BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2920alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210507 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210509 URL: tore-championship SUMMARY:NtscapeNavigator's online Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Tickets are now on sale: -navigators-online-store-championship-tickets-148512672401\nEvent will be ran here Luckies:\nHai Luckies! Ba da da da clap clap clap\n\nWelcome to my online store championship for Netrunner\, tickets will be £5 each and the event will be hosted online using Jinteki .net\, Nisei event discord and\, it will use the Upgraded prize su pport which base looks like this:\nWinner: Event invite\nTop 8: 3x Consult ing Visit\nTop 16: 3x Falsified Credentials\nTop 32: 3x Peace in our Time. \nExtra prizes will be added closer to the time including\, Full bleed Cor porate Troubleshooter (super rare artist thank you card)\, and Plural comp anion sets and much more.\nThe event will also be streamed\, please do let me know if you'd rather your games weren't streamed.\nDate: May 8th\nReg: 10:30am\nRound 1: 11am\nRounds: 4-5 Depending on turnout\nCut: Top 4 (Top 8 if we get a lot of people)\nFormat: Standard (With System Gateway and r otation)\, latest ban list.\nTickets will go on sale early next month.\nHo pe to see you there Luckies. ^.~\nAll times are BST (UTC+01)\nUpdate on pr izes:\n1st place - Plastic Game Net + Event Invite\nTop 2: Kalypso Alt of Longevity Serum\nTop 4: 1 playset of a minipluaral companion\, 4th picks f irst\, then 3rd\, ect\nTop 8: Consulting Visit\nTop 16: Falsified Credenti als\nTop 32: PIOT\nRandom door prize each round: Dirty Laundry\nRandom doo r prizes at the end of the swiss event: Corporate Troubleshooter\nPrizes i n the pool not yet allocated: Tarrot sized IDs from tea and Ink + more.\nI f we get over 32 players I'll pass the TO copies of cards down\, if we get over 34 players\, Players finishing outside the top 34 will get a playset of Harbinger instead of peace - so no one goes away empty handed.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Tickets are now on sale: https://ww 148512672401


Event will be ran here Luckies: http s://


Hai Luckies! Ba da da da cl ap clap clap




Welcome to my online store c hampionship for Netrunner\, tickets will be £5 each and the event will be hosted online using\, Nisei event discord and\, it wi ll use the Upgraded prize support which base looks like this:


Winner: Event invite\nTop 8: 3x Consulting V isit\nTop 16: 3x Falsified Credentials\nTop 32: 3x Peace in our Time.


Extra prizes will be added closer to the time including\, Full bleed Corporate Troubleshooter (super rare arti st thank you card)\, and Plural companion sets and much more.\nThe event w ill also be streamed\, please do let me know if you'd rather your games we ren't streamed.


Date: May 8th\nReg: 10:30am\nRound 1: 11am\nRounds: 4-5 Depending on turnout\nCut: Top 4 (Top 8 if we get a lot o f people)\nFormat: Standard (With System Gateway and rota tion)\, latest ban list.\nTickets will go on sale early next month.

\n< p>Hope to see you there Luckies. ^.~


All times are BST (UTC+01)


Update on prizes:


1st place - Plastic Game Net + Event Invite\nTop 2: Kalypso Alt of Longevity Serum\nTop 4: 1 playse t of a minipluaral companion\, 4th picks first\, then 3rd\, ect\nTop 8: Co nsulting Visit\nTop 16: Falsified Credentials\nTop 32: PIOT


Random door prize each round: Dirty Laundry\nRandom door prizes at the end of th e swiss event: Corporate Troubleshooter


Prizes in the pool not yet allocated: Tarrot sized IDs from tea and Ink + more.


If we get ov er 32 players I'll pass the TO copies of cards down\, if we get over 34 pl ayers\, Players finishing outside the top 34 will get a playset of Harbing er instead of peace - so no one goes away empty handed.