Germany, Hamburg

Legal cardpool up to: Uprising
MWL: Standard MWL 3.4b
Format: standard

decklist is not required

Registration starts: 11:30 (local time)
Tournament starts: 12:00 (local time)
Contact: @lostgeek on slack

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corp IDs
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corp factions
runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
event QR code

This is an online SC that will take place on and coordinated on Discord!

Everyone from all over the world is invited to participate in our online SC! Register here:

Time: Rolecall on discord at 11:45am (UTC+2, CEST). Start at noon 12pm.
Format: 4-5 rounds of Swiss
Cardpool: NISEI Standard Format (MWL 3.4b)
Cost: 10€ (we'll handle shipment of prizes somehow)
Participants: unlimited
Prizepool: 2020 SC Kit + extra prizes

Payment can be done easiest via Paypal:

Join the NISEI online tournament discord here:

2020 NISEI Store Championship
Top 16: House of Knives alternate art card
Top 8: Project Beale alternate art card
top 4: Tollbooth playmats playmat
champion: NISEI Regional Bye first-round bye
Elimination match data is missing.
Swiss rounds
Swiss match data is missing.
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Videos (9)
Nisei Netrunner HNO Store Championship 2020 - R1/G1 (24:50)
Rosenheim City Grid
Nisei Netrunner HNO Store Championship 2020 - R1/G2 (22:50)
Rosenheim City Grid
Nisei Netrunner HNO Store Championship 2020 - R2/G1 (17:45)
Rosenheim City Grid
Nisei Netrunner HNO Store Championship 2020 - R3/G1 (32:00)
Rosenheim City Grid
Nisei Netrunner HNO Store Championship 2020 - R3/G2 (12:58)
Rosenheim City Grid
Nisei Netrunner HNO Store Championship 2020 - R4/G1 (15:16)
Rosenheim City Grid
Nisei Netrunner HNO Store Championship 2020 - R4/G2 (16:27)
Rosenheim City Grid
Nisei Netrunner HNO Store Championship 2020 - Semifinals (21:43)
Rosenheim City Grid
Nisei Netrunner HNO Store Championship 2020 - Finals (27:14)
Rosenheim City Grid

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