt_nice, Late, Bridgeman, M0H4WK, Sokka234, cableCarnage, Swiftie, anarchomushroom, Ar00nDELL, Inactivist, CaptainMark, Frizzler, ardu, Berzelius, wowarlok, Radiant, FreqKing, theoneakaneo, BECKETT28, koga, Thike, formerteen, Whiteblade111, Qris, ChaosIsMe, ZiNOS, Ollie, Duncan 101, hyplion, Kikai, Pokerface, 114141, emmel, g4rr3t, MelkorsFolly, chouxflower, Dunsch, ArminFirecracker, ValkyriezGaming, Pinsel, Shorty, Kobayashi, Sanjay, gilesdavis, Havvy, bowlsley, Ghost00, Dragonrider, _deadstock, nbkelly, ReinaMorada, KNT_HLZ, AngelVerve, Christian Naesseth, Vale, rongydoge, Kubik161, techgin, ExtraC, Aaryn Byrne, echo, enkoder, Shiro1981, lazychef13, JayPumpkin, tvaduva, Colanderil, aureates, bcsj, Redino987, Cliquil, Alecthar, Grtll, FreeformJazz, Chaostheorie7, gegenzeit, icecoldjazz, pj20, Xtreme, MattOhNo, syd7, jan tuno, AugustusCaesar, Nicky3.0, Countzer0, yehonathan_, Fanakito, Baltar, Dzerards, Testrunning, benvelopment, Virulentz, ALFlex, willybn1, Zombie, ThatsNoMun, branimated, BinkBonkle, aksu, Cobalt, plural, Tyranda, Paillu, DeeR, AlPi, Girometics, izzy, Ben "Slapdash" Hamill, Santa, Sauc3, Chromatically, Jai, pacx, maninthemoon, Tratt, Rhahi, Gathzen, davz131, analyzechris, zombiak, zensiert, pfriedag, rubenpieters, galehar, cursor, CobraBubbles, not_yeti, Fridan, Vectorz, Goeshi, zoehope (The Tag Mill), xiaat, J0N4LD, eli_b, Porkobolo, TheRobin, Zaphod75, mr_pelle, Bartimaeus, Atien, Nopius, snoobz, MrVellis, Zo3 (TR1S), ddark, KyraWNY, IonFox, profwacko, HaverOfFun, mallory (l0velace), nervousnightjar, awildturtok, Larrea, SeaRose (The Tag Mill), bking

For tournament organizers:

PLATINUM organizer
This user has created at least 50 approved tournaments.
BRONZE organizer
This user has created at least 2 approved tournaments.
belonging to 315 users: show lostgrail, b3ar, sjohn, brainstorm, JuneCuervo, Ben "dodgepong" Torell, Dee.Twenty, Mark.Knights, scd, percomis, Hammers, funeral0polis, internet_potato, Duxmar, CrimsonWraith, Elhannan, Dazm0, vampire0, stoppableforce, hany, Tessier-Ashpool, lopert, suniahk, seeds34, BackToTheBeat, Mechanoise, Venali, milhouse46, chinominja, LuteMiope, Axolotl_questions, hsiale, Cod, Highwire, Trebor, Oliver Matthews, skewie, brainscandan, Tommy Rosén (NetZar), misu007, Jander, PeterPan, yads, Absotively, efay, BathTub, blindidiotgod, ulrik03, Whiteblade111, ykato, mjukis, sirris, jrda25, MFTimber, Zo3 (TR1S), DarthIA, rtracer13, Ganix, FreqKing, marsellus, LHSimon, Tolaasin, risingconcern, Obscura, sid1294, crabshack101, Lukkychukky, kollapse, Gejben, lutomes, MrBuggles, thebigunit3000, blacklionchest, mazeberlin, Mike G, KingFaraday, HarperX5, CJFM, dezideria, andr31, forkbanger, deathjester26, zafuri, miek, Labbes, Tanner Griffin, TugtetguT, Mr_O, The BriarFox, daco, Jakob Helms, Antisthenes, deadlyreg, Mildiou, zengoshugoju, Lubo_Boda, westonodom, boards&swords, twisty_b, Ghost Meat, aunthemod, smusher, tomdidiot, simili, Mirilu, Tantauralus, R4V3R, Ollie, Ar00nDELL, Janktivist, Rhyme, bigfleet, DoomRat, Celacanto, Cambro, dom, ozzi, CodeMarvelous, Saja_PL, DocBacon, LSTM, ChrisFerg, Matthias, igorbone, robotmascot, holographoenix, Seamus, rattkin, Gizmaluke, realitycheque, Grosseteste, Mortivor, b4ralai, zwarbo, jojondro, Dragoonkin, Diomedes, Hack_Galifianakis, KnightlyG, BlooMuse, dusk_, shazzner, Chaostheorie7, Rodge, GcFlash, MagicHead, ACGalaga, JuarezLM, Youngj.t, Corbec, Apopcalyptic, negaDan, moks, PowerCycle, Caedus, DL7RRK, Pommes, solemnstorm, disperse, NL24VEN, Dalhill, CryptoGraham, Aowashi, Bridgeman, ZomB, Gries, CaptainMark, Bazin, Mal_Ex, Havvy, pandemoniumevents, leachrode, M0H4WK, szutek, Saan, Terence, Ghost00, Elusive, valerian32, yodataco, Oognoko, Pao chan, Baltar, Kobayashi, Shiiuga, g4nk3r, koga, Diegaccio, CooK_eD, ExtraC, Maëlig, Dunsch, AngelVerve, RoRo, binarydogs, Solomir, MissPanic, pouchsurfer, [PAGS]official, RickRageLa, knack, Davidmc7, Gaxeco, Pawndawan, Net_Jogger, svysockih, Magnificos, Francesco "Cetti", SpaceCowboy, Loki37, yluras, ToThBeBe, ArminFirecracker, ReinaMorada, Cobalt, Streke, is44ru, willybn1, TriforceLegend, Grtll, Ixoran, Gorphax, rubenpieters, Zeebag, Joevovich, amavric, Xtreme, Jinglis93, harmonbee, KNT_HLZ, cado, dormio, SciCat, bazyn, oor_mate_vlad, Torch, Kror, Toluvel, Vaos, CephalopodWizard, ramus, steffmonkey, Cannister, Testrunning, mr_pelle, SlanderNLies, culoman, cyd, Redino987, Wausser, SMITTYL, Medic_gbg, NotAgain, riverluna, dfwhee, Bilby, dreadmaaw, MihauStunet, Cinoklu, eBentl, Mirror-Maker, TorpedoTyrus, Vacilotto, Scarius, awildturtok, wowarlok, Stwyde, sruman, Patriot Games, Sauc3, rapanui, Sokka234, Wentagon, mondegreensleeves, TheRealLap, Drager, NetrunnerCH, Dudeydude, ouroboros, Chiparwen, millenomi, Naim, Jai, Veste, rohit, Zaphod75, queenziora, saplacat, revengeanceful, ChiptheRipper, Lukenukem,, galehar, bdorf, cros, james123lui, Colanderil, zhansonic, gruntownie, Drayven, aksu, iamtom77, UndeniablyNic, sp473n, RoseKolodny, HaverOfFun, bagels (Dan), WaterlilyJoy, mays.leyline, AlPi, mosquito, ksodiya, ischariot47, Shadow The 6th, Minstrel
Snek Majesty
This user concluded at least 3 tournaments with results.
belonging to 161 users: show Siegl, apo, rattkin, kollapse, CodeMarvelous, vesper, v01d, johno, Necro, Harald Nautsch (hnautsch), sadstug, Mikael Holmberg (CeeTee2001), Thike, rotage, Dragonrider, forkbanger, Sixtyten, dome_, Sanjay, Roberto "azkiel" Linteau, Cliquil, emilyspine, Kikai, GcFlash, BlueHg, Seamus, Sindarin, FREDPI, 5N00P1, Cluster Fox, Ojciec, Oognoko, Zerothmaxima, Gizmaluke, RFTQ, FightingWalloon, paulyg, ataraxis, lostgeek, ocrooh, JuarezLM, 3N1GM4, HiddenAway, Zombie, Grosseteste, branimated, Atomikrin, swan, SubTric, NtscapeNavigator, System Outage, Chaostheorie7, RCG, Berzelius, Null Signal Games, Swiftie, Saja_PL, Menghini, SpaceHonk, negaDan, twisty_b, kevintame, dezideria, disperse, Mal_Ex, internet, Quarkbutter, jamesmarcus, themeanlady, pspacekitten, Ensu, Longi, lukevanryn, plural, Jakuza, Diomedes, AxWill, Aowashi, Gries, b4ralai, GLC-Official, Arter, realitycheque, Odol, Vale, DoomRat, postis, MagicHead, Agasha, Krasty, CaptainMark, Grakhirt, Jose-san, jase2224, Orbital Tangent, 114141, leachrode, Baltar, Matuszczak, mcg, Colanderil, Bridgeman, Pao chan, 3Jane, @Bookkeeper, ExtraC, Dagguh, Mal_Ex, zombiak, MissPanic, Radiant, hany, Maëlig, Diegaccio, internet_potato, Ghost00, Cpt_nice, Kobayashi, nbkelly, DocBacon, Virulentz, Gaxeco, formerteen, Davidmc7, Rainbow_Monkey, Tzane, tzeentchling, RickRageLa, ToThBeBe, anarchomushroom, Pawndawan, Inactivist, Ar00nDELL, Net_Jogger, SpaceCowboy, Booshy, Saracenar, Tradon, SpaceIce, ifeelfine, Amarum, Atien, Xtreme, Joevovich, Loki37, Girometics, Jinglis93, ArminFirecracker, Terence, maninthemoon, KNT_HLZ, harmonbee, RoRo, not_yeti, .Feathermark, Ixoran, profwacko, Mirror-Maker, LLBlumire, Grtll, eBentl
Community Champion
This user has created Store, Regional and National championships which are concluded and approved.
Community Builder
This user created tournaments where at least 10 other users claimed.
belonging to 174 users: show Grievy, Highwire, sythic, BackToTheBeat, Gejben, Sixtyten, Elusive, Murphy, RFTQ, aleph_c, jakodrako, t.p, phette23, hsiale, percomis, Kelfecil, Antisthenes, Guv_Bubbs, str4atman, mjukis, PeterPan, wkz, JDC_Wolfpack, dezideria, Tolaasin, Dissinger, kevintame, PDXNetrunner, blindidiotgod, Dragonrider, smusher, zwarbo, uclapunk69, Guest, Lubo_Boda, Mikael Holmberg (CeeTee2001), personwholives, Jander, niconio, boards&swords, Uritaniun, tomdidiot, MrBrown, Inermis, marsellus, spags, Cliquil, Siegl, HakanCarlstrom, Atomikrin, Seamus, 3N1GM4, b4ralai, BlooMuse, FREDPI, HiddenAway, twisty_b, Zombie, System Outage, Labbes, BlueHg, SubTric, Ojciec, Cpt_nice, RCG, CaptainMark, metamatik, Roberto "azkiel" Linteau, Longi, themeanlady, Colanderil, Ensu, tvaduva, Rodge, leachrode, Havvy, internet_potato, SpaceIce, Arter, DoomRat, Odol, v01d, rattkin, Krasty, Jose-san, Kobayashi, 114141, shruthless, @Bookkeeper, ExtraC, binarydogs, mystermerry, Shiiuga, Thike, Maëlig, Menghini, Kysra, jamesmarcus, Tzane, ozzi, Rainbow_Monkey, plural, TheRealLap, Jamer, Bilby, Zerothmaxima, Mal_Ex, postis, RickRageLa, Ar00nDELL, pouchsurfer, Tradon, Bridgeman, Dunsch, Solomir, Scarius, hany, harmonbee, MattOhNo, Xtreme, Virulentz, Lukenukem, ToThBeBe, Grtll, Janktivist, rubenpieters, Magnificos, 3Jane, KNT_HLZ, SciCat, Terence, Cannister, TriforceLegend, tzeentchling, FireRL, Testrunning, zombiak, techgin, Matuszczak, blurbie, GreatA1exander, SMITTYL, Odonuvo, cado, Zeebag, Saracenar, lukifer, mr_pelle, willybn1, bazyn, RoRo, Wentagon, TorpedoTyrus, Toluvel, cranked, Naim, Patriot Games, Loki37, NetrunnerCH, Redemptor, Ebrey, Tak, eBentl, Hanabilam, LLBlumire, ifeelfine, krysdreavus, Stwyde, rohit, Council, Amarum, profwacko, HaverOfFun, Mirror-Maker

For supporters:
visit Support me for more info

Alt Connoisseur
This user has donated some pretty cards. Mhmm... cards.
Drinking Donor
This user has donated some fine beverage and took the time to socialise over it with the site creator. Cheers!
belonging to 1 user: Krasty
Baby Love
Very special supporter, secret tier. Love conquers all :)
belonging to 2 users: percomis, pspacekitten
Credit Dealer
This user has donated credits. You can buy almost anything with credits.
Bioroid Patreon
This user is a Bioroid-level Patreon supporter. You keep the dataflow flowing.
