United States, MN, Roseville

Legal cardpool up to: Escalation
MWL: unknown
Format: standard

decklist is mandatory!

Store/venue: Fantasy Flight Games Center
Address: 1975 County Road B2 W, Roseville, MN 55113, USA
Contact: gamescenter@fantasyflightgames.com - http://www.ffgc.com/

runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
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WARNING: This is not an official FFG page. Please keep yourself updated from the official FFG sources

Double elimination results on Challonge
FFG stream
dodgepong's sidestream

FFG official page on Netrunner World Championship 2016
Prize pool

Players may pick up their badges at the info booth 4 pm–10 pm Tuesday
or during open hours Wednesday through Saturday

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD - 10:00AM - A:Nr, World Championship, Day 1
Location: Fantasy Flight Games Center
Required Components: 1 Runner deck & 1 Corporation deck, both sleeved, tokens, completed deck list
Swiss Rounds: 6
Round Length: 65 minutes
Advance to Final Day: Top 96, Fri. 9:30AM
Break: 1-hour break between rounds 3 & 4

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH - 9:30AM - A:Nr, World Championship, Final Day & Top 16 Elimination
Location: Fantasy Flight Games Center
Required Components: All components from Day 1
Swiss Rounds: 3
Round Length: 65 minutes
Size of Cut: Top 16
Break: 1-hour break between Swiss rounds and Top 16
Additional Info: Only players that advanced from Day 1 can participate

Streaming schedule

  • 9:15AM - 1:15PM Android: Netrunner, World Championship, Final Day
  • 1:30PM - 2:00PM Android: Netrunner Red Sands Cycle Discussion w/ Damon Stone
  • 2:30PM - 11:15PM Android: Netrunner, World Championship, Top 16 Elimination


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Videos (33)
[Worlds] Round 1 - CTM (Nick Vanderslice) vs Chaos Theory (Chris Mayfield) (19:13)
NRG: The Heap
[Worlds] Round 1 - Valencia (Nick Vanderslice) vs Next Design (Chris Mayfield) (37:30)
NRG: The Heap
[Worlds] Round 2 - Valencia (Dave Culemann) vs CTM (Brian Cronin) (18:06)
NRG: The Heap
[Worlds] Round 2 - CTM (Dave Culemann) vs Whizzard (Brian Cronin) (12:38)
NRG: The Heap
[Worlds] Round 3 - Whizzard (Gabriel Fiedler) vs CTM (Chris Dyer) (19:51)
NRG: The Heap
[Worlds] Round 3 - CTM (Gabriel Fiedler) vs Whizzard (Chris Dyer) (14:41)
NRG: The Heap
[Worlds] Round 4 - Whizzard (Joe Schupp) vs CTM (Dave Culemann) (30:17)
NRG: The Heap
[Worlds] Round 4 - Sync (Joe Schupp) vs Valencia (Dave Culemann) (20:31)
NRG: The Heap
[Worlds] Round 5 - Quetzal (Laura Williams) vs ETF (Raj Giri) (24:59)
NRG: The Heap
[Worlds] Round 5 - NEH (Laura Williams) vs Whizzard (Raj Giri) (29:02)
NRG: The Heap
[Worlds] Round 6 - Sync (Matt Gee) vs Whizzard (Jesse Marshall) (21:05)
NRG: The Heap
[Worlds] Round 6 - Whizzard (Matt Gee) vs Sync (Jesse Marshall) (08:14)
NRG: The Heap
[Worlds] Round 7 - ETF (Travis Yeo) vs Andromeda (Dave Rogers) (39:23)
NRG: The Heap
[Worlds] Round 7 - Valencia (Travis Yeo) vs Sync (Dave Rogers) (25:24)
NRG: The Heap
[Worlds] Round 8 - CTM (Alex White) vs Whizzard (John Treviranus) (24:17)
NRG: The Heap
[Worlds] Round 8 - Whizzard (Alex White) vs CTM (John Treviranus) (31:05)
NRG: The Heap
[Worlds] Round 9 - Whizzard (Kyle James) vs CTM (Don Bowden) (04:02)
NRG: The Heap
[Worlds] Round 9 - CTM (Kyle James) vs Whizzard (Don Bowden) (23:25)
NRG: The Heap
[Worlds] Elim Round 1 - CTM (Dave Saiya) vs Valencia (Dien Tran) (27:28)
neoreading grid
[Worlds] Elim Round 2 - Whizzard (Dave Hoyland) vs NEH (Nick Hansen) (19:10)
neoreading grid
[Worlds] Elim Round 3 - CTM (Alex White) vs Valencia (Dien Tran) (23:42)
neoreading grid
[Worlds] Elim Round 4 - CTM (Weston Odom) vs Whizzard (Chris Dyer) (33:10)
neoreading grid
[Worlds] Elim Round 5 - Sync (Ben Ni) vs Whizzard (Alex White) (27:09)
neoreading grid
[Worlds] Final Game 2 - Whizzard (Chris Dyer) vs Sync (Ben Ni) (45:51)
neoreading grid
2016 World Championship - Android: Netrunner (01:13:51)
Fantasy Flight Games
Netrunner 2016 World Champs - Raw Stream Cut - Cerebral Imaging vs. Valencia - Round 9 (20:26)
d1en (runner)
Netrunner 2016 World Champs - Raw Stream Cut - Controlling the Message vs. Whizzard - Round 7 Game 1 (32:21)
Netrunner 2016 World Champs - Raw Stream Cut - Whizzard vs. Controlling the Message - Round 7 Game 2 (30:01)
Netrunner 2016 World Champs Top 16 - Raw Stream Cut - Whizzard vs. SYNC - Winner's R1 (24:43)
Nemamiah (runner) - DonutTaganes (corporation)
Netrunner 2016 World Champs Top 16 - Raw Stream Cut - Whizzard vs. CTM - Loser's R1 (37:28)
Timmy (corporation)
Netrunner 2016 World Champs Top 16 - Raw Stream Cut - CTM vs. Whizzard - Winner's Semifinals (35:29)
westonodom (corporation) - AkAnderson (runner)
Netrunner 2016 World Champs Top 16 - Raw Stream Cut - Whizzard vs. CTM - Loser's R3 (29:51)
Cerberus (corporation)
Netrunner 2016 World Champs Top 16 - Raw Stream Cut - Whizzard vs. SYNC - Loser's Quarters (22:13)
beyoken (corporation)

