Poland, Katowice

Facebook group

Legal cardpool up to: Rebellion Without Rehearsal
MWL: Standard Ban List 24.12
Format: standard

decklist is mandatory!

Registration starts: 10:30 (local time)
Tournament starts: 11:00 (local time)
Store/venue: Redraft
Address: Kamienna 7/2, 40-067 Katowice, Poland
Contact: dvoraque@gmail.com

event QR code


Zapraszamy na największy w tym roku turniej Netrunnera w Katowicach - ostatnie z trzech mistrzostw regionu w Polsce (oficjalnie zwanych teraz District Championships) i ostatnia szansa na wygranie maty z mamutem i pożegnanie z formatem Standard z pulą kart od FFG :). W sobotę 12. kwietnia ponownie ugości nas sklep Redraft, kilka minut pieszo od głównego dworca PKP.

Gramy w formacie Standard, zgodnie z obowiązującymi zasadami turniejowymi i wytycznymi dla turniejów competitive; w zależności od liczby graczy grane będzie 6-7 rund Single Side Swiss + TOP4.

Na każdym polskim District Championshipie czekają was dodatkowe nagrody za uczestnictwo przygotowane specjalnie na każdy z tych turniejów. Więcej szczegółów wkrótce.

Do zobaczenia!

Wpisowe 50 PLN płatne gotówką bądź BLIKiem.

Turnieje District Championship w Polsce w 2025 roku:

9 marca - Warszawa - Graal Blue City
22 marca - Wrocław - Time4Magic
12 kwietnia - Katowice - Redraft


We invite you to the biggest Netrunner tournament in Katowice this year - the last of three regional championships in Poland (now officially called District Championships). Also, the last chance to win the mammoth playmat and an opportunity to say goodbye to the FFG-based cardpool before the grand rotation :) The event will take place on Saturday, April 12th, at our Friendly Local Game Store Redraft, just a couple of minutes away on foot from the main train station.

We'll be playing in the standard format, following the official tournament rules and competitive event guidelines; depending on the number of players, we will play 6-7 rounds of Single Sided Swiss and a TOP4.

Each Polish District Championship will feature special participation prizes unique to each event. More details coming soon!

See you there!

Entry fee: 50 PLN, by cash or BLIK.

District Championship tournaments in Poland in 2025:

March 9th – Warsaw – Graal Blue City
March 22nd – Wrocław – Time4Magic
April 12th – Katowice – Redraft

2025 District Championship Kit
TO's discretion: Simulchip (Illustrated by Kira L. Nguyen) alternate art card
top 24: Spin Doctor (illustrated by Oliver Morit) alternate art card
top 8: SDS Drone Deployment (Illustrated by Júlio Rocha) double sided extended art card
top 4: Regenesis (Illustrated by Anthony Hutchings) playmat
champion: 2025 Megacity Championship Bye first-round bye + 2026 Circuit Breaker Invitation Event Invite

District Championships are run by a local organizer.

(As Sanctioned events, prize structures for District Championships are strict. TOs found in violation of the prize structure may be banned from purchasing future kits.)

Additional prizes and information

Dodatkowa nagroda za udział dla wszystkich graczy / Additional participation prize for all players

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