Sysop Patreon
This user is a Sysop-level Patreon supporter. You make the servers purr.
belonging to 7 users: RFTQ, yads, swan, JackMade, plural, metamatik, Ensu
Executive Patreon
This user is an Executive-level Patreon supporter. We invest your credits only in top-notch, off-shore enterprises.
belonging to 0 user

Other badges:

First Birthday
This user has been here for least a year. Thank you for running with us!
belonging to 3477 users: show Guv_Bubbs, Necro, Highwire, percomis, Necro2, 5N00P1, Ben "dodgepong" Torell, leburgan, Manticore, Murphy, phette23, DonutTaganes, Timmy, SpaceHonk, Alsciende, sonatinas, zwarbo, igrekk, d1en, echo, westonodom, Inermis, Zeromus, Captain_Frisk, Twitch_City, beyoken, novatero, DoomRat, divadus, aandries, Spoonfunk, risingconcern, Cerberus, yeoda, Gurkensalat, vampire0, Aesynil, Ino209, Nemamiah, JoelVonHelvete, (A)Joke, PGTIII, Dragonrider, Fruggles, b3ar, cyberewok, CritHitd20, DarkMite2, lpoulter, CodGod, Gejben, carse, profwacko, formerteen, rojazu, poysama, HorstGrobian, TwadaCZ, si, shanodin, Karia, Vikk, docents, miek, Parduckoponya, hlinks, MasterPrudent, TheDrnjevich, JuneCuervo, Swatchblade, aquir, klendathu, Dazzling, Humblejuggernaut, fgcsem4n, Daxora, seeds34, Harald Nautsch (hnautsch), rotage, Ollie, Aaryn Byrne, mythras, Siegl, johno, lostgrail, Ar00nDELL, Sumason, Brendan, Grievy, bluebird503, brainstorm, shadowhawk, a_legible_nerd, Tempus, Hailey, YsengrinSC, d23, Dylan Green, raegar, Kesterer, Boomzilla, sythic, maxey, asertus, Smashman, Okkdoko, sjohn, Epimer, Shockeh, CallMeDutch, ichigokuto, Hammers, Martin Paul, knails, jdeng, glaivemaster, raphaeln, tradet, Shmeguy, blindidiotgod, HolyMackerel, emilyspine, ZomB, Killian, bulma7, postis, cursor, ouroboros, Dracon_ian, Oliver Matthews, Saintis, Dodd81, Hoclor, just_rob, mearsy008, Kelfecil, McBOeric, lumbendil, deaglesuk, ocelotwildly, Tolaasin, nivrem, Charlesworth, CookieCat, David Billskog, binarydogs, leachrode, GTM, willybn1, RedRunnerUK, Rahrhino, Marmalade87, Moto Taleric, Evilpyro24, Devencire, .Feathermark, GarfieldMew, Zo3 (TR1S), Oatbergine, slowreflex, fozza, paulyg, Marventrian, ODT686, PuMeGo, Krachn, Noah Waterfield Price, Pricey1919, sirris, CrimsonWraith, vesper, Rorschach, GrandLarceny, MrMint, jase2224, BathTub, Saan, D3thvir, LHSimon, suniahk, InkEyes, inniscor, Noroo :D, Mark.Knights, Cluster Fox, PDXNetrunner, Mailman, Kleedrac, Dee.Twenty, theonegunslinger, Kikai, lopert, J-Flex, scd, ScrappySPJ, Vandal2002, Jamer, CJFM, midievil, E.J.Olmos, Panda with issues..., Topaxci, MoonlitAllie, laneford, RoRo, imrahil, Hockmanm08, nixxus, Fentonizer, Linger, Dalhill, Brogue Leader, Tommy Rosén (NetZar), Ghost Meat, Countzer0, Manadog, Axolotl_questions, ixwt, RavenLB, strynn, AmusedWraith, manicmoleman, FrankSher, pseudocalm, twisty_b, King Solomon, Fridan, internet_potato, deadlyreg, Ataraxia, Ber, RedOnionKnight, v01d, 3Jane, Chimpster, Goldenfoon, stoppableforce, NyanPudge, ike, Duxmar, Howdidthiswheel, hany, emlun, CodeMarvelous, Ensades, chinominja, jinsaku, Magnus Benzein (Ilza), sid1294, kisqqcs, clercqie, tvaduva, p3los, Therad, hutch9514, Bryan Blumklotz, WindSoul88, solendor, nungunz, hasuprotoss, Brototurret, ksylves, Elhannan, tomdidiot, loodo, onibaku06, lukesim3, Cod, Mollo, Thike, cranked, smusher, podoboyz99, ulrik03, Katsushika, JackMade, Venali, lemonwood, str4atman, PeterPan, Dazm0, shwub, Ryanbantwins, zero_cool, vor_lord, BackToTheBeat, Driesel, thebigunit3000, Inactivist, brainscandan, greyfield, PowerBunz, harvolev, magikot, Holly "ArcCollie" Chandler, jflans, Sixtyten, Jakob Helms, Poweronoff, dogstew, Quarg, chantc, geekywhale, fancywookiee, Asbest, teacake27, Sanjay, BenkiBejs, Mr.Jank, WorldSerpent, sperry023, WhackedMaki, RonZacapa, Seriousigg, AndytheLovell, Cliquil, Bifurcator, bongobongo, Rhyme, guy.brush, aleph_c, CoolJoeRulez, midashand, AtropheX, Cacoethesvictor, Tantauralus, Alex D., Ketail, Janktivist, Arter, marsellus, GameOfDroids, matthopkins, DarthIA, karnivor989, Theo Clifford, taneru, funeral0polis, mdickoff, Hermit, Eon_II, HannibalHusker, Conome, Slowriffs, Knight Of The Blackwater, browncoatwho, Perry524, Tomasaki, Padders, Darthwickett, Prestige, ChrisFerg, smeghead, forsythe, SavvySteve, Lhucas, greatwolf, Hels, paperback, bigfleet, Antisthenes, ManBunBatty, molster, w90043, Sabureitor, ZQQLANDER, mcg, adamdynris, ajbeliveau, dusk_, ragnfridr, RFTQ, GwiLo, Captainjock, Zarbba, thesubatomic, Kenessey, zeroshift, co_de, lego-my-stego, Djaris, Complexjoke, bestbrents, ToThBeBe, themeanlady, pjmelvin, jirkamarsik, ZiNOS, kata124, Good Job Phil, Tessier-Ashpool, Nem0, jpsaxby, Angedelo, dome_, Swiftie, D4KEN, originalme, KingFaraday,, wesselal, Arkosic, Tradon, Jakuza, Klopstock, JDC_Wolfpack, Sedatedfork, checkthebox, Marcus Pettersson (McBEAST), Mikael Holmberg (CeeTee2001), Krasty, RavnR, Watzlav, t.p, BeNNyBiLL, uclapunk69, kollapse, MotionBlur, Mike G, Ajar, nicohasa, Jander, Mtgred, raj, LeonardQuirm, Nicolas Caron, deathjester26, Johnny Polite, Uwawa, Circadia, JarkkoRaven, xanshin, Mistines, Hideaki,, Labbes, Rexxar, KNT_HLZ, timfast, Vapo, Halarith, nobo, Facecheck, Elstyr, bkirz, Lemonbrick, milhouse46, TecnoSmurf, Warpstoned, Putzlappen, SpellSlinger, hbarsquared, hat_hair, hsiale, skewie, Antler, CaptainMark, RJorb, mendax, Rykr, yann, Roberto "azkiel" Linteau, Laxen, Dan Rosenthal, mattastrophic, Wet Toastie, qvm, connorhalo, GeneralCake, EntropyOrc, eadipus, mrgoldendeal, Shunsen, ExtraC, dawspawn, carlmagnush, SweetC, xdfubar, needlepony, go239, haywire, Malkavian, bigchuvi, Dagguh, Subchunker, Dima, Robotoast, svenrald fergit / hot & sexy nipplesalad, Xocusai, Saracenar, mazeberlin, MrHudson, Excesum, Magikarp, NoxArt, thornyp, Sudilos, Ojciec, Christophe, NoahTheDuke, Longi, Baz199, Cambro, Otrebor2099, Nembras, CriticalJoe, adquen, Critical Brian, hlynurd, Terje, Phluxus, matze, Zankoku, psedeant, vinegarymink, BlankFate, Qris, MafiaPenguin, Nemonix, Christian Wennberg, Mélanome, bruno, FreqKing, castigar, icecoldjazz, robotmascot, turtle, Ra1dy, flowerscandrink, Mechanoise, PureFlight, sleye, Axul, NichtTim, Elusive, SmokeElmo, Gnarlokk, Speedboat, P4ndaH3ro, ClownShark, Syrix, mildesorte10, MrBuggles, SlickHenry, Maybe Run, kevintame, Hashat, AkAnderson, Tanner Griffin, yarrow, Daniel Martel, yaba, cartesius, ajon, manveruppd, Gdrip1980, blacklionchest, Vicarin, PoodleMoth, Ebrey, raraavis, nodtrio, LuteMiope, Rivershields99, Mercyful, YeiYei, grahn, xanarax, StrafeMcgee, Ben Emerson, Stefan Rochon, zendealer, AuGold, Whiteblade111, efay, Dragoonkin, Wiggleswirth, Trebor, Grimmaggro, ddark1980, protolich, Zamando, partialcharge, Loic Ouellette, Phoenix, Dropbear, rumirumirumirumi, Joe Barnsley, AdamFitzgerald, Frogblast, bakunin75, MrBrown, sadstug, DieMaus, Amakaze, poorhaus, TheyCallMeTheLemon , M1ke, munchli21, emmel, martinimon, jrda25, SonOfATurtle, Vocke, joni911, SpaceIce, Goeshi, Gregolution, eisbread, shipmentofheadcrabs, wkz, Lukesimm, TyrellCorp, saiteidrak, junior_varsity, andr31, moks, Flekk, Matuszczak, szutek, stCarolas, misu007, PineppleBush, bartofdenver, gholin, evilgaz, JonathanJones, yluras, rivernate, Evermore, darien, isc, ctz, InsanityRises, konradh, fredrikc, logath, pooka, NerdimusPrime, Yziel, Heinzel, Thjordal, roeiboot4, aeternii, PoffertjeOfAwe, Scotty Dave, xdreadx, Ninjamon, heppu, RJayz, V1ll14n, simili, Severedhead, Absotively, diziet, q**, Comfy, FREDPI, omnijeff, knack, Ishikawa, crabshack101, BarryAllen, skry, Silv, VihreeJaLiukas, snark, realitycheque, GamingGuy, BoardRunner, brianist, BloodJoker, miff, butzopower, quicksilversly, ParasitePromo, ozzi, aspic, danthemanespinoza, Igor Stangrit (Hidjikimi), TheTim, Sap, CitizenOne, Nyeth, erasurehead, City_lights_receding, burzmali, peacho, Vandenheim, gpking, steffmonkey, mLodon, MFTimber, grendelX, Daniel Hallbäck (Hallenbach), instinctive, chubtoad, Pedantic, kusoash, Maerik, servas, Kathan, Praetor, lukevanryn, Rezalbyks, zimbobway, theKuehm, tzeentchling, LazerDoofus, sigma83, zille, arcv2, Baa1, Atombomb, MrGlue, Stonar, aron13, MarauderPixie, Shade Delano, Ran Cao, Arthurbarnhouse, crimson49er, ilyanep, babyworm, KBK, Crowball, Odiie, Marz1, N3M3515, RvdH83, cidneon, Peculot, djkokakola, yads, Cpt_nice, enkoder, holloway, EdO, kagami, KyoLee88, kinyu, artanienses, Pureekonijn, King Tiddles, Atomikrin, ff0X, donmakaron, MikeJS, lloydinspace, Platinumvii, ykato, Gingerkin, PurinaBisonChow, PanchoC, Bandura, kulkija, Cuacuani, woland, BizTheDad, Francisco Pinto, Bryn Rogers, Neophos, rtracer13, FightingWalloon, DrTalos, Rasby85, osclate, Dante42, Jiří Krůček, lostgeek, Jose-san, jakodrako, Clamatius, wamadeus, Chris, Fox Ex Machina, lysander534, romanoSoprano, Reutan, Roppa, Anachron, Tmts, Korrigan, Rodge, ramus, Ashteroide, bzykuu, Chicken Slayer, NecroB, Layana, Kopiok, ta2d2, Matthias, Dissinger, lutomes, netdeckdane, Conphas, lightburied, aaabaaa, Ziziros, rsh, Aenari0n, wiserunner, youngjastrow, M0H4WK, Artacker44, schum495, PeterH139, Kokane, Neurotique, Troubleshooter, chazpf, pspacekitten, Feldin, piszczel, locker, rabin, Phyllion, goldarck, Mirilu, mjukis, Asche85, Kerredai, godfeather, apfelbaumig, charlie_xavier, DUsagi, agentbilly, HakanCarlstrom, Lorac, Ryan T., Shiro1981, theoneakaneo, Masakari, mi_c, Pea666, x3r0h0ur, FragSpider, vslice, fejj06, carniceromolon, Gawain, nforget, Anzekay, Sir Apple, Drayven, SnarkAttack, YankeeFlatline, Nidhogg, Quistie, WildSam, Kennon, strube, Lukkychukky, lazychef13, ChaosBen, CoggPogg, SpaceCowboy, mbzrl, Haberdash, SeeHearType, EthosNZ, eljenso, prozz, HiggsBozo, Fabregus, Icedman, Arameas, binarymelon, Fjord, pmavers, Laury Plant, acrowe, PaxCecilia, quicken, CrushU, RotomAppliance, Gaff, BobAloVskI, jdbartee, bastyra, argh a snake!, Admiral Hotcakes, goodknite, Henader, ruby, eckyt, PanzerD, Mr_Console, Grakhirt, FaceTheFact, acid, edpaget, Daniel, Hyperbolic_Mess, grimsleeper, kalensh, whassa, TKO, Southpaw288, Red