United States, CA, Berkeley

Legal cardpool up to: Station One
MWL: unknown
Format: standard

decklist is not required

Store/venue: Eudemonia
Address: 2154 University Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704, USA

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Number of players: 12
only swiss rounds, no top cut

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Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 Murphy Land War in Asia (1st Place GNK Berkeley) MAWSOME (1st Place GNK Berkeley)
#2 JuneCuervo Engineering the Future Chaos Theory
#3 Matt Personal Evolution Hayley Kaplan
#4 aleph_c 4 2 0 Spark It (April Fools Tournament, Berkeley, CA) 4 2 0 Smoke It (April Fools Tournament, Berkeley, CA)
#5 Tobias Near-Earth Hub Whizzard
#6 westonodom Controlling the Message Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
#7 Noah C Engineering the Future Andromeda
#8 phette23 dah terminator Fat Stack MaxX
#9 Noah Cerebral Imaging Andromeda
#10 Justin Jemison Astronautics Los
#11 Ctz Tennin Institute Noise
#12 Cory Chronos Protocol The Professor

Players going (5)