Login via NetrunnerDB to add photos or videos.
Number of players: 250
Top cut players: 16

Login via NetrunnerDB to claim spot.

Top cut
rank player corp runner
#1 Nemamiah Snekbite - 1st and 6th @ Worlds 2016 Papa Smurf - 1st and 6th @ Worlds 2016
#2 beyoken Fiery Info Minh MaxX++
#3 westonodom Best Coast CtM (3rd, 16th, 19th, 26th at Worlds) Hate Bear (3rd, 4th, 8th, 16th, 19th, 26th at Worlds)
#4 Murphy Trumped (Worlds 2016) Hate Bear
#5 Aesynil Click boom boom (4th Swiss, 5th I think in Eliminations) Temujin Whizzard Strikes Again (4th in Swiss)
#6 Alexander White Controlling the Message Whizzard
#7 Cerberus Worlds Test Deck (Worlds Top 8) Rune Soldier (Worlds Top 8)
#8 Timmy Fuller House (8th place at Worlds 2016) Credit Clicker 5000
#9 Andre Nilsson SYNC MaxX
#10 Shmeguy Temple Snek (10th Worlds 2016) Yin Yang v2
#11 d1en d1en's Yellow Railgun (Top 16 Worlds 2016) d1en's Peddle to the Metal (Top 16 Worlds 2016)
#12 aandries Bio Sync - 8-1 at Worlds - Top 12 Annoying AF - They're All Going To Hate You - Top 12
#13 DonutTaganes [TWA] Syncing Feeling - 13th and 17th Worlds 2016 [TWA] Temujin Whizz- 13th and 17th Worlds 2016
#14 rotage CtM Dyper v3.25 (Top 16 at Worlds 2016)
#15 JuneCuervo Best Coast CtM (3rd, 16th, 19th, 26th at Worlds) Hate Bear (3rd, 4th, 8th, 16th, 19th, 26th at Worlds)
#16 Nicholas Hansen Near-Earth Hub Whizzard

Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 westonodom Best Coast CtM (3rd, 16th, 19th, 26th at Worlds) Hate Bear (3rd, 4th, 8th, 16th, 19th, 26th at Worlds)
#2 Murphy Trumped (Worlds 2016) Hate Bear
#3 beyoken Fiery Info Minh MaxX++
#4 Aesynil Click boom boom (4th Swiss, 5th I think in Eliminations) Temujin Whizzard Strikes Again (4th in Swiss)
#5 Andre Nilsson SYNC MaxX
#6 Shmeguy Temple Snek (10th Worlds 2016) Yin Yang v2
#7 DonutTaganes [TWA] Syncing Feeling - 13th and 17th Worlds 2016 [TWA] Temujin Whizz- 13th and 17th Worlds 2016
#8 d1en d1en's Yellow Railgun (Top 16 Worlds 2016) d1en's Peddle to the Metal (Top 16 Worlds 2016)
#9 rotage CtM Dyper v3.25 (Top 16 at Worlds 2016)
#10 Nemamiah Snekbite - 1st and 6th @ Worlds 2016 Papa Smurf - 1st and 6th @ Worlds 2016
#11 JuneCuervo Best Coast CtM (3rd, 16th, 19th, 26th at Worlds) Hate Bear (3rd, 4th, 8th, 16th, 19th, 26th at Worlds)
#12 Cerberus Worlds Test Deck (Worlds Top 8) Rune Soldier (Worlds Top 8)
#13 Nicholas Hansen Near-Earth Hub Whizzard
#14 Timmy Fuller House (8th place at Worlds 2016) Credit Clicker 5000
#15 Alexander White Controlling the Message Whizzard
#16 aandries Bio Sync - 8-1 at Worlds - Top 12 Annoying AF - They're All Going To Hate You - Top 12
#17 Jesse Marshall SYNC Whizzard
#18 CritHitd20 NEH Boom Shutdown Temujin Katman
#19 Noah McKee Controlling the Message Whizzard
#20 Sean Stringfellow Engineering the Future Andromeda
#21 rojazu Killing Kittens (21st Worlds, 3rd Icebreaker) Andy Strikes Back (21st Worlds, 3rd Icebreaker)
#22 yeoda Bleed Purple - the $1 value build (22nd @ worlds) Slightly Miffed Val (*Yin Yang style) 10th and 22nd at world
#23 Peter McOwen Controlling the Message Whizzard
#24 echo 360 Small Edges Dumblefork
#25 Peter Hernandez Controlling the Message Whizzard
#26 Kyle James Controlling the Message Whizzard
#27 Eon_II Generic Worlds CTM (6-3) Temujin Whizzard
#28 Allen Haas Engineering the Future Whizzard
#29 Dan D'Argenio Cerebral Imaging Whizzard
#30 Aaron Celovsky Engineering the Future Valencia Estevez
#31 Eric Caoili Controlling the Message Whizzard
#32 David Garcia Campos Controlling the Message Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#33 Kenneth Deakins Engineering the Future Whizzard
#34 Brandon Hauk Near-Earth Hub Valencia Estevez
#35 Gejben CtM Worlds 35th place Temüjin Whizzard Worlds 35th place
#36 leburgan Bankers CTM (35th at Worlds) Rude Girl with Rude Reporter (35th Worlds)
#37 Benjamin Mason Haarpsichord Studios Whizzard
#38 Jesse Vandover SYNC Quetzal
#39 Elliott Hedman Near-Earth Hub Whizzard
#40 Robert Hutchinson Near-Earth Hub Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#41 Joshua Wilson Controlling the Message Whizzard
#42 JackMade 42th Place - AC TM - Worlds 2016 42th Place - AC &D - Worlds 2016
#43 Tatsuya Alphonse Morita-Abdel Ahad Engineering the Future Valencia Estevez
#44 Andrew Schneider SYNC Whizzard
#45 carse Government Takeover Fast Advance - World's Top Weyland Omar
#46 Gary Bowerbank Controlling the Message Whizzard
#47 Scott Pagliaroni SYNC Whizzard
#48 Tagore Nakornchai Controlling the Message Whizzard
#49 Mason Hans Palana Foods Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#50 Eric Keilback Gagarin Deep Space Valencia Estevez
#51 Peter Dinya SYNC Whizzard
#52 Mathew Kumar SYNC Valencia Estevez
#53 Raphael Nishimura Engineering the Future Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#54 Captain_Frisk BOOM! Sun - 54th @ Worlds 2016 Kiv's Net Mercur Andy (54th @ Worlds 2016)
#55 Nadim Boukhira Near-Earth Hub Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#56 Jaxon Gluck Engineering the Future Whizzard
#57 Alexander Kohlmann Controlling the Message Andromeda