April, Sokka234, xloserfishx, fingerzz, NetDad, Kitsune552, Quadrasonic, Bernardasaur, Odol, seskomoe, neuropantser, TripleTex, LukeAriel, DPalmar, owniscool1993, Varone, HyenaMars, Firebert, LongHairedHippy, SuperMario, Dazzler, lovebuzz, webwalker, Gargulec, gasman14, Llaera, Superganja23, TspRant, zafuri, shimayi0330, mpayne80, LukPi, XanderofXanadu, KonRun, plv, iref, swan, pj20, supercatfish, ataraxis, TugtetguT, Jalenhorm, spags, slyphs, aunthemod, Bridgeman, Bl4nk3t, Trismagistos, GooberMan, swabl, cactusman, el-zilcho, skydivingninja, Bobdole, Zetan, itsbigfoot, Ulkrond, apo, personwholives, ReiNijs, ashtaroth, DrThyme, marameleo, jiggy81, YodaSensei, chaosjuggler, ajjr82, mediohxcore, dessmond, jaredrules, benvelopment, kjncl, FoilFlaws, gnouff, photon, whiterabbit, MaikH, Aingeru, Ganix, is44ru, lizmills, ShadowGhost, MrAGi, Lubo_Boda, Vorpalgens, themessnger, webster, laminatedsmore, xolino, saifrc, firesa, BlackFlag, InterDan, RPT, campino, merkator, Jankson Howard, CedSW, xCruelAngelx, zunbid, flyingseal, peloquin, dr31ns5mf, warhamsterboo, kotalis, fea1, Seamus, Netrunnerunner, mokona, Eloden, SimonMoon, Sylvan008, Dr_Feelgood, Smirnoffico, atuk84, internet, TheBigBoy, Corbec, Ebrajin, Pyre, Kralle, jon2814, BitNetSec, arahknxs, janosikm, pygreg, Barbrarian, Redino987, metamatik, HoneyBadger, extatix, Red Oni, Dkarpoj, RiverLethe, plural, miiya, jojondro, Zenthanian, DamasterZ, nismorack, Chabunet, chailight, PowerCycle, DSHamster, EricVet, Bast10n, blade_runner, KefKef, Pao chan, Soulcow, mtd, sockai, CyborgHobbit, deleriad, nate3526, alshorte, Gasotamu, HiddenAway, Obscura, Nikolas, Zelmor, cendrillon, lown333, inbetweennaps, ulrichurlaub, mearejericho, McCahl, Euky27, fragmentados, Apoc, Negan, Keyren, DuckyBB, yumiyoro, CopperBoi, celebesario, ein.feste.burg, Spoonman, thealfredeffect, Golgar, rustyautoparts, desvergeh, Council, mr_wednesday, k.radd, Odintree, takai, TheBeardedDwarf, HarperX5, 3N1GM4, SubTric, Porkobolo, NtscapeNavigator, ayyyliens, dom, Hrakleaz, Ray Flint, Tyrox, BinkBonkle, AV8R, ejohns25, magaruis, Doc Fooby, apricotsoup, Metaphorazine, LeePo, jimmymcsnakes, tboy55, Joed, forkbanger, lukifer, RivenAhriman, CrashT, DocBacon, conorfaolan, Shatenjager, wigglestick, nychuus, sruman, Shiiuga, dezideria, josephlaizure, Fendavious, gabrielsmoothcrim, PTD, unthsh, zengoshugoju, Powar, danurai, Hathorre, Humanity's Hammer, thunderfist, Baz king, Frizzler, Drager, Moedin, track1ng, Mark of rank, dagonlb, Zerothmaxima, Brightsides, irgendsonOpfA, Bamado, anglebracket, David, Barrymontana, .wil, Sanjai, Amuk, tengfred, Grizzlefluff, ocrooh, EssexMat, linalaberlina, Aethusium, Newt, Raidu, silentmarbles, beaushinkle, Dsmtx, hammerdal, Aerodyne, nin, X◒F, RB, inclusionist147, FckingFine, BlackCherries, htromans, Neitherworld Gamer, zegrid, Maxxpgaming, quidthulhu, GgTxBk201, withif, DynoJim, Pirsig, Torqued, JoshTR, pord, gallilama, ohbergine, NoxMortem, beyondWarp, mrteatime66, HaZe, Aaron Schnabel, Daine, Xihin, Sindarin, saetzero, coma, Efe, Hangover_Glory, presheaf, Duma, indeflab4, cyd, hobbes, ekayohlee, krystman, Zenax, jteohyq, nchoong1, stumpy_man, Koala, afishisborn, mathandlove, akashiaa, Chromatically, rwknoll, nemo271, mouseofknives, chouxflower, SnowB0und, Orxian, snowman, justinthomasm, Nurgleprobe, mentalsmanager, Hadrian, Marc | Runaway (Coo Dad), pikachewbacca, RepoRogue, GcFlash, Cerr, GoreSack, MoxWall, Mr_O, atashi, exe_cutable, ninjaSolver, Icekobra, surgy77, JoshPfeil, RomanLegion, Alberto Ramires, bjorn9486, willsta, Icecreamcollege, dubsgordon, severininfurs, theymademedothat, Elyctrik, lordbrain, sparko, kevo31415, z3r0cul, ojama, khoopek, Rabenzwist, Silencer, NecroEmpty, Kaethela, Sazed, Espatier, RUNInsorte, DTonius, loomer, Mildiou, eristotle, dbAdmin, trnd7, Zombie, pr0t0c, tonomus, sanluyene, BlueShellGhost, Narb, Vortilion, groenkaaf, aDumbBrick, SoulAssassin11X, jesterfraud, BECKETT28, Peanut_UK, mrpumpkin, Zombowsky, joewind, LimeyGC, Raydians, Ozasuke, negaDan, Leviticustard, obsidian, CorriamoInsieme, Marvinmega, Bilby, Gswchick, Nelson, karajishi, Propjoe, Jinzo, JonesCo, sjberlyant, Codeacious, trimmer, unitek, AdrockZ, Blaze, Christian Naesseth, R4V3R, AlexY, kzbulti, zombiedeathk, GranZeph, Fireblade, yucaBEAN, creditzathotmail, col_ray, Cinoklu, Pandaoul, Chaostheorie7, Davo, TheWarDoctor, Agasha, Saja_PL, Smieszny, Terence, Navigator, EnderA, Francesco "Cetti", AngelVerve, RCG, elidelajandro, Melyr, Andrew Wright, paddosan, olompumpa, Kamalisk, Romas, Relish84, Somberbrero, RedV, eli_b, deaddrop, Ven, niconio, Segin, The BriarFox, Guido 'Maicol' Campanini, MaximumSushi, Nicky3.0, CyberShark, Lem, jackwatling, blackcaps, metagros5, TheBjorn, flimflam, dr00, dormio, hotelfoxtrot, Lorkan, PsyZed, lostie, Darkkan, daelomind, PaulLlama, luakabop, Tarmus256, count_slackula, Fraels, sheriley, Duncan 101, SirMoria, Lancezh, DrApathy, namad, ScrTivo, Poiroll, relamer, Yukker, Endovert, Antox717, djanatyn, daco, swetLord, radishcat, Hawkeyethelast, synergistic, PenguinToast, Doji Meisho, Jintekiforlife, System Outage, joress, zasz, Wausser, Aki, markdylan, snifflesalready, mljy, Woland, newtype, ShatteredTrace, boards&swords, Alkar Semmel, Kaisarfaust, Chewi, Yutopia, dukedice, ADMIN, Axxy, Mofficus, ElderMason, belkalra, SeIverin, sabre0001, allofthemarbles, Ditaki, MrEhjiwurth, Pandageddon, Radiea, #nixklapps, Ginger Ian, argaille, Imperialcreed, Owen, fourjgk180, Cannister, Pal'Ana, JustDave, Hillsy, Lysozyme, ClenchMortified, Ephin_Antz, EmilyErdbeere, Baltar, mionisation, qubitsu, Bokonon, SevenChips, Mindmonkey, Ch1y0, Mercundus, Huw, TheGameShoppe, Aculate147, lukkul, M7K3, koga, Berzelius, floracestarfire, Menghini, BlueHg, Persopheus, Lyon, JuarezLM, branimated, LSTM, Bazin, NinjaMike, bcsj, DarthLuke, KnightlyG, raikhan, bullit2, gegenzeit, Cahuita, xagabi, Boboosh, muras, rattkin, Nevofix, Lorgar, hemraa, g4nk3r, Raven, solemnstorm, AxWill, sengir80, paradoX221, Uruz, Maëlig, morgon82, mxnsctt, Zanadar, Donnin, PsymonTheWizard, hidamiyiagi, duk, Paranoid31, Bigbankhank79, Crazimir, Gilbod, nobodyhasthis, Greek Geek, Popeye09, dr_dreff, Lovelystuff, CasMat, seiya, coyotemoon722, jrp, onedayyou, BarbaMalvagia, teapot37, yodatmelia, frankbsad, Diegaccio, slk, sanjayshelat, tsgstarwars, lunchmoney, harmonbee, incredibul, casktapper, harinezumi, Silberwolf, Darta, 4lki, Triamex, zbauermeister, orrius, BraveLilToaster, tdbarashi, nixubeibe, PrestonS, Executter, Squashmo, AldricH, procf, skillz7, Ndrew2k, DrMarodi, stephenball, dudu0123, gggiulio, ObiRobKenobi, Teyeru, Fitzban, Pete2, m3lonoscopy, Hollenden, jimmius, Banknote, piotrsmu, wastaz, benp01, tooplark, S.Iron, alchemist, SirArchibold, Uritaniun, pkim, Pommes, binnet, DoubleK, Krank, qshoe1989, mosquito, Hoernchen, frojope, azimovhaas8, Juhl42daniel, Sems37, Bombadil42, LepcisMagna, Shevei, Jarekk82, agstarr, Thanat0sNihil, mowgli1022, edobram, johanosaurusrex, Veronica, Guest, TJackhammer, NeutralZoneTrap, IAMWALRUS, scumhooligan, kmdinsmore, laserninja00, sng, fnurglewitz, Brandt, Angen, temm, ChaosIsMe, KatyanaLeon, ClosDeLaRoche, CastoroBoy, RakuenValis, jackwoocw, fletcharama, Crafty, ThatNeilJ, BlackRabbit, cableCarnage, KitCatSplat, _DiZ, kepp, Zereth, holographoenix, bahdom, JollyLongFellow, Nirjen, Random Word, JimmyGinteki, Johnny B. Running, boreira, Cucin, Lukenukem, Frost, BlooMuse, Ensu, g4rr3t, Shorty, HouseofCards, Michael, pearsauce, Brongymon, zombiak, Pendraeg, Vanadium, JB, Celacanto, jabberwik, Synisill, Sapph0, kurypak, davethewave, Peter, Yageer, social_squirrel, rubbe, voo, eniteris, FabRunner, Mezzamine, jwfortune, Smiling Philip, Void, @Bookkeeper, halbert82, RaduChinan, guardian, Manta, ladyarcher, simombo, warpig, Mad Tinkerer, ideonexus, DL7RRK, MoGuri, schattenrunner, Traume, Renegat, keyesboy, markfed, danj3000, MickMick, webv, Kryption, Gandalf, NicolaMolon, BayushiOliveira, valerian32, igorbone, tucker87, joaofcv, ReinaMorada, valiantrye, TeleDoctor, Gizmaluke, oggy, em-crabtree, Orbital Tangent, Kenan Sahrmal, Quercia, s.fritzi, Ola Bjornfot, Diomedes, Grtll, CryptoGraham, syd7, sarna, Atien, Odonuvo, Radiant, Zanetti83, profDEADPOOL, jamesmarcus, mao, analyzechris, totsilence, Algebraic, Kysra, Zeebag, Grosseteste, rusefus, Havvy, Pokerface, Breaker0neNine, Steelfur, Caedus, hams, MagicHead, Oognoko, Null Signal Games, Kobayashi, DarthPeppe, pharruke, Krembler, Caribou, ACGalaga, JBL, InsetoVermelho, shazzner, Passelune, adamus, Klark, Brighteyes, RisingChurch, MattOhNo, Asurya, Donnola, DrFeelgood, LazyRoman, basilisk, Jeffreysaurus, Lastro, Veste, Ravenlord04, DeathByLiche, Malvolio, BTrain, phlip45, yojimbosteel, Bartmoss, Ralphus1701, victorygames, BSquaredA2, b4ralai, psoto, safepassage, Nery, wowarlok, Narduwel, Fictional, TacoManiac, omgitsblake, Madarnann, Elmiranda, Hack_Galifianakis, dasher, verlef, ccelson, Foxtrott, Tetramischa, MELLONE75, ratzuka, Bast, teodorhfb, CaptinDan, Ektheleon, sonictail, Sorrow, Larel, porfyalum, gophers79, danosuke, Miguel Hernandez, L3once, yehaaa6, freshmint22, Youngj.t, PezzA, metitloup, Lain, IanArbitraria, DLopez, xclement, sekoku, M4n0, Dicepool, Gabrielden, Magnetar, Therebrae, 0noel, RKruler14, Tzadek, gh0st_b1rd, JacktheScott, Gorger, mrmjb, detonate, David, iMiscalculated, ChrisCross, Silverburg, Mortivor, G1RAF4, jasen.r, voidreturn, CattleHacker, craigmurtagh, Mcdigby, aldebaran2112, PolpoGerry, hornedrat, aruzan, Meloku, rustryder, Hipcat, SEASource, BakuBaku, Inkarnate, Big Mike, CryOfFrustration, RetroAntz, umpatobranco, Bazza, HoodedArcher, errantmage, Swannigan, OnTheNightrain, rongydoge, Bucket of Baby Sloths, bsngnr, riotprl, sblunchbox210, sortaevil, L14150N, hestkalas, Kubik161, moonpost, Trilian, Taserhawk, DragonDrop, KBK2, bishopsan, Virulent, mikemountain, Zaphod, dianaaruizg, tame, ardu, Aurori, nhbar, McAvity, gabef, hrbngr, Arcaneravager, andrewjjolly, Mephostophilus, boddah, jspoto, Zerethgames, Kamo, asphalt17, waltsontanaka, Jadde4rom, Peter, Jimmyrsworld19, Sorkon, iDeal, Saethus, NL24VEN, Glitterpocalypse, Aterriblesound, BraveRising, krokodylzoczami, decesaris78, Kolyadd, Mclockid, bad_sneakers, brmscheiner, Games2HaveFun, mölo, Curryhans, zgc, Warder5, Blacksheep, LLoKKo, hamburguesa, Airin, Z-Trick, wwnick, Faey, HiroDProtagonist, catalyst, Blinko, hellrick, Superchaton, Elfaron, matthias77, chubooga, Apopcalyptic, patmat, Macgurn, urmom, neuris, Solomir, JayPumpkin, Colanderil, bing005, Möbius