Italy, Turin

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Legal cardpool up to: Uprising
MWL: Standard Ban List 20.09
Format: standard

decklist is not required

Registration starts: 20:45 (local time)
Tournament starts: 21:00 (local time)
Contact: enrico [dot] reb89 [at] gmail [dot] com

runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
Net-Giro d'Italia 2020
location: Italy
date tournament
2020.12.11. Net-Giro d'Italia - Tappa 4/Stage 4 [online]
2020.12.04. Net-Giro d'Italia - Tappa 3/Stage 3 [online]
2020.11.27. Net-Giro d'Italia - Tappa 2/Stage 2 [online]
2020.11.20. Net-Giro d'Italia - Tappa 1/Stage 1 [online]

Multiple-stage tournament format, which mimics a cycling grand tour, with several general classifications, each with different characteristics.


General standings

Final standings

event QR code

english below

Prima tappa del Net-Giro. Le prossime saranno nei tre successivi venerdì.
Ritrovo su Discord ore 20:45, inizio primo turno ore 21:00.
Per favore, leggete bene la descrizione.

Questo è il primo di quattro tornei da 4 turni secchi (3 turni se meno di 12 giocatori) su Jinteki in cui non si può portare due volte la stessa fazione (quindi, si giocheranno tutte le corp e 4 delle 6 runner), con quattro classifiche generali ispirate al Giro d’Italia. Le quattro classifiche sono:

  • Maglia Rosa: classifica in base ai punti fatti nelle partite (perso 7-6? 6 punti; vinto di flatline o mill? 7; millato da Claudio mentre avevi scorato 10 punti? 10 punti). Spareggio: piazzamenti (vedi Maglia Ciclamino). In caso di ulteriore parità, piazzamento nell’ultimo torneo (possibile round tiebreak se sono primi a parimerito).
  • Maglia Ciclamino: classifica in base ai piazzamenti nei 4 tornei (10 punti al primo, 6 al secondo, 4 al terzo, 3, 2, 1; in caso di pareggio, si fa la media). In caso di parità, si guarda chi ha vinto più partite. In caso di ulteriore pareggio, chi ha fatto più punti nelle partite (vedi Maglia Rosa).
  • Maglia Azzurra: 1 punto per ogni vittoria di flatline o per mill. In caso di parità, vince chi ha millato di più. In caso di ulteriore parità, chi è davanti nella classifica Maglia Rosa.
  • Maglia Bianca: dartachiappa, a giudizio insindacabile di Darta.

Formato: standard al momento dell’inizio del primo torneo. Nota: anche se uscirà una nuova banlist continueremo a giocare con quella usata per il primo torneo, per evitare di falsare.

Premi classifica generale: playmat “The Nihilist” (Maglia Rosa), playmat “The Artist” (Maglia Ciclamino), playmat “Always have a backup plan” (Maglia Azzurra), l'esclusivo dartadado (Maglia Bianca).

Premi vincitori di tappa: alt art FFG di Noise (Tappa 1), Leela Patel (Tappa 2), The Outfit (Tappa 3), Builder of Nations (Tappa 4).

Premio di partecipazione: alt art Nisei di Earthrise Hotel + alt art FFG di Black Orchestra.

E altri premi supersegreti!

Iscrizione: 1€ (per coprire la spedizione). Chiedete di iscrivervi da qui: o contattatemi.

Numero massimo di iscritti: 18.

PS: se uno non può partecipare a una tappa non è un dramma, semplicemente, non prenderà punti nella classifica generale, ma cercate di evitarlo.

First stage of the Net-Giro. The following three stages will be on the three following Fridays.
Discord (Italian Netrunner Discord channel, ask for an invite to me or on our Facebook group) meeting: 20:45, first turn starts at 21:00 (GMT+1).
Please, read the description carefully.