#58 David Cheng SYNC Quetzal
#59 Luke Simcoe Engineering the Future Valencia Estevez
#60 Dane Meyer Blue Sun Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#61 Brian Biggs Controlling the Message Whizzard
#62 Laura Williams Near-Earth Hub Quetzal
#63 Chris Hinkes Industrial Genomics Adam
#64 Jean-Baptiste Laroche Controlling the Message Andromeda
#65 Maxwell Williams Blue Sun Whizzard
#66 Stefan Ferenci Near-Earth Hub Whizzard
#67 Ben "dodgepong" Torell Bleed Purple - the $1 value build (22nd @ worlds) Angry Geist (67th @ Worlds, 5-0 @ King of Servers)
#68 Joshua Ely Controlling the Message Hayley
#69 Seamus Johnstone Macleod Controlling the Message Andromeda
#70 Manticore CTM Worlds 2016 Whizzard Worlds 2016
#71 Duxmar The Great Green Hope (71st at worlds) Opus Val 71st at worlds
#72 Brad McCoy Titan Transnational Whizzard
#73 Victor ?berg Controlling the Message Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#74 Colin Hanna Palana Foods Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#75 Laurie Poulter SYNC Andromeda
#76 Elmon Apgood Engineering the Future Valencia Estevez
#77 Matt Gee SYNC Whizzard
#78 Adam Rotondi Near-Earth Hub Adam
#79 Jeffrey Shoenberg Engineering the Future Andromeda
#80 Tomasz Fedorczyk SYNC Quetzal
#81 Marc Valles Casares Controlling the Message Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#82 Scott Ray Near-Earth Hub Kit
#83 HorstGrobian 1st Place Dutch Nationals 2016 "AC TM 1.1" 1st Place Dutch Nationals 2016 "AC &D 1.1"
#84 jdeng New Angeles Sol Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#85 Sungho Lee Controlling the Message Valencia Estevez
#86 Andrew Vogel Engineering the Future Chaos Theory
#87 Vikash Sharma Controlling the Message Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#88 Eric Bolvin Controlling the Message Valencia Estevez
#89 Alex Hilson Controlling the Message Whizzard
#90 Rajiv Giri Engineering the Future Whizzard
#91 Tim Rafalco Titan Transnational Omar Keung
#92 Fruggles NSFW (Not Suitable For Worlds) ETF BEST GEIST IN THE WORLD*
#93 Miguel Dorrego Martinez Controlling the Message Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#94 Joseph Schupp SYNC Whizzard
#95 Austin Mills Blue Sun Andromeda
#96 Daniel Knutson Engineering the Future Whizzard
#97 Alexander Konecky Controlling the Message Whizzard
#98 Brendan Cain Palana Foods Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#99 Eoin Hegarty Controlling the Message Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#100 Jon Dalesandry SYNC Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#101 Michael Summers Near-Earth Hub Leela Patel
#102 Adam Cabrera Palana Foods Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#103 Luis San Juan Germ?n Controlling the Message Whizzard
#104 Chris Mayfield NEXT Design Chaos Theory
#105 Stetson Zirkelbach Engineering the Future Omar Keung
#106 Joshua Imobersteg Engineering the Future Whizzard
#107 AkAnderson Bleed Purple - the $1 value build (22nd @ worlds) Miffed Val
#108 Roberto Franco Controlling the Message Omar Keung
#109 Brian Williams Controlling the Message Whizzard
#110 Sam Suied Palana Foods Whizzard
#111 Thomas Melucci Controlling the Message Whizzard
#112 CrimsonWraith CTM Tempo - Worlds 2016 Minh MaxX - Worlds 2016
#113 Adam Marostica Engineering the Future Valencia Estevez
#114 Jacob Tunstall Engineering the Future Whizzard
#115 Damiano Fiscato Controlling the Message Whizzard
#116 Matt Drabik Controlling the Message Whizzard
#117 Terence Lui Blue Sun Hayley Kaplan
#118 Ethan Rodkin Engineering the Future Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#119 Marcel Heymuth Blue Sun Valencia Estevez