Striptease, Booshy, Ravushimo, BraveReality, CowboyTintin, bo_, raouldukelives, lebkuchenmann, Zanis, ransomman, ogrillion, sturmfury, Pinsel, antilyon, lilelia, Claytron, Patrick "Scorpi" Sklar, izzyiqbal, RealDemo, HRose, moraesm, Testrunning, GingercredMan, otoconia, aR_Genocide, nyymious, Hanohtep, Jmac, Theyla, chanudel, p.gogarty, Cpt.Fantabulous, rednella, N0R5E, disperse, aureates, amendocrem, mystermerry, iceprisma, Dan (grombatmole), Hieronymus, Juanaco, Sidehatch, Aric, 419, I Am Jessica, Cone11, dnddmdb, mbotobonga, Drusan, tanderson, FatCrab, aolda, Epoxidd, Ersatzjello, Taekwandean, Thicoregis, anarchomushroom, Gries, VarnishingJam, pandemoniumevents, oubliette, PulseFlare Gaming, Fumbl3, GorakHyren, yehonathan_, Zelos, Hmiyamoto, namaniku, Scrooge, Deads8, voidlily, arieli61, 114141, Dunsch, HungarianMeta, Bradical, bowlsley, ArminFirecracker, Quarkbutter, nbkelly, Liiga, Number Three, hyplion, p@stm@n, movableobject, Hanami, aspiringloser, ilksvorbern, blueeplayer, cheapskates, rapanui, Xtreme, Spraybizzle, chaosof99, Koschei, Diogene, swdevlin, Tristan582, Baa Ram Wu, FtFF, CooK_eD, Erika Jansson, Vale, Ghost00, Sesion128, Skippan, ThisIsAzrael, Virulentz, MojoFlow, Trewaters, dashakan, TaviTavi, footlong, Meejh, Whiizard, PEsh, Valsimot, Late, dwjmeijer, Hipsu, linh1987, thaunthedark, damled, Spawacz, qippoz, rediknight, Vaos, TheComforter1212, bioroid86, RTsa, merrja, bionicsheep, burzum51, Windave, cobweb, Qualistarian, Pinkwarrior, FireRL, Simmynut, icanhurdleu, Haas_Steriod, markusjarlstig, fixpoint, Basoon, michaeln, DarkFallenAngel, Goldstep, Oldschoolfanboy, Chris_Yang, Sinfrax, yokelbloke, lanord, anovaguy, BigPopp, Jonny, hctrpscl, Mal_Ex, cjchristopher, Teemo, GammaGoblinz, redben, Haecrom, dpyoung, XeroHour, wjpatterson, e_svedang, Deynix, Tacitus, Grim, chordgang, kevnburg, springogeek, Rikimaru80, tantale, j4, amavric, ShinMuteki, jdyi87, JustRuben, Fireloque, Rossi01, kushido, leibniz, Elsman, ????, rnash, GreyestWolf, SimplyTheOnion, wookiez, Pedjt, KyotoBliss, dar00ma, linky00, malone1384, NorwebManu, Oldem, winknugget, Bobafred, hermes, J-B, bftschaos, Deepspawn, TheFallofUsher, suzume, adran06, Peppersmoke, Myldside, Matt500, Sev, flagellumVagueness, sunlance, Boot, Mezuzi, madhatter152, Grungemeister_J, MergeBandit, Dimi, johnhawkhaines, Skandrino, stezio, GlyphedArchitect, rlb52, CephalopodWizard, Luna, gilesdavis, ptc, SMITTYL, ValkyriezGaming, MelkorsFolly, furrygoober, Aurbits, Neuromaxim, aerievs, Flapj4cks, Pyrefly, Drobs, heritage-committee, oumuamua, NWE, neuromantic, OrcishBard, Ozymanandyas, helgso, Aowashi, Joe, marcdeblochouse, RockZ, Ali0r, Quacktapus, Sonalator, jakt, parszab, Hello, mda8787, john9325, 0cool, Sir Janksalot, ptlegoman, Malcastor, MontySeelana, ShinChan, mr_pelle, clickcklickrun, firefox27, frankiedb, D58693, 3cc0, sas, SoyBob, postman, distort, aspen, muunch, SlipStream, SirLoathing, bingvsmorgan, LastPlaceGrace, Stefka, JuniperTheory, Denarien, WireH34d, emilykaldwin, Opaldes, Fromus, pawnstorm, longpig, dynamix, LauchArtefakt13, DreamerOfDreams, Gwendolf, Hatty, susanmin, CXPOH, lilli, Merlok, Egress, Lower, heychad, iRathindux, Mandoline, bosky, Ormannishe, m4trix87, Lux, PurpleTeletubby, Luxiom, Yoru, siemlac, raybies, Rick, Anastasia-Maria Ivanova, SOCR, voidangel, Black Hat Madman, hunterpan, Decklag, Synchro, CleverOsprey, Lev, MaxGrief, justrick, Dubcek, rabbi, barlemad, agendo, Coryza, ffuugoo, blogster, Mella, DarkSphere, GentleSentinel, Alysaar, Acoustika, Zarmord, Cantor54, steelslime, jmcarthur, Zilcho, PreNic, Titanium_Taz, HerziQuerzi, Fierce Brosnan, Konchog, Tristan Dresbach, p_A_p, AbstractArtist3881, LukeWong, rubenpieters, Gentleman Robot, idem, coquer, Thrawnmich, OpticalDillusion, Chillsection, Neraeloc, JHM89714, Haanden, Nuts!, bob_the_bobarian, ThePatrician, VanceWilliams, Kabaluk, rek2, bloom, 7h3_N3v3r3nd, blakwngbrd, elfy, Hawkwind, Xenomore, Laerthes, maxmick, Dave976, Davide22, Aenrot, Lucky, Psk, Lukas Ani, Red-pill, scatotonic, sirophiuchus, jrnet2020, theonesurething, Steezman, thesiles, flaaron, hurryupharibo, geleeroyale, nydor, pundragon, GLC-Official, rngnsb, galvaneisse, Z-Man222, scsi, Casual, _deadstock, bitflipper, Ben "Slapdash" Hamill, mnemic, jeepay, HokieGeek, Weasel, Anatrok, Preachieved, Minotower, Reiyu, Beyo, mage12, tf34, CagedWisdom, Nacho, ende23r, Squabbit, Trilkin, TacMage, goobershadow, Priestess of Athe, thepooterlooter, infinitejester00, draconix, Coval, bukwus, ZeroCool, Nxxdles, Pox22, newobj, bbbbbbbbba, whatever, serafi, Limes, FastEddieFelson, space hobo, MajorGoor, Psilocyborg, problematic, Zuc, hiddevb, ryu, Lost47, Dinmaker, flangust, shibbyorbitdude, Carnap, IAteYourBread, DeeR, Genetics94, roundcrisis, N1MP0, droctagon, qwitwa, techgin, Larrea, DanaCWSF, shruthless, Griffonstone, guirto, d4spien, jollyskulls, orderredro, Jamil, ADjinNTonic, Neuvost, Nopetapus, grimgravyboat, Crono, holo99, crossbrainedfool, raulendymion, Rookie Jr, hedonismbot, Linither, deznil, Xandorius, MystRChaos, yucendulang, yodataco, CuddleBunny, Sherpaman, SSJSpeedRacer, Lorthirk, BobTomatoes, Franco_Raziel, Chulmi, sebastiank, revolverroach, Triade, qDiva, Continuetherun, m.p, Davidmc7, borsch4, CyberClick, Shoukanshi, omninull, KalypsoSavior, Psychonoud, nimzowitsch, Demonpiggies, CyberDack, Jtfq99999, d3dmouth__, DrDon, GusOrriols, Traenor, Toscha, onurcanbektas, Argelia, Raptor_Mayhem, Hustler One, Ice876, Aliceinacidland, justevil, wolfrat49, CyberMonkey, Cory Twelve Tech, Ripples25, Deus Mortis, HaltarDhrim, Schmendrix, Nero Cuore, Elerium, lancetekk, krysdreavus, GoingGrayt, Ghoulbeans, kungfurichie, Sauc3, Angelnet5000, f1l0u, jan tuno, MutedElephant, Senecalp, Frisbee, grumpykitten16, qm3071, tonybluehose, FixB, RedBurningDragon, TheSovietLoveHammer, easterncalculus, Piwko, jonkey bong, Potat, Zaphod75, DisgruntledElf, SuperStranger, Shaedal, Ruben, Mal_Ex, locks, GermApple, signal9, Jai, ALFlex, fescofet, kronoss, maninthemoon, SenSoul, httpriestess, Wentagon, Strngove, Maww, OF15-15, axmccx, Bibliomaniac314, kibosh, Hapless Hero, seebasss7, Dippy, mondegreensleeves, Girometics, Kryptik, TheBigH, gl1tch, ThatsNoMun, FreeformJazz, BROLAK, Dobe, Lysambrias, Hammond, tso, essexmcintosh, compscijedi, Deadhead, kaffis, stevebobs, belazor, RickRageLa, SeedySea, baychang, DSLCactus, NeroPrime, david707, stash, warder808, MikeCobra, r2devo, cruxmondrian, argalad, Hartigan, TiltingAtCthulhu, levktet, calamar, vreely, zrolimit, Affinity_M, Xiaman, sidzej2, soulraiden, bdorf, gozik, cdrock, anexa, CobraBubbles, troxor, albarist, phokal, BoardGame79, Picardy3rd , Dr4cul4, hechigenio, torien7, notminebydesign, SneakyBookshelf, MC729, Bitrix, Chromatikat, lodger, joerocks1981, PenguinBonaparte, Midseasonpsycho, IonFox, wynalazca, freakboynz, colinphanna, Sycak, Hydrax, chad, Benny, heygod54, danweb, wolfodeiwolfy, edensc, Wanolen, Doug Keester, MacReady, BloodyCactus, Divlji, Mashedup9999, thetagamma2, Mathilda, snorb93, Kronar, Gaxeco, Nullrush, LOCasey, karlakas, kelsin, ExhaustedDog, Krakoukass, Tova, VladThe_Inhaler, saccenti, Slouchy, Preatoria, tarko, Cuco, KidJackson, mrchungo, Muellette, Ezaric, autto91, zprofound, Havacore, Django84, juhaniit, skangel, rojojo, JedTheLed, earroyo, SpartanCinC, MandirnOrange, grinik, safety_third, EvilCalamari, Elvedien, eaton, Gorpie, Frank, FatBuddha, JKleeb12, Jack Danbury, concreek, emarcotte, Kakpraatjies, Nasenbaer, dYnkYn, webtalon, Apex Predator, superheronation, PiedPiper, Mikael1987, Marco999, tollbooth, DvaBearqLoza, Kenseventy, SkullyGorey, Harmer, dkellner, Trinity_, djkubala, render787, PushyMushy, Mxyzptlk, gavagai, christopherjlin, atc123, somomos, a_suri, Samyoureye!, cpfrommer, KalypsoKane, mightypupil, butthole_expert, Semicolon42, Krimevil, jfoley, Marcin, mimo, The8Rules, waitingforqdoba, AzierM, zoey, Ayior, Enclaced, berkover, elton, multani, jjshorts, TheChumster, Danatronic, M4CRON, Retrofuturist, lxkillswitchxl, BadEpsilon, Franweiser, Insaneoid, Carlespal, Latigo_G, zooropa013, echephron, TheParthenon, cadence, gjkf, flippityflop, Jeenus 1.0, _Samwise_, lealea, dlivitz, Spacewolf29, phurridog, pandawan91, mudwaters, DoomSlug, Moveoutdaway, Archetype, Tentakuru, 019910, G0d_0f_W0lves, onthelam79, Krusa27, ThatDudeGuy, Remora, cmsd2, jkdgeek, neeps, WilmdCarmd, stack_trace, Icosa Hedron, sontanon, elocmada, MasterOfOrbs, Levant2494, TChatter, pete_darby, Noroo, Fogschmog, tomorns, Stef___, DonValor, K3vTron, Psuds, Dare, Orion95, ash / Skittle, TheJoYo, Sci_Karate, lbrande, CAPS, BeepBoopBop, gadget, blackbird68, Soaps, Algernone25, Gorphax, ReadEvalRun, GarionB, zensomancer, Spaulding, xenotrauma, figura, Scottgd539, P1sc0, napalm900, pwoloszun, majoro, Astrobaek, HerrTiSo, Oladni, Veodine, dadradish, Chateau-Tetard, Valunetta, dessert cactus, KornerCurt, bassmanbigc, pablorama, Tea231, PhiloEpisteme, Hiisoka, kchan00, PiCat314, calmien, inva510n, dgwalls, Benex, MrMajest1cBeard, Aarniosh, SweetTornaydo, ql2000, aBrick, baldanders, decabaras, PhDDiLuca, beyanora, Ochan, jcdietrich, bullet430, PDues, sigg0, bin101, VizirDaud, EduCampox, lowwwe, Da'Inihlus, duesj, Sasa, 0xC0ncord, Degeneral_BFM, BobTheMantis, CryptoTheDoge, Xak, Bitterfaith, coda, TenaciousGold, foolserrand, Niespodzianek, coollela, Ishkabibble87, Palestitch, prex121, szucsjoni, xmage, JacquesZhang, taiyetos, Deepblue, Foodforachange, Zhawk, LazyJ, AndrewCarson, jez, Elmios, Voidwarper, red_nick, Papipo, Tukars, tzo, TinnedScotsman, Alecthar, Illmode, Aeneras, Y0BA, Lolmi, Fiveheadedragon, overfloatfactor, noromin, Darelik, Pervengue, jplebre, Galchri, chricraw, Breizh, GallowsGod999, wiriamu, groundhog, beatsmd, Trillian, Sasha, bignose, pouchsurfer, famewolf, arlekj, Marbles, Icezox, Ams, Oddball, coldlava, AceEmpress, G0rF, jonatho, functor, AnalogSignal, aayzaa, rural_octopus047, ifeelfine, PvtYarrick, TonyHawp, osintelligence, LachlanF98, Tablo, thrazznos, izzy, beatrix, Astefan, lanzaa, AlPi, Phros, tberton, Ayah, Shadowdragon, arranf, not_yeti, Net_Jogger, Clupea, angry_egret, binhamin, Hideyoshi, drvagodeoz, ChiptheRipper, crowphie, Tondo, tooley, Sarmatian, Zigsquiddly, ComicAcademy, Govrek, hypno_beam, radaar, pete, madjar, tambreet, AKirkland, NamePending, Kror, Dudeydude, Izendale, Utati, TurnLeft25, Thoth, Kevolus, N00dleSoup, Velo_trampler, cmur2, monra, awildturtok, riverluna, Yaguziman, Psygamer, cocoro, whaffles, Jinglis93, ORCH1D, Tzane, Weltgeist, Nykride, AwildKenKen, phirip, Buppu2099, Moriarty, bazyn, sornars, Ligaze, Merino, ilogico, Sunny