BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4717alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Dublin:20250329T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Dublin:20250329T235900 URL: ip LOCATION:4 Chatham Row\, Dublin\, D02 PA06\, Ireland SUMMARY:Dublin District Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come on over to the first Dublin District Championship\, better and improved from previous formulas' because now the absolute shark known as AugustusCaesar cant steal your first place prices. Gaeilge cards will be exclusive to Megacities\, but there will be a special\, never before se en participation price (see below).\nWhen: Sat 29th March\nWhere: Flux Stu dios\, Dublin (4 Chatham Row)\nFormat: Standard\, Single Sided Swiss\nRegi stration: 11:00\nEstimated Finish: 18:30 (Rounds and Cut following OP Guid elines)\nHow much: 20€\nTickets: Available here!\nAccesibility\nUnfortun ately\, the venue is not wheelchair accessible\, sorry for the inconvenien ce\, will endeavor to fix this for the Megacity.\nContact\n@augustus_caesa r on Discord is the best way to reach me\, attached email also works.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Come on over to the first Dublin District C hampionship\, better and improved from previous formulas' because now the absolute shark known as AugustusCaesar cant steal your first place prices. Gaeilge cards will be exclusive to Megacities\, but there will be a speci al\, never before seen participation price (see below).


Wh en: Sat 29th March\nWhere: Flux Studios\, Dublin (4 Chatham Row)\nFormat: Standard\, Single Sided Swiss\n Registration: 11:00\nEstimated Finish: 1 8:30 (Rounds and Cut following OP Guidelines)\nHow much: 20€\nTickets: Available here!


Accesibility\nUnfortunately\, the venue is not wheelchair acce ssible\, sorry for the inconvenience\, will endeavor to fix this for the M egacity.


Contact\n@augustus_caesar on Discord is the best way to reach me\, attached email also works.