BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3903alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231001 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20231002 URL: nt- SUMMARY:Chimera - Inaugural Tournament 🎉🚀🚀 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Registration Link: - IDs Ampère and Nova \nEntry Fee $6.50 USD (free without prizes)\nMy brother @Santa and I have been developing the new Netrunner format Chimera for the past few months. We are finally ready for our inaugural tournament and we hope you will joi n us for a fun day of silly netrunner games!\nThis tournament will be run using the Chimera formant. This is a total blast. Both sides get an algori thmically generated Ampère or Nova deck and play without knowing what car ds are in either deck. From our preliminary play testing this formant is a total blast and joy to play. Deck lists will be generated by playchimera. net/new-deck feel free to give it a try anytime 😃\nThis tournament is $ 6.50 USD if you want prizes or free if you don't 🥳 @santa and I are loo king for as many people to join as possible to collect feedback on balance and general enjoyment!\nIf you're excited about prizes you can send me $6 .50 USD on PayPal with your shipping address and handle. I'll send you som ething fun in the mail\, options below 👀\nPayPal me - @maninthem00n\nV enmo - @Abe_raham\n#8353\nThis tournament will be 4-5 rounds of DSS with n o top cut.\nRun through the NSG online events hub - #online-gnks-2 - Invit e Link\nPlayer meeting and Chimera rules explanation at 10:30am PST local time:\nSelf registration link: - IDs Ampère and Nov a\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
My brother @Santa and I have been developing the new Netrunner forma t Chimera for the past few months. We are finally ready for our inaugural tournament and we hope you will join us for a fun day of silly netrunner g ames!
\nThis tournament will be run using the Chimera formant. This is a total blast. Both sides get an algorithmically generated Ampère or N ova deck and play without knowing what cards are in either deck. From our preliminary play testing this formant is a total blast and joy to play. De ck lists will be generated by feel free to give it a try anytime 😃 p>\n
This tournament is $6.50 USD if you want prizes or free if you don' t 🥳 @santa and I are looking for as many people to join as possible to collect feedback on balance and general enjoyment!
\nIf you're excit ed about prizes you can send me $6.50 USD on PayPal with your shipping add ress and handle. I'll send you something fun in the mail\, options below 👀\nPayPal me - @maninthem00n\nVenmo - @Abe_raham\n#8353
\nThis tournament will be 4-5 r ounds of DSS with no top cut.\nRun through the NSG online events hub - #online-gnks-2 - Invite Li nk
\nPlayer meeting and Chimera rules explanation at 10:30am PST local tim e:\nSelf registration link: https://c - IDs Ampère and Nova