D20, Slyphic, tapu, McCaber, v0|d, 4ccess7o4rasaka, subochre, Joevovich, Ozvaldo, Loade, thearete, ossa, TheMadjai, giesch, famebyproxy, jsimantov, okletsgo, fastjack, DavidMac, MarkoF, Zhikan, Velo, sandboxbreakout, Lordpitcher, joscar1, GMan, jacobhc, itsjreal, MrStyx, micahgideon, JohnnyMilton, siahofmars, Eldil, psi_lifeup, nvcs, -Thorin-, junkmail, deepomega, cloud08540, Fake_Kenny, sinlach, Scrub!, x4Rs0L, gboblyn, marcpr93, KweenOfGreen, skanedog, Dr Bees, Arthur, Zylus, Bestialterata, wentwj, mediocre, DevronHubbard, Altoecko, tstack, imanerd23, Johnny, Yugie, zung, Chip, psicloneZA, karlingi, G1mm1ck, Hastur212, NJMechWerks, Azaleen, Hosonagai, BrieHubble, mparker546, asphyxia, prakti, sheshone, CarteRocket, swiffy, battlefruit, criminallyplayed, Syx, Thepizzadoctor, HQBurger, iamatree, jphealy, NTan33, MCR81, Shu_Gamble, Luminoth, MercenaryPhase, Lorkan_Lohrebrecher, YanikR, General_St0re, gbwilkes, syth, StaticSky, VirtualBread, Zsparky, WB, djr357, auron1223, asqwasqw, dsuppo, DraperyFalls, Fundacion-Jinteki, LordMick, wtfijustwon, Than3s, rlane1089, CuddlyZombie, Neo Noir, CoSic, silnin, wedge1126, xdg, vonclites, ctulb, JJ_Kun, Maj.Apollo, TOspare, sebki, RoadhouseOgilvy, Volitar, Micoman111, Yukikaze77, SpiralPilot, flaashheart, sapphire, sidicarus, azors_angel, Sosia, FatherDagon, dapper_dino_, Joseki2020, thoi412, sergico, jambula, Claim, mmahrous, SteiniNagli, kotro, Jupas, DeFlow, Leadeye, Gerlander, michaelis200, xristof, koldun, Kenhie, shadowmerctm, nduhroo, necrodancer, apheleon, helmi, zmbiegblinshark, Ätsch, RecklessKat, MagneticNorth, tomhb, Shivorath, skedley, montelban, staticgears, MindControlMouse, michelle, saff, Aerac, Jimothy94, Dana, ccxkrish1921, c0rpus87, Zlatan, Nairen, magocalvo, MarcinBLE, Monsieur-Fahrenheit, holzpubbnsubbe, laneford1, Celtican, Hiiro, Valek, thebryanstage, oldleaf, Huan Li, Nekomancer, Minstrel, Kharlos, undacvr, Hachor, ShaperLord777, Strainy, Niewiar, badrabb1t, Burning_Chrome, Foleym2, kd637, TheDeej, icke, menisaloser, Umgank, Falstaff, thewookiee, erleaus, r@bbit, Telos, GODot974, faeranne, RampantDurandal, superjank23, Noneuclidery, twothickcoats, 420skeleton69, thesach, Dasyus, e0, jklawlings, ttagen, CryptoBotanist, Loprw, Breachie, Sky851, skippen, abbadoh, Mangled, Paillu, Nihuepana, ramtha, magik930, CrouchEndTiger, Nopius, SpicyC, dfwhee, Mupz, reginald, RunXerox, Razormaid, msrader, Ignithas, chrysanth, EnemyLemon, digital.caveman, Rainbow_Monkey, Styxeries, SitaDulip, whitneeb, Mollo927, RannerLz, Tin, revan, Cebaron, Dexcuracy, Ravenshaw, Grffiin, secondskin, DrumDuder8, xccam, S1LLYSQU1R3LZ, mazany, optimality, Pawndawan, TweeDice, axelfoley85, Mariner, tofu, thebumpkinboy, Mattchu, Lovac, shanemmathews, Alrighty, Spin, pbcarrara, Helix, giefanarr, Jbird753, alvinyang99, EZ8-D, Ruben_168, buboh, poggirls, Kevinism, CF040786, DggMuffin, MissPanic, Galdrim, Neoncairo, TinyFriend, Hydrogen, Cathardigan, Owlbat, zensiert, empyreanHeaven, Hxcsasquatch, selenaPhobia, CRYPTIC_C4SSIE, 1c3m4n, Frankenkrist, NimmerNeko, debreeched, Sidstall, Amoeba, Exaltar, Jtate187, MythicLlama, Leckermadchen, 2Great2Gatsby, SironaHirudo, poopoohgoboom, erika, Leon, Zylarth, Olaf V., [PAGS]official, Der Shredder, Mind Flayer, garandguy, GKTragnon, kayat, goeyp, dogface,, fakusb, TopDeckMillionaire, cedricstu, PowerTrader, Gaurav, Shois, chih, Tubulario, adamnfish, CthulhuSnuggles, segismundo, nerdmeetsyou, ycarium, Maser, Vigil, aksu, cheeko, JohnOfUs, Ebesan, Toluvel, PiroARat, Kawau, pnkwtr, davz131, FAC3L355, xiaat, wavy, Amarum, Darqk, Cobalt, Fanakito, pacx, TheRealLap, mallory (l0velace), Baelfier, Trusman, galehar, Darksider, slobberMcGee, NerdFrog, Lewis.P, discitizen, cros, Xist, Tanzzen, Loki37, 4649matt, Ixoran, HaverOfFun, Wile, Manu3212, dYzx_, AnOddRadish, mangofeet, m31345, Salwen, Dzerards, BumbleJ, Laszlo_Jamf, TheRobin, ComradeCoheed, Wavioli, qkieu, The Calamity, Arael, Skippy, vazmanian_devil, dreadmaaw, Bartimaeus, LordMandos, Redemptor, Wrecko, AmLash, ivorking, GreatA1exander, rgdelato, LastWalter, Quelanna, Aernil, Kad Baz, JeffSidedDie, Magnificos, Cloud, Vacilotto, rajatz, cado, bmleep, Grents, NotAgain, London, toxicAvulsionist, sohum, Wikignometry, Gulbrandr, Abi_can, theRemix, funkeyman232, revan3421, M.G.K., pearl 2.0, wyld, rookie2222, mag, cablooshe, Spongetrim, gloompunk, Lautigant, james123lui, J0N4LD, Silent Arbiter, staniach21, Baxder, Beowulf, zi99y, dezigerator, Mothluin, kevinth, Tyranda, thrantar, KyraWNY, Frydraca, Scarius, SndWurks, AugustusCaesar, iamtom77, shadowcrow85, bemidiot, xou, somefish, Arky, Santa, revengeanceful, Noogus, saurian, Crystal, Otrakun, Reverse, sarasettledown, snedd, nightwaffle, borgia, Capeudinho, oor_mate_vlad, irie, linduxed, yeknom02, Vectorz, Neither, rohit, Cornelius, Brindelmold, SIc, Toron, millenomi, BoxShapedHeart, Tak, StackVandal, crystalcabinet, hexagonsun, Ark1t3kt, PowerlessCube, icoN_, Aubirb, eBentl, bluestar, aashbo, Gathzen, scantrell24, Torgoborgo, Aku, WaterlilyJoy, TorpedoTyrus, Raptori, Mr., Rhahi, trucy, zoehope (The Tag Mill), Manuel, mankinchi, Tratt, Suipe, WeaselMyNeasel, Raksha, 5ax0n, benticurus, NewPuldrix, Nut_Milk, gameface, perfischer, Torquemada, KakuRainbow, RayS, juice, podunk, ZomZraft, Net-Bear, Big_Bear, steveYeah, Elzheiz, Boswelox, ddark, felhix, EqualzDee, ksodiya, Chem_Collapse, SadisticLego, Grant, GoggleChild, mays.leyline, Xyptero, pfriedag, Gyro88, MrVellis, painhunter, lif3line, Peltyey, Kim, SeaRose (The Tag Mill), moleor74, goods, blurbie, Ronja, Hattes, xyceres, abstracted, kernel, sbrshk, Yidaho, jimmycorrigan, Panetierre, StevenSlater, Ashtarius, Krimo, Piat, bretth, giventofly, Karo123, phleebagg, gold.e.fisch, snoobz, Rhylon, Stwyde, ClanDaith, Nitneuq, ginkgo, Gabran, Wirecutter, bking, josh.1, trianglesoup, Your Niichan's Girlfriend, brokenchariot, Phelpysan, Medic_gbg, DungeonMxter, DaveSea, Sobek, carpa1981, Wenjong, Gnoll, LLBlumire, THX1337, evie, miracle-Mira, Mirror-Maker, Hanabilam, Rose.coloured.boy, Livey_
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Worlds Participant
This user has participated in a worlds championship.
"2019" belonging to 93 users: show Jose-san, fgcsem4n, valerian32, Longi, percomis, Odol, Andrew Wright, JackMade, Cpt_nice, 3N1GM4, Good Job Phil, DL7RRK, Countzer0, Harald Nautsch (hnautsch), MrBuggles, nicohasa, Qris, Krasty, b3ar, Quercia, NtscapeNavigator, yluras, wiserunner, AngelVerve, TugtetguT, Nevofix, Cluster Fox, GingercredMan, Zombie, Circadia, anarchomushroom, ayyyliens, CopperBoi, Cahuita, theoneakaneo, Ishikawa, twisty_b, Passelune, Pokerface, RJorb, boreira, iref, Labbes, Siegl, ataraxis, swabl, Goeshi, mildesorte10, Aaryn Byrne, Klopstock, Hammers, sengir80, koga, Frost, Duncan 101, Grakhirt, lostgeek, Tolaasin, Cliquil, wowarlok, manveruppd, craigmurtagh, AxWill, Council, Berzelius, E.J.Olmos, Tradon, rotage, Uruz, 5N00P1, analyzechris, chouxflower, Cambro, PuMeGo, M0H4WK, shadowhawk, TwadaCZ, Grim, Shiiuga, Kralle, Ajar, leachrode, Kikai, MotionBlur, mcg, SeeHearType, Saintis, simili, ardu, Wausser, lukevanryn, saiteidrak, Late
Worlds Staff
This user worked tirelessly to make the worlds tournament happen. Thank you!
Europe and Africa Champion
This user has won the Europe and Africa Continental Championship.
"2022" belonging to 1 user: TugtetguT
"2021" belonging to 1 user: Django84
"2020" belonging to 1 user: ChrisFerg
"2019" belonging to 1 user: Aaryn Byrne
"2018" belonging to 1 user: RotomAppliance
"2017" belonging to 1 user: MikeJS
Europe and Africa Top Cut
This user has made it into the top cut in the Europe and Africa Continental Championship.
Europe and Africa Participant
This user has participated in the Europe and Africa Continental Championship.
American Champion
This user has won the American Continental Championship.
"2022" belonging to 1 user: Cahuita
"2021" belonging to 1 user: thebigunit3000
"2020" belonging to 1 user: syd7
"2018" belonging to 1 user: itsbigfoot
"2017" belonging to 1 user: itsbigfoot
American Top Cut
This user has made it into the top cut in the American Continental Championship.
"2022" belonging to 5 users: Jose-san, mao, lukifer, Janktivist, aunthemod
"2021" belonging to 3 users: cableCarnage, Janktivist, YsengrinSC
"2018" belonging to 1 user: Aesynil
"2017" belonging to 6 users: Aesynil, WhackedMaki, jdeng, spags, aunthemod, webster
American Participant
This user has participated in the American Continental Championship.
Asia-Pacific Champion
This user has won the Asia-Pacific Continental Championship.
"2022" belonging to 1 user: Sokka234
"2021" belonging to 1 user: Sokka234
"2020" belonging to 1 user: Whiteblade111
Asia-Pacific Top Cut
This user has made it into the top cut in the Asia-Pacific Continental Championship.
"2022" belonging to 7 users: Jai, profwacko, Odol, iceprisma, bing005, maninthemoon, arlekj
"2021" belonging to 7 users: rotage, Whiteblade111, MotionBlur, iceprisma, gilesdavis, rongydoge, nbkelly
"2020" belonging to 5 users: Labbes, Inactivist, qvm, Longi, Bridgeman
Asia-Pacific Participant
This user has participated in the Asia-Pacific Continental Championship.
Nationals Champion
This user has won a national championship.
Nationals Top Cut
This user has been in the top cut of a national championship.
"2016" belonging to 5 users: divadus, miek, Humblejuggernaut, McBOeric, Matuszczak
Regionals Top Cut
This user has been in the top cut of a regional championship.