This is the first stage of a multiple-stage tournament format, which mimics a cycling grand tour, meaning that there are several general classifications, each with different characteristics. Furthermore, a player must change faction at every stage. More in detail, this tournament consists in 4 tournaments of 4 turns (3 turns if the number of players is less than 12), played on Jinteki, in which each faction cannot be played more than once (therefore, all 4 corps and 4 of the 6 runners factions will be played). The four standings are:

  • Pink Jersey: based on the points scored and stolen in each game (lost 7-6? 6 points; flatline or mill wins? 7 points; decked while you had scored 10 points? 10 points). Tiebreaks: placements (see Cyclamen jersey). In case of further tie, placement on the last tournament. In the rare case of further tie, tiebreak round.
  • Cyclamen Jersey: based on placements on the 4 tournaments (10 points to the first, 6 to the second, 4 to the third, 3, 2, 1; in case of tie: average of the two points). In case of a tie, the one who won more games wins. In case of further tie, the one who scored more points wins (see Pink jersey).
  • Azure Jersey: 1 point for each flatline or mill victory. In case of a tie, the one who milled more wins. In case of further tie, the one who scored more points wins (see Pink jersey).
  • White Jersey: dartachiappa, i.e. the luckiest guy. Awarded by our luck expert Darta.

Format: standard when the first tournament started. Note: new banlists, new cards and rotations will be ignored in order to maintain a fair comparison between the four tournaments.

General standings prizes: playmat “The Nihilist” (Pink Jersey), playmat “The Artist” (Cyclamen Jersey), playmat “Always have a backup plan” (Azure Jersey), the exclusive dartadice (White Jersey).

Stage winners prizes: FFG alt arts of Noise (Stage 1), Leela Patel (Stage 2), The Outfit (Stage 3), Builder of Nations (Stage 4).

Partecipation prize: Earthrise Hotel Nisei alt art + Black Orchestra FFG alt art.

And more secret prizes!

Entry fee: 1€ (to cover expedition costs). You can ask to partecipate here (requires entering the Netrunner italian group): or by contacting me.

Maximum number of participants: 18.

PS: in the case you can’t participate to a stage, you won’t be taking any points, but you won’t be disqualified. However, please, try to participate to all four stages.

Regole rilasciate con licenza CC BY-SA.
Rules released with license CC BY-SA.

Additional prizes and information

Premio vincitore di tappa: alt art FFG di Noise.

Premio di partecipazione: alt art Nisei di Earthrise Hotel + alt art FFG di Black Orchestra.
E altri premi supersegreti.

Stage winner prize: Noise FFG alt art.

Partecipation prize: Earthrise Hotel Nisei alt art + Black Orchestra FFG alt art.

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Swiss rounds
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Number of players: 13
only swiss rounds, no top cut
concluded by: Berzelius
conflicts: strict

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Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 Antonio Visconti Sportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home Armand "Geist" Walker: Tech Lord
#2 Ar00nDELL Pālanā Foods 419
#3 Claudio Fico Jinteki: Personal Evolution Nathaniel "Gnat" Hall: One-of-a-Kind
#4 Berzelius BRAAAAAAAAAINZ! (4th @ Net-Giro d'Italia - Stage 1) Liberate your clicks - Americas continentals winner
#5 Francesco Baralai Spark Agency: Worldswide Reach Kabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker
#6 Alexio Schneeberger Tennin Institute: The Secrets Within Az McCaffrey: Mechanical Prodigy
#7 koga Skorpios Astronautics Covid Edition - 7th @ Net-Giro d'Itali Escapex
#8 Daniele Carletti Jinteki: Replicating Perfection Ele "Smoke" Scovak: Cynosure of the Net
#9 Edoardo Brambilla Pālanā Foods: Sustainable Growth Adam: Compulsive Hacker
#10 wowarlok Coattails 4.0 - 2nd in Swiss/13th Overall [Worlds 2020] Aniccam Leela - 7th at worlds
#11 Francesco Giachetti Jemison Astronautics: Sacrifice. Audacity. Success. Sunny Lebeau: Security Specialist
#12 MELLONE75 Last Minute Top hat lat
#13 Elisa Benedetti GameNET: Where Dreams are Real Az McCaffrey: Mechanical Prodigy

Players going (6)