
Legal cardpool up to: The Automata Initiative
MWL: Standard Ban List 23.08
Format: other

decklist is not required

Registration starts: 10:30 (local time)
Tournament starts: 11:00 (local time)
Contact: maninthem00n - on discord

runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
event QR code
Registration Link: https://cobr.ai/dluc - IDs Ampère and Nova
Entry Fee $6.50 USD (free without prizes)

My brother @Santa and I have been developing the new Netrunner format Chimera for the past few months. We are finally ready for our inaugural tournament and we hope you will join us for a fun day of silly netrunner games!

This tournament will be run using the Chimera formant. This is a total blast. Both sides get an algorithmically generated AmpΓ¨re or Nova deck and play without knowing what cards are in either deck. From our preliminary play testing this formant is a total blast and joy to play. Deck lists will be generated by playchimera.net/new-deck feel free to give it a try anytime πŸ˜ƒ

This tournament is $6.50 USD if you want prizes or free if you don't πŸ₯³ @santa and I are looking for as many people to join as possible to collect feedback on balance and general enjoyment!

If you're excited about prizes you can send me $6.50 USD on PayPal with your shipping address and handle. I'll send you something fun in the mail, options below πŸ‘€
PayPal me - @maninthem00n
Venmo - @Abe_raham

This tournament will be 4-5 rounds of DSS with no top cut.
Run through the NSG online events hub - #online-gnks-2 - Invite Link

Player meeting and Chimera rules explanation at 10:30am PST local time:
Self registration link: https://cobr.ai/dluc - IDs Ampère and Nova

Additional prizes and information

If you're excited about prizes you can send me $6.50 USD on PayPal with your shipping address and handle. I'll send you something fun in the mail, options below :)
PayPal me - @maninthem00n
Venmo - @Abe_raham

Top 4 Inverted Snares
Top 12 Luminal Transubstantiation Hats
Participation based on placement and supply your choice of 1x playset:
MSP Funhouse, MSP VRcation, NSG Toolbooth, NSG Earthrise Hotel, Daily Catss, Proxied FFG full arts, other various options.
Inverted Snares Luminal Transubstantiation Hat

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Swiss rounds
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Number of players: 16
only swiss rounds, no top cut
concluded by: ManintheMoon
conflicts: strict

Login via NetrunnerDB to claim spot.

Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 TurnLeft25 Ampère Nova Initiumia
#2 cablooshe The only ice you need is Gyri (2nd, Tied for 1st at Chimera The Price is 3 Meat Damage (2nd, Tied for 1st at Chimera Ina
#3 FAC3L355 The Future (is NOW) Perfect (3rd, Tied for 1st at Chimera Inaugural) The Lock Will Find the Key (3rd, Tied for 1st at Chimera Inaugural)
#4 AugustusCaesar Chimera 7 point combo (4th at Chimera Inaugural) Unbeatable Patchwork Omega Rig (4th at Chimera Inaugural)
#5 arlekj Ampère Nova Initiumia
#6 Sauc3 Ampère Nova Initiumia
#7 kevinth Ampère Nova Initiumia
#8 ManintheMoon Ampère Nova Initiumia
#9 Null Envoy Ampère: Cybernetics For Anyone Nova Initiumia: Catalyst & Impetus
#10 AFalling8rick Ampère Nova Initiumia
#12 Santa Ampère Nova Initiumia
#13 Toron Ampère: Cybernetics For Anyone Nova Initiumia: Catalyst & Impetus
#14 pacx Ampère Nova Initiumia
#15 lazy Ampère Nova Initiumia
#16 Baxder Ampère: Cybernetics For Anyone Nova Initiumia: Catalyst & Impetus

Players going (14)