"2019" belonging to 79 users: show stoppableforce, Watzlav, hutch9514, JackMade, Cluster Fox, manicmoleman, NinjaMike, branimated, sengir80, theoneakaneo, Uruz, ChaosIsMe, boreira, Breaker0neNine, dome_, lukevanryn, t.p, swabl, lysander534, Klopstock, groenkaaf, eli_b, spags, Absotively, Qris, b3ar, binarydogs, yluras, postis, Gejben, AxWill, solemnstorm, Cambro, ClosDeLaRoche, HiddenAway, paulyg, mcg, saiteidrak, Orbital Tangent, wiserunner, Ar00nDELL, MotionBlur, simili, Frost, Bridgeman, mildesorte10, Nem0, Krasty, phette23, NtscapeNavigator, Murphy, percomis, omnijeff, Kikai, Jmac, Zombie, tvaduva, Ensu, Patrick "Scorpi" Sklar, Radiant, Longi, Trismagistos, safepassage, thebigunit3000, Terence, chouxflower, Rodge, Anzekay, Dan (grombatmole), x3r0h0ur, Corbec, DL7RRK, novatero, YsengrinSC, themeanlady, cableCarnage, Inactivist, Terje, Mr_Console
"2018" belonging to 91 users: show Timmy, Dante42, Rodge, Highwire, ElderMason, quicken, Jiří Krůček, jase2224, Diegaccio, lukifer, greyfield, Francesco "Cetti", Kikai, leachrode, Ollie, omnijeff, Owen, seskomoe, neuropantser, strube, swan, BECKETT28, HoneyBadger, yads, Bazin, Cpt_nice, tsgstarwars, Gejben, Christian Naesseth, Cambro, radishcat, Elusive, Necro, Flekk, lpoulter, MrBuggles, SpaceHonk, Epimer, aleph_c, ayyyliens, Odol, Haberdash, edobram, lostgeek, Terence, Longi, Jander, BarbaMalvagia, Pandageddon, Cluster Fox, Antisthenes, sengir80, pj20, groenkaaf, JackMade, NinjaMike, Thike, Klopstock, Tolaasin, Roppa, Aaryn Byrne, Davo, KNT_HLZ, Nem0, mcg, SeeHearType, Saintis, MotionBlur, lukesim3, EthosNZ, rsh, isc, emilyspine, Bridgeman, Quarg, rotage, binarydogs, Ben Emerson, paulyg, Labbes, Good Job Phil, Manadog, RotomAppliance, tengfred, lordbrain, supercatfish, iref, mildesorte10, Frost, Watzlav, RepoRogue
"2017" belonging to 90 users: show Marcus Pettersson (McBEAST), ctz, RedOnionKnight, MFTimber, 5N00P1, Siegl, MrHudson, igrekk, lpoulter, leachrode, cursor, Longi, a_legible_nerd, Ziziros, osclate, Heinzel, youngjastrow, Chicken Slayer, FreqKing, netdeckdane, kevintame, Dante42, Inactivist, johno, Kopiok, junior_varsity, saiteidrak, TwadaCZ, guy.brush, kisqqcs, kata124, rotage, Cpt_nice, shadowhawk, Okkdoko, Watzlav, vslice, phette23, M0H4WK, Whiteblade111, Sir Apple, Anzekay, ff0X, Klopstock, vesper, dome_, Bandura, kusoash, xanarax, xdfubar, Zo3 (TR1S), SpaceCowboy, Duxmar, Vicarin, RJorb, Sanjay, NetDad, themeanlady, ouroboros, BobAloVskI, Reutan, thesubatomic, Inermis, sadstug, Gargulec, Ollie, Angedelo, Kikai, Tolaasin, profwacko, CallMeDutch, lukesim3, yann, Labbes, Eon_II, BeNNyBiLL, teacake27, Chimpster, Sixtyten, Phoenix, Roberto "azkiel" Linteau, b3ar, CopperBoi, jon2814, neuropantser, JDC_Wolfpack, mildesorte10, Bridgeman, DarthIA, tomdidiot
"2016" belonging to 1 user: divadus
Store Champion
This user has won a store championship.
belonging to 220 users: show divadus, raphaeln, rotage, just_rob, Shmeguy, midievil, Epimer, Hockmanm08, Thike, smusher, hasuprotoss, rojazu, lopert, Murphy, Chimpster, greyfield, lpoulter, Katsushika, Mr.Jank, Dazm0, w90043, CrimsonWraith, Nemamiah, maxey, Gejben, ZQQLANDER, GwiLo, vinegarymink, podoboyz99, xdfubar, Dan Rosenthal, d1en, Inactivist, BeNNyBiLL, Ollie, echo, Antler, Duxmar, raj, xanshin, sjohn, imrahil, tvaduva, Vikk, Marcus Pettersson (McBEAST), Jakob Helms, percomis, Ryanbantwins, cursor,, SpellSlinger, Venali, RJorb, Siegl, Labbes, qvm, Vicarin, Hoclor, yarrow, xanarax, knails, Wiggleswirth, Ben Emerson, Roberto "azkiel" Linteau, Tomasaki, kata124, skewie, sirris, JDC_Wolfpack, Matuszczak, Christian Wennberg, Eon_II, igrekk, b3ar, clercqie, yeoda, godfeather, Mirilu, dome_, jrda25, JackMade, Laury Plant, HakanCarlstrom, Ar00nDELL, Kikai, Doc Fooby, RedOnionKnight, phette23, Seamus, strube, Fridan, enkoder, JuneCuervo, CJFM, Krasty, CopperBoi, Pedantic, Lorac, Grizzlefluff, Klopstock, Grievy, Conphas, westonodom, andr31, HoneyBadger, kisqqcs, efay, MoxWall, Highwire, thebigunit3000, jase2224, jaredrules, stoppableforce, bjorn9486, Daine, leachrode, RomanLegion, swan, pikachewbacca, Ataraxia, Orxian, cranked, simili, Saan, yads, aDumbBrick, Rhyme, woland, Dazzler, Silencer, mcg, ulrik03, Cpt_nice, Jander, quicken, TugtetguT, xloserfishx, Qris, PowerBunz, zengoshugoju, SeeHearType, Berzelius, CaptainMark, Tradon, DoomRat, pj20, Bridgeman, RotomAppliance, b4ralai, 5N00P1, porfyalum, el-zilcho, Ola Bjornfot, Noroo :D, yann, Tolaasin, analyzechris, Tzadek, wiserunner, Janktivist, PeterPan, Greek Geek, Agasha, Hipcat, Andrew Wright, Frost, FreqKing, skry, BraveLilToaster, mildesorte10, raikhan, lostgeek, cableCarnage, MrBuggles, Porkobolo, boreira, Ajar, InsetoVermelho, Good Job Phil, Smieszny, firesa, Ensu, paulyg, saiteidrak, MotionBlur, Aaryn Byrne, tzeentchling, Heinzel, sadstug, Radiant, koga, Longi, Diomedes, jan tuno, Cambro, aBrick, Whiteblade111, rongydoge, jdeng, hyplion, KNT_HLZ, Saintis, Slowriffs, Watzlav, amavric, Ben "Slapdash" Hamill, AxWill, Odol, DeeR, CritHitd20, phlip45, E.J.Olmos, SpaceIce, WinterWarlord, dezigerator, Virulentz, Terence, jimmycorrigan, secondskin, m31345
Champion of Sorts
This user has won a 'GNK/seasonal' or 'non-FFG' or 'online tournament' with at least 8 players. We are proud.
belonging to 307 users: show b3ar, Charlesworth, Harald Nautsch (hnautsch), nivrem, Kelfecil, Ollie, hlinks, kisqqcs, Hailey, phette23, 3Jane, Gejben, MrHudson, mearsy008, rotage, Wet Toastie, Katsushika, lpoulter, Dragoonkin, rojazu, TheyCallMeTheLemon , Matuszczak, Kikai, PineppleBush, fredrikc, Elusive, beyoken, Shmeguy, JackMade, Murphy, Heinzel, omnijeff, wkz, Necro, kagami, Zo3 (TR1S), leachrode, Eon_II, Noroo :D, guy.brush, Nemamiah, nodtrio, clercqie, Klopstock, aleph_c, jase2224, kevintame, cranked, Moto Taleric, internet_potato, mbzrl, miek, str4atman, osclate, dome_, Dante42, stCarolas, Pao chan, Ryanbantwins, Oliver Matthews, Epimer, dusk_, mazeberlin, a_legible_nerd, Roppa, internet, Oatbergine, Mike G, PeterPan, swan, Brightsides, qvm, Saintis, SpaceIce, igrekk, RotomAppliance, Shatenjager, Watzlav, johno, Rezalbyks, xloserfishx, LukeAriel, tonomus, strube, uclapunk69, Inermis, ff0X, HiddenAway, sjberlyant, 5N00P1, Cliquil, Cpt_nice, NtscapeNavigator, Tolaasin, steffmonkey, Hoclor, Kaisarfaust, Grizzlefluff, Andrew Wright, Siegl, yads, MotionBlur, Christian Naesseth, CrashT, CodeMarvelous, CrushU, andr31, krystman, pj20, 4lki, Mikael Holmberg (CeeTee2001), Johnny B. Running, Qris, saiteidrak, Frost, Mezzamine, ayyyliens, lostgeek, TugtetguT, Slowriffs, Porkobolo, Dragonrider, groenkaaf, CaptainMark, lopert, Ar00nDELL, Thike, Janktivist, lukesim3, Saan, spags, FREDPI, profDEADPOOL, Longi, percomis, CopperBoi, Bartmoss, hemraa, pord, tvaduva, Diomedes, BlueHg, safepassage, manicmoleman, Trismagistos, Pokerface, sortaevil, danosuke, zengoshugoju, Bucket of Baby Sloths, Council, Ishikawa, TaviTavi, mildesorte10, swabl, nychuus, AngelVerve, is44ru, DoubleK, greyfield, R4V3R, tzeentchling, Late, Breaker0neNine, twisty_b, Gries, Johnny Polite, Okkdoko, adquen, koga, 3N1GM4, RaduChinan, metamatik, em-crabtree, Odol, Sokka234, grimsleeper, cableCarnage, Grtll, rubenpieters, SMITTYL, Algebraic, CritHitd20, mcg, lysander534, ArminFirecracker, rongydoge, Kobayashi, suzume, formerteen, Kysra, Cucin, Terence, DeeR, lukevanryn, infinitejester00, Frizzler, Pinsel, Berzelius, Tempus, Whiteblade111, Krasty, TheBigBoy, RepoRogue, Cambro, Larrea, karlakas, jan tuno, chouxflower, 114141, syd7, apo, Soaps, SimplyTheOnion, Bridgeman, Xak, Bilby, Deus Mortis, DisgruntledElf, overfloatfactor, SirMoria, Kubik161, Patrick "Scorpi" Sklar, Testrunning, YsengrinSC, Drager, enkoder, Paillu, jamesmarcus, CobraBubbles, Astefan, crowphie, Good Job Phil, tsgstarwars, Kenhie, aksu, Vale, Amarum, nbkelly, Crystal, analyzechris, Sindarin, AxWill, DyLown, NetDad, willybn1, sadstug, x3r0h0ur, King Solomon, Carlespal, branimated, Sauc3, Radiant, cros, Frydraca,, Mortivor, FireRL, AugustusCaesar, solemnstorm, Weltgeist, saurian, lukifer, jimmycorrigan, Crunchums, Tradon, HaverOfFun, Redemptor, Cobalt, OF15-15, vesper, N00dleSoup, benvelopment, harmonbee, Naim, The Calamity, Toron, Wrecko, Nykride, FeelsCactusMan, SeaRose (The Tag Mill), bemidiot, Rmayper, davz131, SweetTornaydo, AceEmpress, Zeebag, GreatA1exander, aruzan, xiaat, EV, blurbie, juice, profwacko, Tonesi, grendelX, LLBlumire, FreeRice, Chris_Yang, Hello, TheRyanBurke, Jai, CyberspacePanda, Harp, Diogene, FAC3L355, Gathzen
Road to Worlds
This user has claimed spots for at least one Store, one Regional and one National Championship.
belonging to 193 users: show McBOeric, divadus, Timmy, omnijeff, TwadaCZ, Necro, Tolaasin, Klopstock, MrBuggles, Saintis, rotage, dome_, Hoclor, blindidiotgod, JackMade, Harald Nautsch (hnautsch), percomis, Ryanbantwins, Siegl, PeterPan, RJorb, Marcus Pettersson (McBEAST), Longi, MrHudson, Krasty, Labbes, Jander, Matuszczak, Vicarin, Circadia, Kikai, cursor, Eon_II, Axolotl_questions, leachrode, Ollie, teacake27, emilyspine, Dazm0, DarthIA, shadowhawk, igrekk, jrda25, lostgeek, theoneakaneo, mildesorte10, Jiří Krůček, iref, Inermis, Bridgeman, tzeentchling, Inactivist, paulyg, Kelfecil, Cpt_nice, Venali, swan, Murphy, Terje, HiddenAway, dusk_, TugtetguT, HoneyBadger, Gejben, Flekk, kollapse, Saan, Cluster Fox, pj20, Thike, Aaryn Byrne, KNT_HLZ, Highwire, NtscapeNavigator, lpoulter, BeNNyBiLL, laneford, mcg, MotionBlur, supercatfish, sigma83, str4atman, Mikael Holmberg (CeeTee2001), ayyyliens, J-Flex, RvdH83, Dragonrider, Daniel Hallbäck (Hallenbach), b3ar, Tyrox, ulrik03, Slowriffs, Okkdoko, 5N00P1, elidelajandro, ToThBeBe, DTonius, Sixtyten, Menghini, Cliquil, Wausser, RotomAppliance, fgcsem4n, yann, Shiro1981, 3N1GM4, Dante42, kisqqcs, Grakhirt, AxWill, AngelVerve, clercqie, lazychef13, FREDPI, swabl, Goeshi, Jose-san, wiserunner, pord, Trismagistos, D3thvir, greyfield, originalme, Ajar, Whiteblade111, TyrellCorp, spags, saiteidrak, SubTric, Good Job Phil, Council, echo, Nemamiah, SeeHearType, Angedelo, acrowe, yads, Laury Plant, simili, Countzer0, koga, Francesco "Cetti", Berzelius, sengir80, Ar00nDELL, ardu, Dropbear, Rodge, realitycheque, cableCarnage, Matthias, Tradon, PuMeGo, Watzlav, Passelune, ClosDeLaRoche, DL7RRK, yluras, vesper, M0H4WK, Sokka234, Heinzel, chouxflower, Quercia, lukevanryn, is44ru, Odol, enkoder, Sindarin, manicmoleman, b4ralai, just_rob, binarydogs, twisty_b, johno, CopperBoi, qvm, Drager, Radiant, lukifer, YsengrinSC, solemnstorm, thebigunit3000, Redino987, sadstug, Agasha, Drayven, jimmycorrigan, postis, branimated, Qris, Solomir, hemraa

Faction mastery:

Fist of the Masses
This user has claimed with Anarch decks in 5 tournaments and won at least one with 8 or more players.
