
Facebook group

Legal cardpool up to: Revised Core Set
MWL: unknown
Format: other

decklist is not required

Tournament starts: 00:05 (local time)
Contact: zh@netrunner.ch

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Number of players: 12
only swiss rounds, no top cut
concluded by: Dragonrider
conflicts: strict

Login via NetrunnerDB to claim spot.

Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 b3ar 2Broken4Beyoken: Love, Betrayal, YouTube - Aldershot GNK Andy
#2 unclaimed unclaimed
#3 unclaimed unclaimed
#4 Dragonrider Potential Unleashed Valencia Estevez
#5 unclaimed unclaimed
#6 unclaimed unclaimed
#7 unclaimed unclaimed
#8 unclaimed unclaimed
#9 unclaimed unclaimed
#10 unclaimed unclaimed
#11 unclaimed unclaimed
#12 unclaimed unclaimed

Players going (2)