BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:837alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20171001 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20171002 URL: SUMMARY:ANRZH (Online-) LEAGUE 2017 - Q4 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:We would like to invite YOU to the ANDROID NETRUNNER ZURICH CIT Y GRID LEAGUE 2017 - QUARTER 4.\nLeague games can be played online on jint or at any physical place. The “group stage” will be during 10 weeks from October 1st to December 10th. Afterwards there will be a Top Cu t for the group leaders. 2 Groups will consist of up to 8 players. The siz e of the Top Cut depends on the number of registered players. The idea is to play one round per week\, with some spare time\, which allows players t o find a time window for their games (and their holidays). Not played game s until December 10th will be counted as tie.\nYou are allowed to play dif ferent decks each round. The Q4 league will be complete POST ROTATED = Gen esis + Spin are out\, using REVISED CORE SET. Data Packs are legal as soon they are complete released on NRDB. FAQ and the latest MWL must be respec ted. There is no time limit during games.\nPrices will be from the Quarter 4 2017 GNK.\nSign up fee is 3 CHF / EURO.\nAll Netrunner players located in Switzerland are welcome\, as are our friends from the “Regional Meta ”.\nPlease sign up until September 29th on Challonge or by sending an em ail with nickname to\nThe tournament is limited to 16 pla yers.\nDetailed information will follow after sign up\, a day before the L eague starts.\nDon’t hesitate to ask if you need additional information. \nCHALLONGE\nNRDB\nJINTEKI\nFFG FAQ + MWL\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

We would like to invite YOU to the ANDROID NETRUNNER ZURICH CITY GRID LEAGUE 2017 - QUARTER 4.


League games can be played online on or at any physical pla ce. The “group stage” will be during 10 weeks from October 1st to December 10th. Afterwards there will be a Top Cut for the gro up leaders. 2 Groups will consist of up to 8 players. The size of the Top Cut depends on the number of registered players. The idea is to play one r ound per week\, with some spare time\, which allows players to find a time window for their games (and their holidays). Not played games until Decem ber 10th will be counted as tie.


You are allowed to play different decks each round. The Q4 league will be complete POST ROTATED = Genesis + Spin are out\, using REVISED CORE SET. Data Packs are legal as soon they are complete released on NRDB. FAQ and the latest MWL must be respected. T here is no time limit during games.


Prices will be from the Quarte r 4 2017 GNK.


Sign up fee is 3 CHF / EURO.


All Net runner players located in Switzerland are welcome\, as are our friends fro m the “Regional Meta”.


Please sign up until S eptember 29th on Ch allonge or by sending an email with nickname to\nThe tournament is limited to 16 players.


Detailed information will follow after sign up\, a day before the League starts.


Don ’t hesitate to ask if you need additional information.