belonging to 155 users: show Shmeguy, Zo3 (TR1S), Murphy, Hoclor, Eon_II, beyoken, Necro, Epimer, dome_, MrHudson, phette23, Siegl, Nemamiah, swan, Ollie, Saintis, JDC_Wolfpack, leachrode, Krasty, Gejben, Kikai, jase2224, Inermis, Klopstock, johno, strube, knails, Doc Fooby, podoboyz99, Jander, Ryanbantwins, SeeHearType, NtscapeNavigator, Grizzlefluff, dusk_, Qris, Labbes, lpoulter, percomis, Cliquil, rotage, lukesim3, TugtetguT, Tolaasin, RJorb, kisqqcs, mbzrl, Janktivist, clercqie, tvaduva, Tradon, lostgeek, Saan, Aaryn Byrne, osclate, Bridgeman, DoomRat, thebigunit3000, MrBuggles, FREDPI, Circadia, swabl, Ajar, echo, yads, AngelVerve, Watzlav, greyfield, twisty_b, mildesorte10, Gries, Okkdoko, 3N1GM4, pj20, Longi, Matuszczak, Heinzel, mcg, HiddenAway, Sokka234, tzeentchling, saiteidrak, CowboyTintin, 5N00P1, Ghost Meat, Cpt_nice, analyzechris, ArminFirecracker, profDEADPOOL, enkoder, 114141, syd7, Cambro, Thike, Laury Plant, jan tuno, lukifer, koga, Dante42, Fridan, Council, lopert, ExtraC, Good Job Phil, sadstug, solemnstorm, x3r0h0ur, apo, AxWill, anarchomushroom, Andrew Wright, vinegarymink, branimated, lysander534, yeoda, cableCarnage, aksu, Solomir, is44ru, DeeR, internet_potato, Santa, AugustusCaesar, xiaat, Inactivist, OF15-15, Kobayashi, xccam, Baa Ram Wu, FireRL, iceprisma, emmel, Sauc3, davz131, Girometics, IonFox, GreatA1exander, maninthemoon, Tratt, Jai, HaverOfFun, SeaRose (The Tag Mill), MotionBlur, KyraWNY, jfoley, not_yeti, erika, TheRealLap, Toron, Kenhie, formerteen, KNT_HLZ, Redemptor, galehar, Amarum
Rogue Bioroid
This user has claimed with Adam decks in 3 tournaments and won at least one with 8 or more players.
belonging to 8 users: Conphas, swan, NtscapeNavigator, Thike, DoomRat, b3ar, ToThBeBe, is44ru
Virtual Anomaly
This user has claimed with Apex decks in 3 tournaments and won at least one with 8 or more players.
belonging to 1 user: phette23
Greatest Mom in Cyberspace
This user has claimed with Sunny Lebeau decks in 3 tournaments and won at least one with 8 or more players.
belonging to 5 users: Murphy, Cpt_nice, PeterPan, rotage, Good Job Phil

National community awards

Cream of the Crop
This user won the UK rankings finals in 2017.
"2017" belonging to 1 user: lpoulter
Finest Hour
This user was invited to the UK rankings finals in 2017.
"2017" belonging to 6 users: Highwire, leachrode, johno, Nemamiah, Shmeguy, rotage
"2016" belonging to 8 users: lpoulter, Shmeguy, imrahil, shanodin, ouroboros, Theo Clifford, Eon_II, rotage
Prince of Pálinka
This user won the Third Hungarian National League.
"2017" belonging to 1 user: kisqqcs
This user was invited to the top-cut of the Fourth Hungarian League.
"2018" belonging to 1 user: Necro
"2017" belonging to 2 users: Necro, percomis
König von Deutschland participant
This player only wore something else than a bathrobe during German Nationals.
"2022" belonging to 5 users: Heinzel, Tradon, Bl4nk3t, Bridgeman, percomis
"2022" belonging to 1 user: Council

For heavy NetrunnerDB users:
needs relogin to refresh

Hard-working publisher
This user has at least 20 decks published on NetrunnerDB.
belonging to 447 users: show Alsciende, Timmy, lostgrail, Captain_Frisk, beyoken, bluebird503, Spoonfunk, DonutTaganes, rojazu, phette23, Gejben, johno, Shmeguy, tradet, ichigokuto, Shockeh, HolyMackerel, CrimsonWraith, inniscor, sirris, lopert, imrahil, podoboyz99, Thike, magikot, Bryan Blumklotz, CodeMarvelous, CJFM, Holly "ArcCollie" Chandler, Chimpster, Murphy, greyfield, harvolev, J-Flex, Magnus Benzein (Ilza), tomdidiot, kollapse, Siegl, mendax, LeonardQuirm, Ajar, MrHudson, Watzlav, raj, Circadia,, Ryanbantwins, Mechanoise, JackMade, poorhaus, Matuszczak, aleph_c, PeterPan, ctz, jakodrako, cursor, tzeentchling, vesper, x3r0h0ur, prozz, internet_potato, Fjord, SpaceCowboy, Klopstock, Kelfecil, PaxCecilia, d1en, Laury Plant, Phoenix, whiterabbit, scd, spags, skydivingninja, TugtetguT, firesa, Ulkrond, CrushU, Sanjay, PureFlight, seeds34, apo, marsellus, atuk84, Cliquil, Inermis, photon, benvelopment, omnijeff, Ben "dodgepong" Torell, thebigunit3000, CritHitd20, swan, rotage, emilyspine, dome_, Longi, v01d, JuneCuervo, Ben Emerson, Shiiuga, SubTric, pj20, jase2224, Krasty, Necro, shadowhawk, D4KEN, 5N00P1, Highwire, Tanner Griffin, Duxmar, mazeberlin, mcg, krystman, Conphas, saetzero, WhackedMaki, miek, b3ar, leachrode, EnderA, paddosan, lostgeek, Noroo :D, Aerodyne, Nemamiah, Kikai, HiddenAway, SeIverin, ff0X, Cpt_nice, ElderMason, Ephin_Antz, Henader, PsymonTheWizard, seiya, Absotively, Cluster Fox, paulyg, Greek Geek, Saan, Jander, BarbaMalvagia, Gilbod, muras, deaddrop, NtscapeNavigator, itsbigfoot, Saintis, knails, Harald Nautsch (hnautsch), lpoulter, Dragonrider, Tolaasin, MrBuggles, Heinzel, uclapunk69, stoppableforce, TheBigBoy, Nevofix, ayyyliens, Ollie, MrEhjiwurth, twisty_b, DrMarodi, elidelajandro, mildesorte10, theoneakaneo, 3N1GM4, Zombie, kevintame, Slowriffs, Elusive, Sixtyten, qvm, Seamus, mao, Epimer, DoomRat, branimated, Labbes, RotomAppliance, Good Job Phil, FREDPI, InsetoVermelho, iref, dusk_, RJorb, Terje, BTrain, shazzner, MotionBlur, Jose-san, swabl, Kobayashi, groenkaaf, ZomB, CryptoGraham, Qris, nychuus, postis, Redino987, Okkdoko, tvaduva, ransomman, Quarg, zengoshugoju, TyrellCorp, lukifer, hutch9514, PowerBunz, lilelia, osclate, Marcus Pettersson (McBEAST), Countzer0, enkoder, mbzrl, M0H4WK, percomis, wiserunner, Janktivist, Davo, Duncan 101, HakanCarlstrom, cranked, AngelVerve, laneford, Angedelo, CallMeDutch, echo, Algebraic, RvdH83, TwadaCZ, goodknite, Dropbear, lazychef13, Terence, Skandrino, DL7RRK, Johnny Polite, boreira, ataraxis, bionicsheep, AxWill, Nem0, Kopiok, Tradon, cableCarnage, Frost, Bridgeman, koga, PuMeGo, Pinkwarrior, FreqKing, valerian32, Uruz, Cucin, Sokka234, Trismagistos, adran06, YsengrinSC, aDumbBrick, realitycheque, chouxflower, Berzelius, Diogene, FoilFlaws, b4ralai, ryu, martinimon, Möbius Striptease, saiteidrak, Havvy, lukevanryn, willybn1, Dunsch, internet, analyzechris, grimgravyboat, Odol, ZiNOS, bowlsley, ArminFirecracker, tonybluehose, borsch4, profDEADPOOL, Council, Zerothmaxima, Francesco "Cetti", Baa Ram Wu, david707, Bl4nk3t, MelkorsFolly, CowboyTintin, neuropantser, NetDad, anarchomushroom, Whiteblade111, Saja_PL, Agasha, Atomikrin, Late, RedOnionKnight, nbkelly, @Bookkeeper, techgin, pord, jan tuno, siahofmars, CooK_eD, SMITTYL, Gries, thrazznos, Larrea, Koschei, slk, Patrick "Scorpi" Sklar, Ben "Slapdash" Hamill, Aaryn Byrne, Quercia, blindidiotgod, wowarlok, ClosDeLaRoche, mr_pelle, Drager, bing005, phirip, Sindarin, manicmoleman, Navelgazer, Girometics, Ghost Meat, pouchsurfer, radaar, famebyproxy, Pinsel, #endgame, SimplyTheOnion, Ebesan, benticurus, famewolf, Mad Tinkerer, DeeR, Nicky3.0, sebastiank, Solomir, Wrecko, krysdreavus, JuniperTheory, wiriamu, yeoda, FireRL, Angelnet5000, is44ru, OF15-15, JohnnyMilton, Claytron, Ghost00, clercqie, solemnstorm, scantrell24, tberton, aksu, Jai, mallory (l0velace), CobraBubbles, tf34, Loki37, coldlava, sadstug, Bazza, ddark, easterncalculus, Cannister, Phros, jimmycorrigan, AugustusCaesar, Genoooo, GreatA1exander, phlip45, Fridan, Crunchums, xiaat, BenjaminLSH, Zeebag, Ar00nDELL, metamatik, gammanet, Cobalt, Odonuvo, m31345, hams, izzy, eli_b, funkeyman232, RepoRogue, NotAgain, sruman, HaverOfFun, harmonbee, Sauc3, not_yeti, formerteen, cablooshe, AlPi, Wentagon, Testrunning, TorpedoTyrus, Gathzen, james123lui, Tacomental, GameOfDroids, Veronica, DoubleK, upi-fragrance, Paillu, AuGold, linuxmaier, Santa, Capeudinho, Grtll, linduxed, maninthemoon, AceEmpress, Baxder, xccam, hemraa, Reily (kraken05doo), Hello, awildturtok, Vaos, CephalopodWizard, mosquito, jfoley, Vectorz, tsgstarwars, Davidmc7, King Solomon, aruzan, Silent Arbiter, Sl33p3r, Decksmith, Matthias404, Saracenar, wigglestick, Lukas Ani, profwacko
Keeper of many secrets
This user has at least 150 private decks on NetrunnerDB, but willing to share.
