
Legal cardpool up to: The Automata Initiative
MWL: Standard Ban List 23.09
Format: other

decklist is mandatory!

Registration starts: 09:00 CST (local time)
Tournament starts: 10:00 CST (local time)

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Accelerated Meta Test
Netrunners - NSG will continue hosting online events every month for all of '24!

This is an Accelerated Meta Test in the Sunset Format using Single-Sided Swiss, and is open to anyone who wants to play. Prizing for this event will be a playset of full-art foil SanSan City Grids for the Top 16 placing players.

Netrunners from all levels of play are welcome and encouraged to participate in AMTs

This event is starting on March 2nd 10:00 CST (16:00 UTC). With registration closing and player meeting beginning 15 minutes beforehand.

The event will be run through the NSG Online Event Hub Discord. Registration will open on Aesopstables at least an hour before. We anticipate this event being six rounds with a top 4 single elimination cut.

The event will be run on Jinteki.net.

Additional prizes and information

Top 16 will receieve a playset of Foil full-art SanSan City Grids

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Swiss rounds
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Videos (3)
Sunset format Accelerated Meta Test tournament March 2 (07:59:16)
Null Signal Games
rubenpieters (runner) - krysdreavus (corporation) - Limes (runner) - MrStyx (corporation) - OF15-15 (runner) - SpaceIce - Ensades (corporation) - bking - lukifer (corporation) - Scarius (runner) - Sokka234 (corporation) - Stwyde (corporation) - sealgo (corporation) - xiaat (runner)
Sunset AMT Tournament Rounds 1-3 || Netrunner (02:37:02)
Sokka234 - MrStyx (runner) - Girometics (corporation) - xiaat (corporation)
Sunset AMT Tournament Rounds 4-6 || Netrunner (02:14:44)
Sokka234 - Stwyde (runner) - Scarius (runner) - Gabran (corporation)

Login via NetrunnerDB to add photos or videos.
Number of players: 19
Top cut players: 4
concluded by: GameOfDroids
conflicts: strict

Login via NetrunnerDB to claim spot.

Top cut
rank player corp runner
#1 bking Ob Superheavy Logistics René "Loup" Arcemont
#2 SpaceIce Earth Station Mercury
#3 sealgo Red Sunset (3rd Sunset AMT) Tl;dr: Nyashia is once per R&D breach (3rd Sunset AMT)
#4 xiaat [Sunset] Grudge Resolved - 3rd @ 2024-02 Sunset AMT [Sunset] Infinite Loup - 3rd @ 2024-02 Sunset AMT

Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 sealgo Red Sunset (3rd Sunset AMT) Tl;dr: Nyashia is once per R&D breach (3rd Sunset AMT)
#2 bking Ob Superheavy Logistics René "Loup" Arcemont
#3 xiaat [Sunset] Grudge Resolved - 3rd @ 2024-02 Sunset AMT [Sunset] Infinite Loup - 3rd @ 2024-02 Sunset AMT
#4 SpaceIce Earth Station Mercury
#5 Ensades [Sunset] The Enemy of my Anemone (5th @ Mar 2 2024 AMT) [Sunset] Caustic Mulcher (5th @ Mar 2 2024 AMT)
#6 rubenpieters Ob Superheavy Logistics René "Loup" Arcemont
#7 Sauc3 Ob Superheavy Logistics: Extract. Export. Excel. Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy
#8 Sokka234 Building a Better Sunset (March AMT) The Sunset Scammer (March AMT)
#9 Limes Restoring Humanity Rielle "Kit" Peddler
#10 OF15-15 Sunset Kanehl - I want Bellona back Sunset Loup
#11 MrStyx Ob Superheavy Logistics René "Loup" Arcemont
#12 Girometics PunitiveAg SunsetMining
#13 Gabran Ob Superheavy Logistics René "Loup" Arcemont
#14 Lukifer A Teia: IP Recovery Arissana Rocha Nahu: Street Artist
#15 Stwyde [Sunset] Survey The Environment 1-2 at March Sunset AMT [Sunset] One Hit Wonder (2-1 at Feb Sunset AMT)
#16 Scarius Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design Esâ Afontov: Eco-Insurrectionist
#17 Larrea Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design Lat: Ethical Freelancer
#18 krysdreavus Asa Group: Security Through Vigilance Arissana Rocha Nahu: Street Artist
#19 Gathzen [Sunset] Murderball 3: Sunset Edition (March Sunset AMT) [Sunset] Arctic Huntress (March Sunset AMT)

Players going (18)