BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3821alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20230812T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20230812T235900 URL: 23-12-august SUMMARY:Nottingham Outlaw CO - H1 2023 - 12 August CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Nottingham and the Dice Cup welcomes you to our second Circuit Opener of 2023!\nWhy Outlaw? Given the late date\, there may be some inter esting developments​ - there's also some extra prizes\, so it might be s lightly outside the OP laws...\n\nBREAKING NEWS\nWith enormous thanks to M ark Greenhalgh and Nick from NetrunnercardsUK\, this CO can now offer the option to buy The Automata Initiative as a direct purchase from the follow ing bank account and pick it up at the CO - Mark has kindly offered to bri ng every bought pack to the event.\nThese orders need to be made ASAP\, as they will be going into Mark's car Monday evening - as such\, the window for this direct purchase ends midday MONDAY 07/08/2023.\nThis is the Bank Transfer information needed:\nPrice: £26.50\nAccount Name: Netrunner Limi ted\nSort Code: 04-00-03\nAccount Number: 06449131\nRef: MUST PUT YOUR NAM E IN THE REF OR HE WON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE\nThe proxy printer will still be available at the store (though I do advise pre-printing)\n\nFormat is ​ Standard\, with the FULL current​ cardpool on the date of the event bein g legal\, and the most recent MWL will be applied - this is a Casual-level event.\nThe event will be most likely 3-4 rounds of double sided swiss\, with an optional cut (depending on numbers and preferences).\nProxies are 100% allowed\, and if for whatever reason you're in immediate need of prox ies\, they can be made on the day - the Dice Cup has a colour printer\, ch arging 20p a sheet\, and can be emailed on the day at contact@dicecupcafe. .\nI recommend using​ as i t pulls direct from Netrunnerdb for the very latest cards\, whatever they may be - though be aware it's less usable on mobile. It also sometimes nee ds to be used in a fresh browser.\nPronunciation guide for new cards link Here\nRegistration from 11:30am\, start at 12pm\n£2 table fee to Dice Cup \, pay on entry\, £5 entry fee payable to me. Dice Cup is fully accessibl e and inclusive.\nThe Dice Cup has a lovely fully vegan café (no outside food and drink please)\, open all day and there several other places to ge t food and drink are close.\nParking is available at various locations nea rby either by the RingGo app or at the Victoria Centre.\nPrizes from the s tandard H1 CO Kit (including invite to Circuit Breaker Invitational if we have over 8 players) with some special additions\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Nottingham and the Dice Cup welcomes you to our second Circuit Opener of 2023!


Why Outlaw? Given the late dat e\, there may be some interesting developments​ - there's also some extra prizes\, so it might be slightly outside the OP laws...




With enormous thanks to Ma rk Greenhalgh and Nick from NetrunnercardsUK\, this CO can now offer the o ption to buy The Automata Initiative as a direct purchase from the followi ng bank account and pick it up at the CO - Mark has kindly offered to brin g every bought pack to the event.\nThese orders need to be made AS AP\, as they will be going into Mark's car Monday evening - as such\, the window for this direct purchase ends midday MONDAY 07/08/2023.


This is the Bank Transfer information needed:\nPric e: £26.50\nAccount Name: Netrunner Limited\nSort Code: 04-00-03\nAccount Number: 06449131\nRef: MUST PUT YOUR NAME IN THE REF OR HE WON'T K NOW WHO YOU ARE


The proxy printer will still be available at the store (though I do advise pre-printing)


Format is ​Standard\, with the FULL current​ cardpool on the date of the event being legal\, and the most recent MW L will be applied - this is a Casual-level event.\nThe event will be most likely 3-4 rounds of double sided swiss\, with an optional cut (depen ding on numbers and preferences).


Proxies are 100% allowed\, and i f for whatever reason you're in immediate need of proxies\, they can be made on the day - the Dice Cup has a colour printer\, charging 20p a sheet\, and can be emailed on the day at .\nI recommend using​ as it pulls dir ect from Netrunnerdb for the very latest cards\, whatever they ma y be - though be aware it's less usable on mobile. It also sometimes needs to be used in a fresh browser.\nPronunciation guide for new cards link Here


Registration from 11:30am\, start at 12pm\n£2 table fee to Dice Cup\, pay on entry\, £5 en try fee payable to me. Dice Cup is fully accessible and inclusive.


The Dice Cup has a lovely fully vegan café (no outside food and drink pl ease)\, open all day and there several other places to get food and drink are close.\nParking is available at various locations nearby either by the RingGo app or at the Victoria Centre.


Prizes from the standard H1 CO Kit (including invite to Circuit Breaker Invitational if we have over 8 players) with some special additions