belonging to 537 users: show sonatinas, Zeromus, beyoken, bluebird503, vampire0, rojazu, jdeng, Brendan, just_rob, CrimsonWraith, inniscor, WindSoul88, nungunz, Eon_II, Brototurret, Therad, Katsushika, NyanPudge, sythic, taneru, Angedelo, Vapo, bkirz, Warpstoned, Dan Rosenthal, Laxen, LeonardQuirm, tradet, Dazm0, mearsy008, Hideaki, skewie, Circadia,, flowerscandrink, yaba, TheyCallMeTheLemon , Scotty Dave, Yziel, konradh, manicmoleman, RvdH83, Clamatius, RJorb, Kokane, Anzekay, Spoonfunk, prozz, quicken, hutch9514, HiggsBozo, ouroboros, Frogblast, D3thvir, argh a snake!, Joe Barnsley, Laury Plant, HannibalHusker, MrHudson, apo, Necro, mazeberlin, emilyspine, Dante42, x3r0h0ur, Klopstock, JDC_Wolfpack, Ben Emerson, Siegl, Harald Nautsch (hnautsch), Sanjay, deleriad, phette23, RomanLegion, Noroo :D, pikachewbacca, severininfurs, RedOnionKnight, tzeentchling, ff0X, MFTimber, jase2224, presheaf, HakanCarlstrom, miek, cranked, krystman, Saan, Thike, igrekk, PureFlight, Inactivist, kollapse, saetzero, Espatier, Cluster Fox, internet_potato, TugtetguT, SpaceHonk, TyrellCorp, saiteidrak, lopert, Ollie, Hadrian, Tolaasin, shadowhawk, westonodom, rotage, Kamalisk, Terence, Matuszczak, FreqKing, RedV, blindidiotgod, Murphy, Ven, EthosNZ, Antisthenes, Watzlav, leachrode, YankeeFlatline, eli_b, EnderA, lpoulter, aleph_c, kisqqcs, Ulkrond, Ben "dodgepong" Torell, strube, dome_, RotomAppliance, mythras, Jose-san, MikeJS, ksylves, HiddenAway, count_slackula, Highwire, RoRo, Dylan Green, knails, sabre0001, imrahil, ElderMason, qvm, PTD, eadipus, omnijeff, Timmy, indeflab4, Marcus Pettersson (McBEAST), greyfield, PsymonTheWizard, Venali, paulyg, slk, Jander, Greek Geek, Shmeguy, Kikai, Christian Naesseth, PoodleMoth, rumirumirumirumi, BarbaMalvagia, Labbes, J-Flex, tomdidiot, itsbigfoot, CodeMarvelous, Quarg, E.J.Olmos, BeNNyBiLL, Popeye09, lordbrain, yann, Dazzler, brainscandan, spags, kevintame, mathandlove, frankbsad, Ray Flint, coyotemoon722, Donnin, pj20, dusk_, Mirilu, Hoclor, icecoldjazz, 5N00P1, ctz, skry, DoomRat, sadstug, Terje, Ajar, TwadaCZ, binarydogs, lukifer, Gizmaluke, lukesim3, enkoder, profwacko, Chris, cableCarnage, nismorack, Troubleshooter, Klark, lazychef13, Andrew Wright, M0H4WK, SeeHearType, Saracenar, JuarezLM, Diomedes, aDumbBrick, hams, thebigunit3000, Rahrhino, fgcsem4n, S.Iron, BTrain, ccelson, AxWill, 3N1GM4, SubTric, Stonar, Longi, Uruz, boreira, osclate, Red Oni, Dragonrider, ulrik03, sirris, swabl, nyymious, swan, Hanohtep, lilelia, YodaSensei, Seamus, elidelajandro, originalme, Saintis, Aaryn Byrne, izzyiqbal, groenkaaf, plural, koga, Whiteblade111, Pinsel, Sapph0, echo, CallMeDutch, Jonny, goodknite, adquen, Roberto "azkiel" Linteau, Late, Epimer, DeathByLiche, Johnny Polite, CritHitd20, bionicsheep, manveruppd, Pal'Ana, Absotively, NinjaMike, formerteen, Janktivist, Shiiuga, Vikk, Sedatedfork, tsgstarwars, Pinkwarrior, Zeebag, ????, lysander534, adran06, CrushU, ptc, rongydoge, Cpt_nice, Manticore, Haas_Steriod, Sokka234, amavric, tvaduva, lostie, syd7, gilesdavis, Conphas, b4ralai, PowerBunz, ZiNOS, Kelfecil, analyzechris, themeanlady, photon, infinitejester00, Daine, Ishikawa, lostgeek, grimgravyboat, scd, Gejben, Diogene, tonybluehose, TheBigBoy, r2devo, Bridgeman, colinphanna, yucaBEAN, mendax, sruman, movableobject, solemnstorm, Council, Fridan, karlakas, Sidehatch, gozik, Baa Ram Wu, soulraiden, mao, Erika Jansson, Daniel, brainstorm, ArminFirecracker, neuropantser, Hapless Hero, Foxtrott, Chicken Slayer, PuMeGo, Limes, torien7, CobraBubbles, gophers79, YsengrinSC, wynalazca, CaptainMark, Ziziros, t.p, bowlsley, Maëlig, nbkelly, Chris_Yang, branimated, Testrunning, Solomir, Patrick "Scorpi" Sklar, jan tuno, Ghost Meat, Mr_Console, ExtraC, Volitar, NetDad, SimplyTheOnion, thrazznos, Larrea, postis, GrandLarceny, Bazza, Booshy, Drager, Vocke, JackMade, Ams, Inermis, tstack, RepoRogue, benvelopment, Claim, ThatsNoMun, Goeshi, chih, Lem, teacake27, Bilby, Kobayashi, phlip45, Makai, Navelgazer, hemraa, arribous, saifrc, Pedjt, Kysra, FoilFlaws, wowarlok, Countzer0, Orbital Tangent, ataraxis, Lyon, Tondo, sheriley, easterncalculus, Dunsch, Swiftie, coldlava, famebyproxy, Berzelius, Sauc3, Chromatically, sebastiank, harmonbee, R2-DTAT, FAC3L355, yeoda, ChaosIsMe, cros, JohnnyMilton, tberton, CryptoGraham, mLodon, Theo Clifford, Kubik161, Sunny D20, Ensades, Mortivor, cablooshe, KyraWNY, stumpy_man, Utati, mcg, Heinzel, percomis, theoneakaneo, Psygamer, OF15-15, Icecreamcollege, ddark, TurnLeft25, sappidus, diafoirus, Bartimaeus, DarthLuke, ayyyliens, Gabrielden, not_yeti, FixB, Zombie, aksu, Wet Toastie, FREDPI, Cliquil, Paillu, Ryanbantwins, izzy, Jai, .Feathermark, anarchomushroom, dar00ma, Porkobolo, Tradon, krokmaster, maninthemoon, Marc | Runaway (Coo Dad), ThePatrician, Dudeydude, Your Niichan's Girlfriend, Wentagon, hany, xiaat, SuperStranger, Cannister, famewolf, Gathzen, Girometics, hotelfoxtrot, techgin, awildturtok, bemidiot, Telos, Silent Arbiter, AugustusCaesar, Nykride, revan3421, mallory (l0velace), Gyro88, AngelVerve, Grtll, dezigerator, Santa, arlekj, SpaceCowboy, BinkBonkle, TheRobin, RPT, yehaaa6, Rhahi, Banknote, Cobalt, knightfromchess, emmel, Virulentz, TorpedoTyrus, Minstrel, Vectorz, AnOddRadish, BraveReality, xccam, holzpubbnsubbe, aashbo, 5ax0n, cursor, galehar, Whiizard, Spongetrim, Francesco "Cetti", SHIEL, Thomas Haas, saurian, polsvoiceful, aureates, PreNic, Trenzor, m.p, allofthemarbles, secondskin, zero_cool, Toron, Tak, iamtom77, johno, blurbie, CyberShark, TheRyanBurke, Decksmith, lukevanryn, xdg, Tacomental, Jasper Higgins, Claytron, AbyssStaresBack, liadahlia
NetrunnerDB Superstar
This user has more than 5000 reputation on NetrunnerDB.
NetrunnerDB Known
This user has more than 100 reputation on NetrunnerDB.
belonging to 501 users: show mythras, Spoonfunk, vampire0, d23, cyberewok, DarkMite2, sjohn, carse, Devencire, brainstorm, tradet, GarfieldMew, raphaeln, E.J.Olmos, Fentonizer, ScrappySPJ, Linger, thesubatomic, v01d, smusher, dogstew, nungunz, hasuprotoss, Duxmar, jinsaku, WorldSerpent, Chimpster, Brototurret, hutch9514, str4atman, vor_lord, Jakob Helms, Cod, lukesim3, Katsushika, Mr.Jank, NyanPudge, Magnus Benzein (Ilza), SavvySteve, emlun, ZiNOS, Good Job Phil, Tessier-Ashpool, kata124, Elstyr, hat_hair, Uwawa, raj, kollapse, shadowhawk, skewie, Johnny Polite, Halarith, mattastrophic, hlynurd, Jander, xanshin, hsiale, Epimer, eadipus, Putzlappen, J-Flex, flowerscandrink, Axul, AkAnderson, Dropbear, partialcharge, Phoenix, rumirumirumirumi, Amakaze, munchli21, martinimon, poorhaus, aeternii, fredrikc, Yziel, PeterPan, InsanityRises, konradh, Ebrey, Stonar, sigma83, knails, Maerik, Ran Cao, Bandura, jase2224, BizTheDad, Anachron, Fox Ex Machina, Kopiok, clercqie, Reutan, Chicken Slayer, Tmts, schum495, Quarg, romanoSoprano, cursor, roeiboot4, Ino209, xanarax, BobAloVskI, HiggsBozo, Necro, PaxCecilia, EthosNZ, Laury Plant, guy.brush, ReiNijs, webster, skydivingninja, CrushU, YodaSensei, Gargulec, apo, Bobdole, Korrigan, vesper, atuk84, Zetan, CallMeDutch, leburgan, ramus, mediohxcore, SeeHearType, edpaget, Mirilu, divadus, RedOnionKnight, Evilpyro24, vinegarymink, Mikael Holmberg (CeeTee2001), nychuus, Rezalbyks, Brightsides, sruman, Dragoonkin, junior_varsity, SubTric, PTD, Metaphorazine, gpking, TyrellCorp, andr31, presheaf, neuropantser, pikachewbacca, SpaceCowboy, nchoong1, Koala, indeflab4, uclapunk69, creditzathotmail, simili, Kamalisk, RedV, Inactivist, MaximumSushi, PowerBunz, EnderA, strube, HoneyBadger, MFTimber, Rhyme, Noroo :D, BECKETT28, PsymonTheWizard, Ollie, Greek Geek, binnet, YankeeFlatline, AndytheLovell, BarbaMalvagia, D4KEN, Gilbod, rattkin, JDC_Wolfpack, Grizzlefluff, Aesynil, Saintis, zbauermeister, Popeye09, laneford, timfast, Labbes, themeanlady, tooplark, allofthemarbles, blindidiotgod, Paranoid31, BraveLilToaster, mathandlove, Ray Flint, Nevofix, lunchmoney, bakunin75, GooberMan, DrMarodi, steffmonkey, Zombie, b3ar, FREDPI, Sapph0, Pommes, Bast10n, mbzrl, tvaduva, Gizmaluke, manicmoleman, robotmascot, omgitsblake, Malvolio, el-zilcho, Dragonrider, scd, Vocke, CaptainMark, MotionBlur, Grosseteste, swabl, FreqKing, Dante42, rusefus, Rahrhino, RJorb, CryOfFrustration, Orbital Tangent, Veste, phlip45, BlackCherries, Bl4nk3t, Aaryn Byrne, solemnstorm, lazychef13, Ola Bjornfot, Narduwel, errantmage, OnTheNightrain, Redino987, Ensu, Hyperbolic_Mess, ransomman, BraveReality, lilelia, NinjaMike, Anzekay, N0R5E, GcFlash, Jose-san, Ar00nDELL, Porkobolo, PuMeGo, Quercia, 3N1GM4, Jonny, goodknite, iref, Late, Joe Barnsley, Flekk, Breaker0neNine, kevnburg, wookiez, I Am Jessica, CowboyTintin, AuGold, Chris_Yang, Excesum, Möbius Striptease, wiserunner, SMITTYL, lostgrail, tsgstarwars, scumhooligan, Kysra, M0H4WK, Berzelius, ThisIsAzrael, yads, Cucin, ataraxis, Swiftie, realitycheque, RTsa, Windave, GingercredMan, Ben "Slapdash" Hamill, ReinaMorada, disperse, grimgravyboat, Havvy, Diomedes, ValkyriezGaming, gilesdavis, Xandorius, tonybluehose, Midseasonpsycho, cdrock, Kobayashi, colinphanna, notminebydesign, hemraa, Shorty, gozik, dnddmdb, Koschei, aBrick, 114141, AxWill, Agasha, napalm900, hermes, lodger, cadence, Django84, wynalazca, Juanaco, Booshy, Saja_PL, Xtreme, Patrick "Scorpi" Sklar, bing005, Solomir, plural, CooK_eD, Gaxeco, lukevanryn, dessert cactus, Manticore, infinitejester00, Goeshi, thrazznos, postis, harvolev, Drager, rustryder, mrteatime66, rngnsb, chouxflower, Velo, Marc | Runaway (Coo Dad), valerian32, ogrillion, Sindarin, junkmail, Doc Fooby, thearete, asqwasqw, psi_lifeup, Scrub!, Zerothmaxima, Navelgazer, arribous, pouchsurfer, JuniperTheory, famebyproxy, Andrew Wright, Vale, pspacekitten, muras, belazor, szutek, Marcheva, #endgame, Hammers, InsetoVermelho, Veronica, is44ru, Jtfq99999, Zeebag, Bartimaeus, Cannister, Mad Tinkerer, Sarmatian, Wrecko, Carki, PowerlessCube, Darta, FreeformJazz, Ark1t3kt, famewolf, CephalopodWizard, rural_octopus047, Davidmc7, asphyxia, coldlava, ChaosIsMe, ThatsNoMun, jonkey bong, xccam, Sauc3, sohum, BinkBonkle, StevenSlater, Abstract, SndWurks, ChiptheRipper, RepoRogue, izzy, Wikignometry, London, CJ, willybn1, wiriamu, cocoro, sadstug, profwacko, cros, MrStyx, Crunchums, osintelligence, Tak, Mortivor, Silent Arbiter, Chromatically, rubenpieters, PreNic, Cobalt, james123lui, Tradon, crossbrainedfool, Xyptero, mallory (l0velace), discitizen, zoehope (The Tag Mill), m31345, Dunsch, SeaRose (The Tag Mill), slobberMcGee, Countzer0, Your Niichan's Girlfriend, theoneakaneo, Rhahi, Prawnyman, @Bookkeeper, Gespenst, Wentagon, Ensades, Gathzen, HallucinogenicApplesauce, Hello, Nagnazul, Weltgeist, Loki37, Zarbba, OF15-15, cablooshe, scantrell24, xdg, Gyro88, davz131, dezigerator, lif3line, upi-fragrance, jfoley, Amarum, PiCat314, Shiro1981, talking_chicken, Toluvel, kusoash, J0N4LD, Nykride, kevinth, holzpubbnsubbe, rohit, erika, binarydogs, slk, nin, Dudeydude, Encoded != Encrypted, Rene Reed, Myriad, Minstrel, Tratt, bemidiot, Kenhie, iherdn3rfz, jdbartee, F3nr1s, Ams, Marbles, Ytang, Atien, nervousnightjar, LLBlumire, FailSpike, Decksmith, Matthias404, Larrea, AnOddRadish, ant1, Utati, GRNDL, Disk Elemental, bking, GameOfDroids, Sobek, evie
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