#120 Fedor Sosin Blue Sun Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#121 Cory Diers Making News Valencia Estevez
#122 Kris MacLennan Blue Sun Valencia Estevez
#123 Oscar Wadin Controlling the Message Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#124 Ran Cao Engineering the Future Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#125 Jerry-Dale Bartee Engineering the Future Andromeda
#126 Markus Kernic Near-Earth Hub Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#127 Jacob Meyer Near-Earth Hub Armand "Geist" Walker
#128 Geoffrey Pendery Palana Foods Andromeda
#129 James Simon SYNC Whizzard
#130 Ren? Werder Controlling the Message Whizzard
#131 Eric Benzanson SYNC Whizzard
#132 LHSimon [Australian Nationals 2016] Consulting Whizzard
#133 Kevin Huang Controlling the Message Whizzard
#134 Christopher Nelson Engineering the Future Whizzard
#135 phette23 ddfb Hatebear
#136 Jordan Morris Blue Sun MaxX
#137 Sean Woods Engineering the Future MaxX
#138 Carl Meisner Engineering the Future Andromeda
#139 Darren Eskandari Near-Earth Hub Whizzard
#140 Ben Downton Engineering the Future Whizzard
#141 SeeHearType Controlling the Message Whizzard
#142 Ross Lemmon SYNC Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#143 Shane Ruman Engineering the Future Valencia Estevez
#144 William Brown Blue Sun Chaos Theory
#145 Christopher Underwood Engineering the Future Whizzard
#146 Alan Noonan SYNC Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#147 Tony Stellato Haarpsichord Studios Andromeda
#148 Magnus Benzein Controlling the Message Omar Keung
#149 johno Chechen NEH Criminal Is Good Now 1.2
#150 Tomasaki Engineering the Future Leela Patel
#151 Roy Lai Controlling the Message MaxX
#152 Orbital Tangent Engineering the Future Andromeda
#153 Jullien Deville Engineering the Future Leela Patel
#154 Benjamin Kamm Potential Unleashed Ken "Express" Tenma
#155 Tom Fornander Engineering the Future Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#156 Rob Waltman SYNC Whizzard
#157 Evan Hill Engineering the Future Whizzard
#158 Zachary Cavis Near-Earth Hub Armand "Geist" Walker
#159 Benjamin DePew Near-Earth Hub Whizzard
#160 inniscor Faircoats - Gustavo Garcia Whizzard - Gustavo Garcia
#161 Noah Lezenby New Angeles Sol Valencia Estevez
#162 Victor Pluntky Near-Earth Hub Sunny LeBeau
#163 Ino209 Boom Goes the Dynamite, FA edition (Worlds 2016) Leela (Worlds 2016)
#164 Ross Freitag Engineering the Future Andromeda
#165 Ellen Biscotti Controlling the Message Whizzard
#166 Matthew Baxley New Angeles Sol Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#167 Mikhail Honoridez Near-Earth Hub Valencia Estevez
#168 Raja Doake Cerebral Imaging Whizzard
#169 Mishary Alfaris Controlling the Message Valencia Estevez
#170 kata124 Engineering the Future Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#171 Hollis Eacho SYNC Whizzard
#172 Andrew Cortez Controlling the Message Valencia Estevez
#173 Nich Harris Palana Foods Leela Patel
#174 Nicholas Vanderslice Controlling the Message Valencia Estevez
#175 Bryan Dolezal Engineering the Future Andromeda
#176 Nicholas Murphy New Angeles Sol Whizzard
#177 Patrik Kampmann Engineering the Future Valencia Estevez
#178 Tony Nierowiecz Replicating Perfection Ken "Express" Tenma
#179 Justin Hulse Engineering the Future Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#180 Dave Laird Controlling the Message Whizzard
#181 Thomas Rosen Engineering the Future Andromeda
#182 Mark Mottram SYNC Whizzard
#183 Isaiah Huber Controlling the Message Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#184 Spenser Lee Engineering the Future Rielle "Kit" Peddler
