
Facebook event

Legal cardpool up to: System Gateway
MWL: Standard Ban List 21.05
Format: standard

decklist is not required

Registration starts: 10:30 (local time)
Tournament starts: 11:00 (local time)

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corp factions
runner IDs
corp IDs
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Tickets are now on sale: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ntscape-navigators-online-store-championship-tickets-148512672401

Event will be ran here Luckies: https://discord.gg/7Vc35XCd6n

Hai Luckies! Ba da da da clap clap clap


Welcome to my online store championship for Netrunner, tickets will be £5 each and the event will be hosted online using Jinteki.net, Nisei event discord and cobr.ai, it will use the Upgraded prize support which base looks like this:

Winner: Event invite
Top 8: 3x Consulting Visit
Top 16: 3x Falsified Credentials
Top 32: 3x Peace in our Time.

Extra prizes will be added closer to the time including, Full bleed Corporate Troubleshooter (super rare artist thank you card), and Plural companion sets and much more.
The event will also be streamed, please do let me know if you'd rather your games weren't streamed.

Date: May 8th
Reg: 10:30am
Round 1: 11am
Rounds: 4-5 Depending on turnout
Cut: Top 4 (Top 8 if we get a lot of people)
Format: Standard (With System Gateway and rotation), latest ban list.
Tickets will go on sale early next month.

Hope to see you there Luckies. ^.~

All times are BST (UTC+01)

Update on prizes:

1st place - Plastic Game Net + Event Invite
Top 2: Kalypso Alt of Longevity Serum
Top 4: 1 playset of a minipluaral companion, 4th picks first, then 3rd, ect
Top 8: Consulting Visit
Top 16: Falsified Credentials
Top 32: PIOT

Random door prize each round: Dirty Laundry
Random door prizes at the end of the swiss event: Corporate Troubleshooter

Prizes in the pool not yet allocated: Tarrot sized IDs from tea and Ink + more.

If we get over 32 players I'll pass the TO copies of cards down, if we get over 34 players, Players finishing outside the top 34 will get a playset of Harbinger instead of peace - so no one goes away empty handed.

2021 Store Championship Kit
Door Prizes: 6x Dirty Laundry alternate art card
top 16: 3x Peace in Our Time alternate art card
top 8: 3x Falsified Credentials alternate art card
top 4: 3x Consulting Visit alternate art card
champion: Invite to Circuit Breaker Invitational Event Event Invite
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This tournament has conflicting claims.
Claims or conflicts can be removed by the tournament creator, admins or claim owners.
Number of players: 70
Top cut players: 8
concluded by: NtscapeNavigator
conflicts: strict

Login via NetrunnerDB to claim spot.

Top cut
rank player corp runner
#1 Heinzel PD 1st at NtscapeNavigator's Store Championship Hivemind Maxx 1st at NtscapeNavigator's Store Championship
#2 Pinsel Built to Takeover 46 card MaxX (2nd, 38th at Ntscape SC)
#3 ArminFirecracker Spiky Tags (3th at NtscapeNavigator SC) Clot-O-Lypse (7-0 in NtscapeNavigator SC, 3th out of 70)
#4 RotomAppliance Tranquility PD - 4th at Netscape SC Engolo Steve - 4th at Netscape Store Champ
#5 Rustryder NBN: Controlling the Message Valencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe
#6 Algebraic Red Spombo - 6th & 18th NtscapeNavigator SC Mummy Long Legs - 6th & 18th NtscapeNavigator SC
#7 Matuszczak Your Standard Void Hydras (4-2 & 7th @NtscapeNavigator's SC) No-nonsense Apoc (4-2 & 7th @NtscapeNavigator's SC)
#8 Sokka234 Go Fast or Go Home aka not spombo(Top 8 Ntscapenavigator SC) TapShiko (Top 8 Ntscapenavigator SC)

Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 MrEhjiwurth Asa Group Alice Merchant
#1 Matuszczak Your Standard Void Hydras (4-2 & 7th @NtscapeNavigator's SC) No-nonsense Apoc (4-2 & 7th @NtscapeNavigator's SC)
#2 Heinzel PD 1st at NtscapeNavigator's Store Championship Hivemind Maxx 1st at NtscapeNavigator's Store Championship
#3 RotomAppliance Tranquility PD - 4th at Netscape SC Engolo Steve - 4th at Netscape Store Champ
#4 ArminFirecracker Spiky Tags (3th at NtscapeNavigator SC) Clot-O-Lypse (7-0 in NtscapeNavigator SC, 3th out of 70)
#5 Rustryder NBN: Controlling the Message Valencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe
#6 Pinsel Built to Takeover 46 card MaxX (2nd, 38th at Ntscape SC)
#7 Sokka234 Go Fast or Go Home aka not spombo(Top 8 Ntscapenavigator SC) TapShiko (Top 8 Ntscapenavigator SC)
#8 DoomRat Endless Austerity [5-1 NtscapeNavigator SC, 8th in Swiss] Easy A-poc [2-3 NtscapeNavigator SC, 8th in Swiss]
#9 Algebraic Red Spombo - 6th & 18th NtscapeNavigator SC Mummy Long Legs - 6th & 18th NtscapeNavigator SC
#10 SimplyTheOnion My Spombo for NtScape SC (Top10) (highest placing) Tao for NtScapenet SC
#11 ChrisFerg Sportsmetal Hoshiko Shiro
#12 Diomedes Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
#13 anarchomushroom TRUST THE F*ING CROW (3-2, 13th @ Ntscape SC) Hivemaxx: Who Needs Breakers Edition (3-1 13th @ Ntscape SC)
#14 Odol Acme Consulting: The Truth You Need Ele "Smoke" Scovak: Cynosure of the Net
#15 TugtetguT Jinja City PD Apocaloup "Moshing is literally VLC, but orange."
#16 Council Don't Talk to me or my Boi ever Again (3-2 @ 70p SC) For a Spoonful of Kicks (2-1 @ Netscape Navigator SC, 16/70)
#17 mao Weyland Consortium: Built to Last 419: Amoral Scammer
#18 Baa Ram Wu Really Red Spombo - 18th at 70px Ntscape Navigator SC Diesel Gives You Wings - 18th at 70px Ntscape Navigator SC
#19 rotage Sportsmetal Tāo Salonga
#20 Bridgeman Agressive SYNC 2.0 - Post Gateway Drainass Steve
#21 rusefus NEXT Skunk Please Business Wolf
#22 Kikai Offworld Skunkworks [Tranquil Edition] (14-1 over 3 SC) Apoc is plan B (1-4 at NetscapeNavigator SC)
#23 Osclate Sportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
#24 HiddenAway Smelly Tags (24th at NtscapeNavigator's SC) Los' Orders (24th at NtscapeNavigator's SC)
#25 sixtyten Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock
#26 rapanui PD Tempo (copied from J4; 20th @ NtscapeNav's SC) Inversificator Kit (1-4 @ NN's SC)
#27 Sanjay 6 Ping Sync - 5-0 at Ntscape SC 0-5 at Ntscape SC (EXTREMELY CONSISTENT)
#28 Ghost00 NtscapeNavigator's Store Championship #28 NtscapeNavigator's Store Championship #28
#29 MrBuggles Built to Last René "Loup" Arcemont
#30 cableCarnage sbl 21.05 - built to hpt (2-3 NtscapeNavigator's SC) sbl 21.05 - gachapon loup (3-2 Ntscape SC)
#31 teacake27 Weyland Consortium: Built to Last Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
#32 Vale Asa Group 419
#33 Hyperbolic_Mess Weyland Consortium: Builder of Nations Kabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker
#34 MotionBlur Pālanā Foods 419
#35 gilesdavis AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World Tāo Salonga: Telepresence Magician
#36 meetingadjourned NBN: Reality Plus Steve Cambridge: Master Grifter
#37 DeeR Earth Station Hoshiko Shiro
#38 lostgeek Built to Takeover 46 card MaxX (2nd, 38th at Ntscape SC)
#39 ilksvorbern Planogram Seamless Rush the process without the patchwork
#40 dnddmdb Eats, Shoots, and Leaves (3-2 Ntscape Store Championship) Talkative Hoshiko (2-3 Ntscape Store Championship)
#41 Percomis Weyland Consortium: Built to Last MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock
#42 Thornwulf The Outfit: Family Owned and Operated Kabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker
#43 swiftie SYNC: Everything, Everywhere Alice Merchant: Clan Agitator
#44 Ola Sportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home Steve Cambridge: Master Grifter
#45 Countzer0 AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World Ayla "Bios" Rahim: Simulant Specialist
#46 Nem0 SSO Industries: Fueling Innovation Lat: Ethical Freelancer
#47 vesper Built to Last 419
#48 bowlsley Reasonably Good Asa - 2-2 at Ntscape Navigator's SC (48/70) Dual-Reaving - 2-2 at Ntscape Navigator SC (48/70)
#49 steffmonkey The Outfit: Family Owned and Operated Valencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe
#50 Mathilda Seemless Ag - 50th at Ntscape 05.2021 Apoc MaxX - 50th at Ntscape 05.2021
#51 Espatier Restoring Humanity Az McCaffrey
#52 Drago Weyland Consortium: Built to Last Sunny Lebeau: Security Specialist
#53 Zeebag Reality Plus Zahya Sadeghi
#54 mendax War of the Worlds - 2nd & 4th SC (34 players) - 10 - 2 2 Sunny 2 Furious - 4-3 Worlds 2021
#55 Rhyme Argus Security Hoshiko Shiro
#56 The King (Muse: Koschei) Weyland Consortium: Built to Last MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock
#57 Larrea Controlling the Message 419
#58 neuromantic The Outfit Edward Kim
#59 JackMade Built to Last Zahya Sadeghi
#60 DanaCWSF Weyland Consortium: Built to Last 419: Amoral Scammer
#61 Redino987 Reality Plus Steve Cambridge
#62 techgin Aki's HB Akis' Val almost virus-free
#63 paulyg Precision Design Hoshiko Shiro
#64 yodatmelia Jinteki: Personal Evolution René "Loup" Arcemont: Party Animal
#65 jpsaxby Built to Last Tāo Salonga
#66 AxWill Sportsmetal Hoshiko Shiro
#67 ObviousDuck Acme Consulting: The Truth You Need 419: Amoral Scammer
#68 gejben Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design René "Loup" Arcemont: Party Animal
#69 manveruppd "Nice" Ginger Infusion "Nice" Guy Apocasteve
#70 pspacekitten Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design René "Loup" Arcemont: Party Animal

Players going (57)