Ireland, Dublin

Legal cardpool up to: Rebellion Without Rehearsal
MWL: Standard Ban List 24.12
Format: standard

decklist is not required

Registration starts: 11:00 (local time)
Tournament starts: 11:30 (local time)
Store/venue: Flux Studios D2
Address: 4 Chatham Row, Dublin, D02 PA06, Ireland

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2025 District Championship Kit
TO's discretion: Simulchip (Illustrated by Kira L. Nguyen) alternate art card
top 24: Spin Doctor (illustrated by Oliver Morit) alternate art card
top 8: SDS Drone Deployment (Illustrated by Júlio Rocha) double sided extended art card
top 4: Regenesis (Illustrated by Anthony Hutchings) playmat
champion: 2025 Megacity Championship Bye first-round bye + 2026 Circuit Breaker Invitation Event Invite

District Championships are run by a local organizer.

(As Sanctioned events, prize structures for District Championships are strict. TOs found in violation of the prize structure may be banned from purchasing future kits.)

Additional prizes and information

To commemorate the best and most fair identity in standard, all participants will receive a special AgInfusion alt art.
Fill your heart with Ireland

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This tournament is due for completion.
The organizer or a player should set it to 'concluded', so players can make claims.
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