#185 Jordan Peters Engineering the Future Andromeda
#186 Redino987 Gagarin Deep Space Hayley Kaplan
#187 William Zander SYNC Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#188 Thomas Eady Engineering the Future Whizzard
#189 Melvin Lee Engineering the Future Andromeda
#190 Alex Hokenson Engineering the Future Valencia Estevez
#191 Nicholas Leeman Engineering the Future Andromeda
#192 Peter Tierney Palana Foods Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#193 Benedict Fox Controlling the Message Whizzard
#194 Stephen Ebrey Personal Evolution Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#195 Kristopher Jamieson Personal Evolution Valencia Estevez
#196 Samuel Fiorillo Personal Evolution Rielle "Kit" Peddler
#197 Travis Provick Engineering the Future Valencia Estevez
#198 emilyspine shmeguy ctm Worlds Andy
#199 Edward Paget New Angeles Sol Valencia Estevez
#200 Hamin Kang Near-Earth Hub Andromeda
#201 Patrick Christians Engineering the Future Andromeda
#202 Andrew Webber Blue Sun Whizzard
#203 Adam Zuback Controlling the Message Valencia Estevez
#204 shanodin Worlds - Biotic Sync CTZ_BOP_IT copy
#205 Christopher Wionzek Engineering the Future Andromeda
#206 Rick Rowcotsky Engineering the Future Andromeda
#207 Rose Moore Engineering the Future Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#208 Matthew Bucher Potential Unleashed Omar Keung
#209 Greg Freeney Controlling the Message Whizzard
#210 Jason Ater Blue Sun Gabriel Santiago
#211 Sanjay X-Men Legends (Worlds 2016 Best Tennin) Monty Hall Truther v0.2
#212 Daniel Joseph Engineering the Future Valencia Estevez
#213 Nicholas Taylor Gagarin Deep Space Edward Kim
#214 Andrew Fox SYNC Valencia Estevez
#215 Joshua Gorciak SYNC MaxX
#216 Roberto Linteau Engineering the Future Whizzard
#217 Zachary Schmalz Engineering the Future Sunny LeBeau
#218 Joshua Pfell Engineering the Future Hayley Kaplan
#219 Carsten Pra?ni Controlling the Message Andromeda
#220 Blain Baumgardt Engineering the Future Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#221 Eric Fleisig-Greene Engineering the Future Hayley Kaplan
#222 Luke Dennis Engineering the Future MaxX
#223 Carl Sulzer Engineering the Future Leela Patel
#224 John A Pavlovich Engineering the Future Whizzard
#225 Jesse Bluem Blue Sun Whizzard
#226 Timothy Tobeck Controlling the Message MaxX
#227 Peregrin Brown Argus Security Ken "Express" Tenma
#228 Brandon Baggett Near-Earth Hub Andromeda
#229 OdsyWrenn BOOM! goes Worlds - Worlds 2016 Better in Kate - Worlds 2016
#230 Eissa AlQadeeri New Angeles Sol MaxX
#231 David Etherington SYNC Andromeda
#232 Julianne Taylor Cerebral Imaging Reina Roja
#233 Joey Huskinson Replicating Perfection Rielle "Kit" Peddler
#234 John Otto Palana Foods Whizzard
#235 Matthew Brinkman Chronos Protocol Valencia Estevez
#236 Anthony Bowman Engineering the Future Hayley Kaplan
#237 Heather Ater Replicating Perfection Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#238 Justin Jacques Engineering the Future Whizzard
#239 Chris Steiger Engineering the Future Whizzard
#240 Asher Stuhlman Near-Earth Hub Valencia Estevez
#241 jase2224 Brain Damage Association Andy Worlds
#242 Ivie Call Palana Foods Whizzard
#243 Patrick Brand Near-Earth Hub Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#244 Dave Garner Engineering the Future Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#245 Josh Hoppstock Personal Evolution Whizzard
#246 Sean Duncan SYNC Valencia Estevez
#247 John Slaugh Engineering the Future Valencia Estevez
#248 Brendon Prokos Engineering the Future Rielle "Kit" Peddler
#249 Kyle Hagan Builder of Nations Apex
#250 Tobin Lopes Controlling the Message Andromeda

Players going (46)