United Kingdom, Bristol

Facebook event

Legal cardpool up to: Blood and Water
MWL: unknown
Format: cache refresh

decklist is not required

Tournament starts: 18:00 (local time)
Store/venue: Area 51
Address: 230 Gloucester Rd, Bristol BS7 8NZ, UK

runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
event QR code

Come! Play some evening netrunner! Earn fabulous prizes! Build ultra-rotation proof decks!

This will be played with the Cache Refresh rules, so: each deck needs to be built using: 1 core, 1 terminal directive, 1 deluxe* and the two most recent cycles (so flashpoint and red sands).

We will play one side each for 5** rounds, with rounds being 40m long. I'm not going to use the bidding mechanics - first round is a coin flip, following rounds sides will be selected to try and even things out.

Prizes are going to be drawn from both spring and summer kits.***

£5 entry

Please indicate if you are coming on the event.

  • you may use different deluxes for corp and runner
    ** depending on how prompt everything is, we /might/ squeeze in a sixth. Possibly across the road in the pub..
    *** Main prizes drawn from summer kit. Bonus prizes from spring kit.
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Number of players: 3
only swiss rounds, no top cut

Login via NetrunnerDB to claim spot.

Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 unclaimed unclaimed
#2 plv Cache refresh ETF Cache refresh Steve
#3 Oliver Matthews Cache refresh Tennin Cache refresh siphon smoke

Players going (2)