BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:19alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20161103 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20161104 URL: LOCATION:1975 County Road B2 W\, Roseville\, MN 55113\, USA SUMMARY:[WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2016] CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWARNING: This is not an official FFG page. Please keep yourse lf updated from the official FFG sources\nDouble elimination results on Ch allonge\nFFG stream\ndodgepong's sidestream\nFFG official page on Netrunne r World Championship 2016\nFFG COMPETITOR PAMPHLET\nPrize pool\n\nPlayers may pick up their badges at the info booth 4 pm–10 pm Tuesday\nor during open hours Wednesday through Saturday\n\nTHURSDAY\, NOVEMBER 3RD - 10:00A M - A:Nr\, World Championship\, Day 1\nLocation: Fantasy Flight Games Cent er\nRequired Components: 1 Runner deck &\; 1 Corporation deck\, both sl eeved\, tokens\, completed deck list\nSwiss Rounds: 6\nRound Length: 65 mi nutes\nAdvance to Final Day: Top 96\, Fri. 9:30AM\nBreak: 1-hour break bet ween rounds 3 &\; 4\n\nFRIDAY\, NOVEMBER 4TH - 9:30AM - A:Nr\, World Ch ampionship\, Final Day &\; Top 16 Elimination\nLocation: Fantasy Flight Games Center\nRequired Components: All components from Day 1\nSwiss Round s: 3\nRound Length: 65 minutes\nSize of Cut: Top 16\nBreak: 1-hour break b etween Swiss rounds and Top 16\nAdditional Info: Only players that advance d from Day 1 can participate\n\nStreaming schedule\n ffglive\nFRIDAY\, NOVEMBER 4TH\n\n9:15AM - 1:15PM Android: Netrunner\, Wor ld Championship\, Final Day\n\n1:30PM - 2:00PM Android: Netrunner Red Sand s Cycle Discussion w/ Damon Stone\n\n2:30PM - 11:15PM Android: Netrunner\, World Championship\, Top 16 Elimination\n\n\n\n\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

\"Image\"\nWARNING: This is not an officia l FFG page. Please keep yourself updated from the official FFG sources


Doubl e elimination results on Challonge\nFFG stream\ndodgepong's sidestream


FFG official pag e on Netrunner World Championship 2016\nFFG COMPETITOR PAMPHLET\nPrize pool


Players may pick up their badges at the info boot h 4 pm–10 pm Tuesday\nor during open hours Wednesday through Saturday


THURSDAY\, NOVEMBER 3RD - 10:00AM - A:Nr\, World Championship\, Day 1\nLocation: Fanta sy Flight Games Center\nRequired Components: 1 Runner dec k &\; 1 Corporation deck\, both sleeved\, tokens\, completed deck list\ nSwiss Rounds: 6\nRound Length: 65 minut es\nAdvance to Final Day: Top 96\, Fri. 9:30AM\nB reak: 1-hour break between rounds 3 &\; 4


FRIDAY\, NOVEMBER 4TH - 9:30AM - A:Nr\, World Championship\, Final Day &\; Top 16 Elimination\nLocation: F antasy Flight Games Center\nRequired Components: All comp onents from Day 1\nSwiss Rounds: 3\nRound Length< /strong>: 65 minutes\nSize of Cut: Top 16\nBreak< /strong>: 1-hour break between Swiss rounds and Top 16\nAdditional Info: Only players that advanced from Day 1 can participate

\ n

Streaming schedule\n\nFRIDAY\, NOVEMBER 4TH< /p>\n

