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{{ displayUserName }}
0 tournament created
39 tournament claims
67 published decks
524 private decks
1101 reputation on NetrunnerDB
Claims (39)
showing 1-8 of
{{ user.username_preferred }}

{{ user.username_real }}
{{ user.username_jinteki }}
{{ user.username_slack }}
{{ }} --- not set ---
{{ factionCodeToFactionTitle(user.favorite_faction) }}
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You can manage your artist gallery on the My art tab of your profile.

Claims chart
Claim in at least 3 tournaments to make the chart appear.
Videos (6)
Fite Club 2024 Round 1 - Ms. Bost vs Team Clearingscouse (01:46:16)
Queering the Message
Fite Club -season 2024 (2024.01.15.)
Utati - Wentagon - enkoder (corporation) - secondskin (runner)
2023 APAC Continentals Day 1 - Swiss (10:37:54)
Null Signal Games
2023 Asia-Pacific Continental (2023.08.05.)
Hideyoshi - Scarius - Sokka234 (corporation) - MotionBlur (runner) - aksu - SpaceIce - profwacko - jan tuno - xiaat - enkoder - seebasss7 (corporation) - Zeebag (runner) - carbonara_revolt (corporation) - Jai - chordgang - Santa (corporation)
Accelerated Meta Test - June 2023 || (06:36:38)
Null Signal Games
2023-06 Accelerated Meta Test (2023.06.03.)
Sauc3 - Net_Jogger - rip netrunner - ReinaMorada - xiaat (runner) - Wikignometry - Larrea - Baa Ram Wu - AugustusCaesar (corporation) - Nykride - DeeR (runner) - ManintheMoon (corporation) - aksu (runner) - enkoder (runner)
April 2023 Online GNK - Top Cut [Startup] - Android: Netrunner // LIVE (02:25:58)
Metropole Grid
The Métropole Grid - 1st Online GNK [STARTUP] (2023.04.02.)
bking - enkoder - jan tuno (runner) - Sauc3
April 2023 Online GNK - Rounds 2-4 [Startup] - Android: Netrunner // LIVE (03:20:07)
Metropole Grid
The Métropole Grid - 1st Online GNK [STARTUP] (2023.04.02.)
Sauc3 - psi_sig (runner) - G0rF (corporation) - enkoder - galehar (corporation) - Hideyoshi (runner) - Nopius (runner) - mondegreensleeves (corporation) - jan tuno
April 2023 Online GNK - Rounds 1-2 [Startup] - Android: Netrunner // LIVE (01:50:38)
Metropole Grid
The Métropole Grid - 1st Online GNK [STARTUP] (2023.04.02.)
xou - hedonismbot - enkoder - NotAgain

CO circuit opener | S store championship | R regional championship | N national championship | C continental championship | W worlds championship TT team tournament A asynchronous tournament
SU startup | SN snapshot | E eternal | CD cube draft | ? other | CR cache refresh | 1 | D draft

Artist details
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{{ item.title }} ({{ }})
{{ item.type}}
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