United Kingdom, Bristol

Legal cardpool up to: Rebellion Without Rehearsal
MWL: Standard Ban List 24.03
Format: standard

decklist is mandatory!

Registration starts: 10:15 (local time)
Tournament starts: 11:00 (local time)
Store/venue: Sparks Bristol
Address: 78 Broadmead, Bristol BS1 3DS, UK
Contact: 07841 792 172 / Penson@live dot co dot uk

runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
event QR code


All tickets have now been sold - however please contact me directly if you missed out on a ticket and would still like to attend (either via Discord / Slack (Baa Ram Wu) or Email)


SW Regionals 2024 (Bristol) will now be held at SPARKS, Department of Imagination, The Horsefair, Bristol, BS1 3DS. https://sparksbristol.co.uk/

This venue is only a literal stones throw from the previous venue, so no changes to travel plans etc. (It will be on the same date and start time – 27th July, 10.15am for registration)
Entry is via the event space entrance and is up a flight of stairs – There is a lift for accessible access which can be used with prior notice – so please let me know if needed.

Doors open:10:00am
Registration Closes 10.30am
Round 1 start: 10.40am

Door Prize: Playset of alt arts - Unique to Regionals 2024 - Pictures coming soon
Top 8: Regionals 2024 Playmat designed by Brindlemold
Winner: Ticket to UK Nationals

Additional Prizing:
Real Life Hermes (By Ams) - why not make a weekend of it - Most Wins across the weekend from both SW Regionals and Exeter CO will win this awesome bonus prize.
Crochet Arisanna Frog (By Dee Davies) - Top Raffle Prize (Raffle tickets available by buying tickets in advance and available on the day)
Bristol Regional Alt art ID's - more info to follow!

What are UK Regionals?
The UK Regionals are 6 community-run tournaments throughout the UK. All run by local TOs and Judges, we aim to bring the UK Netrunner community together through local, competitive events!

Event info
The event will be using the Standard cardpool with the most recent banlist. We will be using Single Sided Swiss, so each round will be 40 minutes long and you will play one side per round.

This is a competitive-level event. We will be playing seven rounds of swiss, followed by a single-elimination cut to top 8. Schedule will be confirmed on the day, but if we get the expected number of players it will be as follows:

Rounds 1 to 3: 11:00 - 13.20
Lunch: 13:20 - 14:00
Round 4 to 7: 14:10 - 17:20
Top Cut, Raffle and Prizes 17.30 - 20:00
Afterparty 20:00 until we all get too sleepy / venue runs out of red stripe etc.

Venue and ticket info
Tickets for the event are £20 and you can buy you tickets in advance here: - including entry into a bonus raffle for anyone who buys a ticket in advance!

The event cap is 50, so please book ahead to make sure you're able to play!

The event will take place at Excelsior's brand new site (so new - it's not open at time of writing)
It is very close to Bristol Coach Station and either a short buss ride or a 15-20 min walk from Bristol Temple Meads Train Station.
You can bring you're own food into the venue - and there are plenty of food outlets nearby.

If there's anything we haven't covered, or you'd like to find out more, get in touch! The main contact for this event is @baaramwu on Discord or feel free to get me on the mobile/email above.
You can also contact @sixtyten on discord if I am being rubbish and not answering for any reason

The full list of UK Regionals 2024 events are:
South West (Bristol 27/7)
Midlands (Nottingham 10/8)
South East (Aldershot 24/8)
Scotland (Edinburgh 7/9)
East Anglia (Cambridge 21/9)
The North (Sheffield 5/10)

Elimination match data is missing.
Swiss rounds
Swiss match data is missing.
Photos (4)

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Login via NetrunnerDB to add photos or videos.
Number of players: 50
Top cut players: 8
concluded by: Baa Ram Wu
conflicts: strict

Login via NetrunnerDB to claim spot.

Top cut
rank player corp runner
#1 Ollie ☎️ Dial EA for Murder ☎️ - 4th, 5th, 10th @ EMEA "We're calling it orange criminal" (1st @ SW Regionals)
#2 not_yeti Big Bad Boto Goes To Bristol (2nd @ SW Regionals) James Bristol (2nd & 3rd at SW Regionals)
#3 aashbo Built to Blast in Bristol (Top of Swiss @ SW Regionals) James Bristol (2nd & 3rd at SW Regionals)
#4 J0N4LD thimbleRIGGED! (4-1, 4th @Bristol/SW Regionals) Do Not Put Down Your Deck (5/9/10/17/18th ACC)
#5 Nemamiah Murder EA Wrote - 5th at SW Regional and 1st at Exeter CO Ethical Snoozefest - 5th at SW Regional and 1st at Exeter CO
#6 hemraa Oxford PE goes to Bristol Captain Earhart v3.5 - 6th at SW Regional (1-3)
#7 johno EA Azmari - Bristol Ashnikko - Bristol
#8 Lucaesia (C) The Outfit: Family Owned and Operated Esa Afontov: Eco-Insurrectionist

Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 aashbo Built to Blast in Bristol (Top of Swiss @ SW Regionals) James Bristol (2nd & 3rd at SW Regionals)
#2 Ollie ☎️ Dial EA for Murder ☎️ - 4th, 5th, 10th @ EMEA "We're calling it orange criminal" (1st @ SW Regionals)
#3 J0N4LD thimbleRIGGED! (4-1, 4th @Bristol/SW Regionals) Do Not Put Down Your Deck (5/9/10/17/18th ACC)
#4 Nemamiah Murder EA Wrote - 5th at SW Regional and 1st at Exeter CO Ethical Snoozefest - 5th at SW Regional and 1st at Exeter CO
#5 not_yeti Big Bad Boto Goes To Bristol (2nd @ SW Regionals) James Bristol (2nd & 3rd at SW Regionals)
#6 hemraa Oxford PE goes to Bristol Captain Earhart v3.5 - 6th at SW Regional (1-3)
#7 johno EA Azmari - Bristol Ashnikko - Bristol
#8 Lucaesia (C) The Outfit: Family Owned and Operated Esa Afontov: Eco-Insurrectionist
#9 Kikai Bubble R+ (9th at UK Regionals: Bristol, 3-1) 🐦Bankhar Steve🐕 (4th at EMEA, 5-3)
#10 AceEmpress Good Money after bad? (1-2 and 10th @ SW Regionals) girls wins [best Runner at Bristol, top cut x4 @Nottingham]
#11 snoobz Three Times Nothing = 3rd @Interconts Spark@Spark (11th Bristol Regionals 1-1-1)
#12 xccam TucanAsa- 3-0 Aldershot CO (1st) 2-1 Bristol Regional (12th) BinEsa - 2-0 Aldershot CO (1st) 2-1* Bristol Regional (12th)
#13 Alex White (B) Azmari EdTech: Shaping the Future Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
#14 SaltMaina/Mina (B) Thule Subsea: Safety Below Mercury: Chrome Libertador
#15 binhamin Murder on the pantsfloor: 3-0 at SW Regionals Awoouu (wolf howl)
#16 nerdtism Reality Plus Lat
#17 Rob Thompson (C) Nuvem SA: Law of the Land Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy
#18 AngelVerve Sportsmetal Rielle "Kit" Peddler
#19 harmonbee five seamless girls wins [best Runner at Bristol, top cut x4 @Nottingham]
#20 Cliquil Oxford PE (True) I netdecked this Esa and still didn't win a game
#21 Nicky3.0 why was i forced to be a human tho unacceptable i am clearly a bioroid
#22 KamiKami (H) A Teia: IP Recovery Arissana Rocha Nahu: Street Artist
#23 FixB Shoot the Moon 🌙 18-0 across 6 events, 8th APAC & 4th ICC I am carried. (2nd, 11th, 21st, 37th @ ACC24)
#24 Fridan Shoot the Moon 🌙 18-0 across 6 events, 8th APAC & 4th ICC "We're calling it orange criminal" (1st @ SW Regionals)
#25 zoehope (The Tag Mill) Reality Plus Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta
#26 Ams (B) Ob Superheavy Logistics: Extract. Export. Excel. Lat: Ethical Freelancer
#27 moleor74 Architects of Tomorrow Rielle "Kit" Peddler
#28 Swiftie (H) Ob Superheavy Logistics: Extract. Export. Excel. Steve Cambridge: Master Grifter
#29 PyreflY (H) The Outfit: Family Owned and Operated Zahya Sadeghi: Versatile Smuggler
#30 Chromatically Precision Design Lat
#31 steffmonkey (C) Asa Group: Security Through Vigilance Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
#32 Sauc3 Shoot the Moon 🌙 18-0 across 6 events, 8th APAC & 4th ICC SPARK45 [0-0 at ICC]
#33 Goeshi Azmari EdTech Arissana Rocha Nahu
#34 Rozzerlund Banks (B) Ob Superheavy Logistics: Extract. Export. Excel. Rielle "Kit" Peddler: Transhuman
#35 HalfHusky (C) Ob Superheavy Logistics: Extract. Export. Excel. Lat: Ethical Freelancer
#36 Hideyoshi (H) Saraswati Mnemonics: Endless Exploration Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy
#37 Harlequin (B) Jinteki: Personal Evolution Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy
#38 mallory (l0velace) do it again. again. bergamo vernissage (25th @ EMEA)
#39 Ben (H) Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design Steve Cambridge: Master Grifter
#40 GermApple (H) Sportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home Rielle "Kit" Peddler: Transhuman
#41 Mooka (Luka) (H) Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design Steve Cambridge: Master Grifter
#42 beenbeen2 Spirit Crusher (6th @ APAC CC 2024) Getting Away With It (1st NANPC Boston)
#43 TinnedScotsman Thule Subsea Zahya Sadeghi
#44 MrVellis [8-1, 1st @ EMEA 2024] Dividing by Two Two This Was Going To Be A Video (2nd AusNorthNats😱)
#45 willybn1 Outfit Ladykiller for Bristol Regionals July 2024 Mercury Run DMC Bristol Regionals July 2024
#46 SeaRose (The Tag Mill) Styx 3rd at APAC 2024 🎸 Ashnikko 🎸 - 5th/10th @ EMEA
#47 Stu (C) Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design Rielle "Kit" Peddler: Transhuman
#48 Rotage (C) The Outfit: Family Owned and Operated Tao Salonga: Telepresence Magician
#49 grundmc88 Precision Design Tāo Salonga
#50 aotenjo Personal Evolution Rielle "Kit" Peddler

Players going (45)