Terms of usage

You may freely use my API endpoints for your site, app, project, etc.

In return, please add a backlink to https://alwaysberunning.net. You can use this ABR logo if needed.


Upcoming tournaments and recurring events: https://alwaysberunning.net/api/tournaments/upcoming
Rejected events and tournaments with past dates are filtered out.

  "tournaments": [event objects]
  "recurring_events": [event objects]

Concluded tournamets (tournaments with results): https://alwaysberunning.net/api/tournaments/results?limit=500
Only concluded tournaments are displayed. Rejected tournaments are filtered out.
Do not query more than 500 elemets, server memory will run out.
Supports limit and offset parameters, example: https://alwaysberunning.net/api/tournaments/results?offset=20&limit=10

  event objects

Filtered tournament list: https://alwaysberunning.net/api/tournaments?filters_as_get_parameters
You can query all tournaments and apply various filters. Check out filter list for available options. Example:
(returns all concluded store championships from the UK)

  event objects

Tournament entries: https://alwaysberunning.net/api/entries?id=[tournament ID] - example
Returns claims and imported entries for a single tournament.

  entry objects

Videos: https://alwaysberunning.net/api/videos
Returns all videos of approved tournaments.

  tournament with videos objects: {
    video objects: [
      video tag objects

Returned objects

Event objects
Events may be tournaments or recurring events.

property type description
general properties
id int event ID
title string event title
contact string event contact field
approved int (0/1/-1) if event was approved by an admin (waiting for approval/approved/rejected)
registration_count int number of users going to the event
photos int number photos uploaded for the event
url string URL for the event
link_facebook string URL for related Facebook group / event
event creator related properties
creator_id int NetrunnerDB user ID
creator_name string NetrunnerDB user name - may be overridden by 'displayed user name' setting in ABR profile
creator_supporter int ABR supporter status:
- 0: not a supporter
- 1: one-time supporter
- 2: Patreon bioroid supporter
- 3: Patreon sysop supporter
- 4: Patreon executive supporter
creator_class string ABR user class (used for CSS):
- "": normal user
- "supporter": supporter
- "admin": admin (overrides supporter)
location related properties
location string location string, format: country, [US state,] city
location_lat float location latitude
location_lng float location longitude
location_country string location country (in English)
location_state string location state (for US)
address string address string
store string store / venue name
place_id string place ID provided by Google Maps API
tournament related properties
cardpool string tournament legal cardpool up to
date string event date, YYYY.mm.dd. format
type string tournament type (GNK, store championship, regional championship, etc.)
format string tournament format (standard, cache refresh, draft etc.)
concluded boolean tournament conclusion
charity boolean if tournament is charity
concluded tournament properties
players_count int number of players in tournament
top_count int number of players in tournament top-cut
claim_count int number of claims (with decklist) in tournament
claim_conflict boolean if tournament has conflicting claims
matchdata boolean if tournament has match data (results were impored by NRTM app)
video int number of videos in tournament
winner_runner_identity string card ID of winner runner identity (get card IDs from NetrunnerDB API)
winner_corp_identity string card ID of winner corporation identity (get card IDs from NetrunnerDB API)
recurring event properties
recurring_day string name of day (in English)
multiple day event properties
end_date string event end date, YYYY.mm.dd. format
performance data
rendered_in float data rendering time in seconds, usually appended to the last event object

Entry objects
player entries of a single tournament

property type description
player related properties
user_id int NetrunnerDB user ID (0 if imported entry)
user_name string NetrunnerDB user name - may be overridden by 'displayed user name' setting in ABR profile (null if imported entry)
user_import_name string user name coming from importing results
rank properties
rank_swiss int rank after swiss rounds
rank_top int final rank after top-cut (null if didn't reach top-cut, 0 if there was no top-cut)
deck related properties
runner_deck_title string title of runner deck
runner_deck_identity_id string card ID of runner identity (card ID coming from NetrunnerDB API)
runner_deck_url string URL for runner deck on NetrunnerDB
runner_deck_identity_title string name of runner identity
runner_deck_identity_faction string faction of runner identity
corp_deck_title string title of corporation deck
corp_deck_identity_id string card ID of corporation identity (card ID coming from NetrunnerDB API)
corp_deck_url string URL for corporation deck on NetrunnerDB
corp_deck_identity_title string name of corporatoin identity
corp_deck_identity_faction string faction of corporation identity

Tournaments with videos objects

property type description
tournament related properties
cardpool.id string card pack ID of legal cardpool
cardpool.name string card pack name of legal cardpool
charity int =1 if tournament is a charity
date string (YYYY.MM.DD.) tournament date
id int ABR tournament ID
location_country string country where tournament was held
players_number int number of players on the tournament
seoUrl string ABR URL of tournament, prepend "https://alwaysberunning.net"
title string title of tournament
tournament_format.format_name string tournament format
tournament_type.type_name string tournament type
.video array, video related properties
channel_name string name of youtube/twitch channel
flag_removed int if =1, flagged as removed, probably unavailable, don't use this video
id int ABR video ID
length string video lenght in HH:MM:SS or MM:SS format
thumbnail_url string URL for video thumbnail
type int 1: youtube
2: twitch
video_id string video ID, to get the video URL on the platform:
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=video_id
twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/v/video_id
video_title string title of the video
.video.video_tags array, video tag properties
entry object entry related to the tag
id int ABR tag ID
import_player_name string player name if user is not tagged, but only a name is provided
is_runner boolean true: runner
false: corporation
null: playing both or undefined
tagged_by_user_id int NetrunnerDB user ID of the user who made the tag
user object user tagged in the video

Filter list

Filtered tournament list

filter type description
start date (YYYY.MM.DD.) Only events with date equal or later than the parameter are returned.
end date (YYYY.MM.DD.) Only events with date equal or earlier than the parameter are returned.
type int Events are filtered by their type. Available values:
1: GNK / seasonal
2: store championship
3: regional championship
4: national championship
5: worlds championship
6: community tournament
7: online event
8: non-tournament event
9: continental championship
10: team tournament
11: casual tournament kit
12: asynchronous tournament
13: circuit breaker invitational
14: intercontinental championship
15: players circuit
16: district championship
17: megacity championship
9998: ──── community events ────
9999: ──── old types ────
cardpool string Filter tournaments for legal cardpool. Use card pack "code" used by NetrunnerDB. Example: cardpool=core2
recur int If recur=1, only recurring events are returned.
country string Only events in this country are returned. Use country names recognized by Google Maps and url-encoding. Example: country=United%20Kingdom
include_online int If include_online=1, online events will be included when you filter for country.
state string For US: Only events in this state are returned. Use the two letter abbriviation for state names. Example: state=TX
creator int Filter for events created by a certain user. Use the NetrunnerDB userID, which is also found at the end of ABR profile URLs. Example: user=1276
videos int If videos=1, only tournaments with videos are returned.
foruser int Filter for events a certain user registered to. Use the NetrunnerDB userID, which is also found at the end of ABR profile URLs. You cannot use it together with user filter.
concluded int If concluded=1, only concluded tournaments are returned by descending date order. Events with "non-tournament event" type are not returned.
If concluded=0, only events without conclusion are returned.
approved int Events can be approved, rejected or waiting-for-approval.
If approval=1, only approved events are shown.
desc int By default, events are ordered ascending by date.
If desc=1, they will be ordered descending by date.

For more information

You can contact me via: alwaysberunning (at) gmail.com