2024.09.28 - 2024.09.29.

Legal cardpool up to: Rebellion Without Rehearsal
MWL: not applicable
Format: standard

decklist is mandatory!

Registration starts: 08:00 (local time)
Tournament starts: 08:30 (local time)
Contact: maninthem00n - on discord

event QR code

➡️ Check my timezone Player meeting at 15:00 UTC , 11:00am Eastern USA, 8:00 am PDT
Round 1 starts 30 minutes later

➡️ Stream for top cut 👀 🎉

➡️ Stream for swiss 👀 🎉

➡️ Buy Tickets Here! Shipping Included!

Prizes for worlds showdown

We will be using SBL 24.09 - World Tree Banned

I hope this tournament will help people prepare for worlds. I set this event 3 weeks before worlds as a way to help set the stage for final testing. This will also be a great new player friendly event to join for even if you wont be able to make it to SF for the official world championship 😃 I expect this will be another epic netrunner tournament bringing together new and old players of all levels for a wonderful day of connecting with friends and hacking servers 🥳

All COs are fairly casual events and I make a special effort to make these events approachable and inviting for newer players. This is a great place to start if you've never played in an online or any tournament before. There is even a bonus prize for first time online tournament players!

Games will be played on Jinteki.net. I will be coordinating the event through the Null Signal online events hub Discord server. You can join the server here. We will be using the #online-store-championship channel for announcements. More details will be posted closer to the date of the event.

How long the event will be? This is going to be a large event and I expect to run 8+ rounds of single sided swiss plus a meal break on day one. This should take between 7 -10 hours. You're definitely not required to play the whole event to get prizes. I'm sure some people will end up dropping part way through. It's looking like we are going to have enough players for a cut to top 16 on day two, this will be a standard double elim cut with the same start time as day one.

I plan to have event streamed, if you have interest in commentating or helping stream please reach out to me on discord!

Tell your friends it's LAN Party Time!

The most fun I have had during online tournaments is when I get a few friends together and try to take down an online event together. I will have a few Holo Man playmats and some extra prizing I'll be raffling off for players who meet up together while playing in this online event! Having other players around to celebrate or commiserate with is a true joy!

What happens if I buy a ticket and can't make it? You have two choices, first I can refund your ticket. The earlier you can register the better it is for me and I don't want that to cost anyone who has their plans change. The second option is to keep your ticket and I will ship you the participation prizes and any early registration bonuses 👀 Playing is required to receive the first time tournament bonus.

Optional fundraiser for my netrunner travel: There is an option at checkout to donate to my travel fund. This time 100% of the donations will go to help me pay for my travel to worlds. I definitely don't want anyone to feel pressured to donate, but I also want to send a huge thank you to everyone who has donated in the past. These events don't do much more then break even and the donations truly wam my heart and keep me motivated ❤️ 🩵 💚 I will be including a small extra thank you with prizes for anyone who elects to donate ❤️ 👀 🥳 Thanks you all so much! This community is so amazing!

Affordability My main goal in running this tournament online is to increase the accessibility of competitive netrunner. I have made an effort to keep the ticket price affordable, but I want to make sure cost isn't a barrier for anyone who would like to join. If you are hesitant to play because of the cost you're welcome to use the discount code NETRUNNER4EVERYONE for 100% off the ticket price or HALFOFF for 50% off. I'm hoping to make sure anyone who wants to play can participate. ❤️ The discount codes don't have unlimited uses, but so far they have never run out. I'm always really happy when the the discounts get used. Please please use one if it will help!

*Please only use the discount codes if you actually want to receive prizes, if you just want to play netrunner you don't need a ticket just sign up on Aesop's and join in. I don't bother cross-referencing tickets with players, but without a ticket/shipping address the only prizes you can play for are CBI invite and Beans. That said if you can buy I ticket I appreciate it, but I would much prefer anyone play then pay ❤️

2024 Circuit Opener H2
TOs discretion: Pelangi (Art by Scott Uminga) alternate art card
top 2: See how they Run (Art by Benjamin Giletti) playmat
top 4: Tranquility Home Grid (Art by Vitalii Ostaschenko) alternate art card
top 8: Tree Line (Art by Emilio Rodríguez) alternate art card

3× See How They Run playmat (illustrated by Benjamin Giletti)
15× Tranquility Home Grid (illustrated by Vitalii Ostaschenko)
27× Tree Line (illustrated by Emilio Rodríguez)
6× Pelangi (illustrated by Scott Uminga)

Unofficial prizes
{{ prize.quantity }}{{ isNaN(prize.quantity) ? ':' : 'x'}} {{ prize.title }} {{ prize.type}} {{ prize.title }} {{ prize.type}} by {{ prize.artist }}

Additional prizes and information

The tournament will use be using 4-5 2024 H1 CO kits along with a large collection of extra prizes.

The bonus H2 Pelangis by Scott Uminga will be given to players who have never played in an online tournament before (while supplies last). If you've been thinking about trying competitive netrunner, but haven't yet taken the plunge this is a great opportunity ❤️

Tell your friends it's LAN Party Time!
The most fun I have had during online tournaments is when I get a few friends together and try to take down an online event together. I will have a few Holo Man playmats and some extra prizing I'll be raffling off for players who meet up together while playing in this online event! Having other players around to celebrate or commiserate with is a true joy!

I have a collection of options available as participation prizes. Everyone gets to pick two of their choice.

Participation alt art choices
Deep Dive by PreNic
End of the Line by Brindelmoldart
Your Digital Life Full-art NSG 2024 Q2 GNK
Regolith Mining License Full-art NSG 2024 Q1 GNK
Magnet Alt-art by Ferenc Patkós NSG H2 2023 reprint

Top Cut + any Bubble get choice of previous showdown alt arts in Foil:
You can view the last showdown here

Wooden and acrylic IDs or playmat:

1x Jinteki: Restoring Humanity By Jakuza (wooden)
2x Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist By Functor (wooden)
1x Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design By Jakuza (acrylic)
1x René “Loup” Arcemont: Party Animal By Jakuza (acrylic)
2x The Holo Man (playmat)

1st - 4th Choice form above.
5th Choice form above based on placement. (with 100+ players)

Official CO Kit Prizes*
1st+ 2025 CBI invite (one per 20 players)
1st - 8th/10th See How They Run playmat (illustrated by Benjamin Giletti)
1st - 16th/20th Tranquility Home Grid (illustrated by Vitalii Ostaschenko)
1st - 32nd/40th Tree Line (illustrated by Emilio Rodríguez)

*I'm going to be using 4/5 regular H1 CO kits for prizing if we have 75-99/100+ participants. So the official CO prizing will scale with tournament size.
*Prizes potentially subject to change.

Prizes for worlds showdown
Participation Prizes for worlds showdown
top Prizes for worlds showdown

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