BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:765alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170803T180000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170803T235900 URL: LOCATION:230 Gloucester Rd\, Bristol BS7 8NZ\, UK SUMMARY:Cache Refresh Spring/Summer CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come! Play some evening netrunner! Earn fabulous prizes! Build ultra-rotation proof decks!\nThis will be played with the Cache Refresh ru les\, so: each deck needs to be built using: 1 core\, 1 terminal directive \, 1 deluxe* and the two most recent cycles (so flashpoint and red sands). \nWe will play one side each for 5** rounds\, with rounds being 40m long. I'm not going to use the bidding mechanics - first round is a coin flip\, following rounds sides will be selected to try and even things out.\nPrize s are going to be drawn from both spring and summer kits.***\n£5 entry\nP lease indicate if you are coming on the event.\n\nyou may use different de luxes for corp and runner\n** depending on how prompt everything is\, we / might/ squeeze in a sixth. Possibly across the road in the pub..\n*** Main prizes drawn from summer kit. Bonus prizes from spring kit.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Come! Play some evening netrunner! Earn fab ulous prizes! Build ultra-rotation proof decks!


This will be playe d with the Cache Refresh rules\, so: each deck needs to be built using: 1 core\, 1 terminal directive\, 1 deluxe* and the two most recent cycles (so flashpoint and red sands).


We will play one side each fo r 5** rounds\, with rounds being 40m long. I'm not going to use the biddin g mechanics - first round is a coin flip\, following rounds sides will be selected to try and even things out.


Prizes are going to be drawn from both spring and summer kits.***


£5 entry


Pl ease indicate if you are coming on the event.