United Kingdom, Nottingham

Facebook event

Legal cardpool up to: The Automata Initiative
MWL: Standard Ban List 23.08
Format: standard

decklist is not required

Registration starts: 11:30 (local time)
Tournament starts: 12:00 (local time)
Contact: mattjo2000@googlemail.com

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Nottingham and the Dice Cup welcomes you to our second Circuit Opener of 2023!

Why Outlaw? Given the late date, there may be some interesting developments​ - there's also some extra prizes, so it might be slightly outside the OP laws...


With enormous thanks to Mark Greenhalgh and Nick from NetrunnercardsUK, this CO can now offer the option to buy The Automata Initiative as a direct purchase from the following bank account and pick it up at the CO - Mark has kindly offered to bring every bought pack to the event.
These orders need to be made ASAP, as they will be going into Mark's car Monday evening - as such, the window for this direct purchase ends midday MONDAY 07/08/2023.

This is the Bank Transfer information needed:
Price: £26.50
Account Name: Netrunner Limited
Sort Code: 04-00-03
Account Number: 06449131

The proxy printer will still be available at the store (though I do advise pre-printing)

Format is ​Standard, with the FULL current​ cardpool on the date of the event being legal, and the most recent MWL will be applied - this is a Casual-level event.
The event will be most likely 3-4 rounds of double sided swiss, with an optional cut (depending on numbers and preferences).

Proxies are 100% allowed, and if for whatever reason you're in immediate need of proxies, they can be made on the day - the Dice Cup has a colour printer, charging 20p a sheet, and can be emailed on the day at contact@dicecupcafe.co.uk .
I recommend using https://codepen.io/bwagnon/full/OJwyXPY​ as it pulls direct from Netrunnerdb for the very latest cards, whatever they may be - though be aware it's less usable on mobile. It also sometimes needs to be used in a fresh browser.
Pronunciation guide for new cards link

Registration from 11:30am, start at 12pm
£2 table fee to Dice Cup, pay on entry, £5 entry fee payable to me. Dice Cup is fully accessible and inclusive.

The Dice Cup has a lovely fully vegan café (no outside food and drink please), open all day and there several other places to get food and drink are close.
Parking is available at various locations nearby either by the RingGo app or at the Victoria Centre.

Prizes from the standard H1 CO Kit (including invite to Circuit Breaker Invitational if we have over 8 players) with some special additions

2023 H1 Circuit Opener
top 8: Seamless Launch (Art by Martin de Diego Sádaba) alternate art card
top 4: Boomerang (Art by Oliver Morit) alternate art card
top 2: Smartware Distributor Playmat (Art by Benjamin Giletti) playmat
bonus prize: Enigma (Art by Benjamin Giletti) alternate art card

Circuit Openers are the inaugural and midseason event of the competitive season. They will be run by local organizers. The 2023 H1 kit contains:

3 x Smartware Distributor Playmat (Benjamin Giletti)
15 x Alt Art Boomerang (Oliver Morit)
27 x Alt Art Seamless Launch (Martin de Diego Sádaba)
6 x Alt Art Enigma (Benjamin Giletti)

(As Sanctioned events, prize structures for Circuit Openers are strict. TOs found in violation of the prize structure may be banned from purchasing future kits.)

Additional prizes and information

1st Place: your choice of either Loup or Tao Avatar IDs by Ferenc Patkós
(Worlds 2022 - I did not earn these top 16 any event, merely oracled)

2nd through 4th can take their pick from:
3 x Full Art Overclock - by Scott Uminga
3 x Full Alt Art Pelangi - By Scott Uminga (Worlds 2022)
3 x Full Art Archer - by NtscapeNavigator (2019 Q4 GNK prize - Back has old "NISEI" logo)
(the statue this is deep dreamed from is 15 min from the venue)

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Swiss rounds
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Login via NetrunnerDB to add photos or videos.
Number of players: 28
Top cut players: 4
concluded by: MattOhNo
conflicts: strict

Login via NetrunnerDB to claim spot.

Top cut
rank player corp runner
#1 vinegarymink Azmari EdTech: Shaping the Future Freedom Khumalo: Crypto-Anarchist
#2 Nemamiah Stego Don't - 2nd @ Nottingham CO Regular sized reg Hoshiko - 2nd @ Nottingham CO
#3 echo Vegan Nachos (3rd Place Nottingham CO 2023) Nyoom +1 -1 (3rd place Nottingham CO 2023)
#4 Tolaasin Laurazmari (but with worse cards) Tweaked Nyoom - 4th at Nottingham CO

Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 echo Vegan Nachos (3rd Place Nottingham CO 2023) Nyoom +1 -1 (3rd place Nottingham CO 2023)
#2 cableCarnage Ter+inator - 2nd in Swiss at Nottingham 2 Doof 2 Dive - 2nd in Swiss at Nottingham
#3 vinegarymink Azmari EdTech: Shaping the Future Freedom Khumalo: Crypto-Anarchist
#4 Nemamiah Stego Don't - 2nd @ Nottingham CO Regular sized reg Hoshiko - 2nd @ Nottingham CO
#5 Tolaasin Laurazmari (but with worse cards) Tweaked Nyoom - 4th at Nottingham CO
#6 binarydogs NBN: Reality Plus Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy
#7 Cobalt Sparrow Brawler (6th, 7th, 35th @ APAC 2023) Ken is Late for Work
#8 ChrisFerg 1st APAC: Santa's Workshop [Swiss: 7-0, Cut: 3-1] Nyoom +1 -1 (3rd place Nottingham CO 2023)
#9 Utati Hot Tea PD (3-1 Nottingham CO) Tied up in Notts (2-2 Nottingham CO)
#10 CobraBubbles AgInfusion Esâ Afontov
#11 mezzie JUDAS PRIEST SELLS OUT????? BREAKING THE LAW AND ZATO 1 cha la- Head cha la. 2-1 and a draw at Nottingham CO
#12 J-Flex Clean Shirt [3-1 12th @ Nottingham CO] Rubberband Sable [12th @ Nottingham CO]
#13 HiddenAway Nintendo RigFit™️ Adventure (3rd, 20th, 25th @ APAC) Just me on this new ID then? (Nottingham CO 2023 13th 1-3)
#14 secondskin Bost Rigshooter Ob (2-2 Nottingham CO) Legwork Clot Majulah (2-2 Nottingham CO)
#15 mcg The Process™ Approved PD The Price of Freedom
#16 harmonbee Bird! Constellation! Ob! [16th @ Nottingham CO] I'll think of something funnier when I'm aWAKE [16th @ Notti
#17 MattOhNo Mindmelting - Nottingham Outlaw CO Undefeated at London H1#2 CO: PP Kit and the Inversificator
#18 AceEmpress Nottingham Nottinghurts my Nottinghead Updated Lat Shenanigans (18th @ Notts CO)
#19 not_yeti NBN: Reality Plus Esâ Afontov: Eco-Insurrectionist
#20 ZomB The Outfit: Family Owned and Operated Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
#21 TanukiD The Outfit Arissana Rocha Nahu
#22 Ginger Ian Personal Evolution Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta
#23 nemonix The Outfit: Family Owned and Operated Rielle "Kit" Peddler: Transhuman
#24 jessicamarbles The Outfit: Family Owned and Operated Arissana Rocha Nahu: Street Artist
#25 mallory (l0velace) Acme's Corpse Means Everything Orpheus Hoshiko
#26 Shockwave Precision Design Captain Padma Isbister
#27 Ams NBN: Reality Plus Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy
#28 DanB Saraswati Mnemonics: Endless Exploration 419: Amoral Scammer

Players going (24)