Germany, Esslingen am Neckar

Legal cardpool up to: Rebellion Without Rehearsal
MWL: Standard Ban List 24.12
Format: standard

decklist is mandatory!

Registration starts: 10:30 (local time)
Tournament starts: 11:00 (local time)
Store/venue: WürfelZwerg
Address: Landolinsgasse 10, 73728 Esslingen am Neckar, Germany

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event QR code

(Please see the english version below)


Liebe Runner,
ich freue mich zu verkünden, dass der WürfelZwerg am 01. März 2025erneut seine Türen für ein famoses Netrunnertunier öffnen wird.

The Hobbit Dwarf running

Aufgrund der Räumlichkeiten sind wir leider auf 24 Personen beschränkt. Eine Anmeldung über diese Fomular ist daher Pflicht, sodass im Zweifel niemand umsonst anreist.

Bitte denkt daher auch daran, euch Abzumelden, solltet ihr nach eurer Anmeldung doch nicht kommen können.

Die Anreise erfolgt via Zug über den Esslinger Bahnhof (RE oder S1 von Stuttgart) und einem 10min Fußmarsch in die Altstadt. Mit dem Auto am besten über die A8 oder A81/B10 von Norden kommend. Parken kann man im Parkhaus Neckarforum.

Landolinsgasse 10
73728 Esslingen

Die Anmeldegebühr beträgt je nach Teilnehmeranzahl 10-15€. Geld über die Kosten des Preis-Kits hinaus gehen an die Location.
Decklisten werden sehr gern auch via Mail entgegen genommen.

Angedachter Zeitplan:
(Änderungen möglich durch NSG Policy Updates)

10:30 - 11:00 letzter Aufbau/Anmeldung
11:00 - 11:45 Single-Sided-Swiss Round 1
11:50 - 12:35 Single-Sided-Swiss Round 2
12:40 - 13:25 Single-Sided-Swiss Round 3
13:25 - 14:15 Mittag
14:15 - 15:00 Single-Sided-Swiss Round 4
15:05 - 15:50 Single-Sided-Swiss Round 5
15:55 - 16:40 Single-Sided-Swiss Round 6
16:50 - XX:XX Top Cut

Pascal - Virulentz

Dear Runners,

I am pleased to announce that the WürfelZwerg will open its doors for an exciting Netrunner tournament again at the 1st March 2025.

Due to location restricitons we are limited to 24 persons. Therefor it is mandatory to give notice via the google form to claim your spot and to prevent people traveling without a seat available.

Additionally I would like you to inform me, if you are no longer able to come to free the spot.

Arrival via train is possible with the RE or the S1 to Esslingen Station and a short 10min walk through the city. Arrival by car can be done via the A8 or A81/B10 from the north. Parkin is possible at the NeckarForum parking garage.

Landolinsgasse 10
73728 Esslingen

Feel free to send your decklist via mail.
Entry fee will be dependent on participation 10-15€. Money beyond the price kit costs will go to the location.

(Changes possible due to NSG policy updates)

10:30 - 11:00 letzter Aufbau/Anmeldung
11:00 - 11:45 Single-Sided-Swiss Round 1
11:50 - 12:35 Single-Sided-Swiss Round 2
12:40 - 13:25 Single-Sided-Swiss Round 3
13:25 - 14:15 Lunch
14:15 - 15:00 Single-Sided-Swiss Round 4
15:05 - 15:50 Single-Sided-Swiss Round 5
15:55 - 16:40 Single-Sided-Swiss Round 6
16:50 - XX:XX Top Cut

Pascal - Virulentz

2025 District Championship Kit
TO's discretion: Simulchip (Illustrated by Kira L. Nguyen) alternate art card
top 24: Spin Doctor (illustrated by Oliver Morit) alternate art card
top 8: SDS Drone Deployment (Illustrated by Júlio Rocha) double sided extended art card
top 4: Regenesis (Illustrated by Anthony Hutchings) playmat
champion: 2025 Megacity Championship Bye first-round bye + 2026 Circuit Breaker Invitation Event Invite

District Championships are run by a local organizer.

(As Sanctioned events, prize structures for District Championships are strict. TOs found in violation of the prize structure may be banned from purchasing future kits.)

Additional prizes and information

Cards from former tournaments & GNKs to chose from.
e.g. 2024 Q2 and others

Elimination match data is missing.
Swiss rounds
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Login via NetrunnerDB to add photos or videos.
Number of players: 8
only swiss rounds, no top cut
concluded by: Virulentz
conflicts: strict

Login via NetrunnerDB to claim spot.

Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 Virulentz Amazing Azmari - Now with more credits! Eye for an CBI [ 2th/9th, 8-4 at New Years Showdown 2025]
#2 TorpedoTyrus Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
#3 Cahuita Precision Design Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta
#4 Daine Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
#5 Mr. Idea:! Sebuel
#6 Grakhirt Azmari EdTech Rielle "Kit" Peddler
#7 KNT_HLZ I'd Rather Be Drafting Fantasy Basketball Quest Completed! - 7th @CBI 2025
#8 Gegenzeit Weyland Consortium: Built to Last Ken "Express" Tenma: Disappeared Clone

Players going (8)