United Kingdom, Long Ashton

Legal cardpool up to: Rebellion Without Rehearsal
MWL: Standard Banlist 24.09
Format: startup

decklist is not required

Registration starts: 09:00 (local time)
Tournament starts: 10:00 (local time)
Store/venue: Arts Mansion
Address: Ashton Court Estate, Long Ashton, Bristol BS41 9JN, UK
Contact: ewanmilneu@gmail.com

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Nationals 2024 Banner


We have been informed that unfortunately SPARKS, our venue for UK Nationals 2024, has cancelled on us after flooding due to a burst pipe. However, we are NOT cancelling the event. The same organisation that runs SPARKS has offered us use of another venue, and we believe that we will be able to run UK Nats as advertised at that venue, with your help and goodwill.

This information is being posted both on discord/slack and sent to all ticketholders via email - please help us out by making sure that everyone who you know is attending sees this, and if you bought a ticket for someone else please ensure they receive this information ASAP.

The new venue for UK Nats is Ashton Court Mansion, Long Ashton, BS41 9JN.

This event is the Startup National Championship, a perfect way to finish off your UK Nats weekend.


If you have bought a ticket for the main event that already covers your entry to this event at no additional cost.

If you are only planning on attending for the Sunday then please contact not_yeti directly to arrange payment via paypal.

Link to buy tickets


This event will consist of 6, 40 minute rounds of Single Sided Swiss in which you will play 1 game of Netrunner and the side will be determined for you before the round starts.

For this event you will be playing Startup with the 24.09 banlist.


9:00 - Registration
9:00 - Rounds 1-3
12:30 - Lunch
13:15 - Rounds 4-6
15:45 - Prizes

Venue Change!

New Venue

The new venue for UK Nats is Ashton Court Mansion, Long Ashton, BS41 9JN. The building is fully wheelchair accessible and we are being given use of several spaces inside to accommodate fixed seating and the stream. There is wi-fi available, but for the time being we are planning to stick to our policy of restricting access to that in order to prioritise the stream.

However, Ashton Court is a little way out of Bristol City Centre - approximately 15-20 minutes’ drive or 45 minutes by bus from Bristol Temple Meads train station. In addition, the building itself is 10-12 minutes’ walk up a long driveway from the nearby bus stops.


We are exploring several options for helping attendees traverse the extra distance to the new venue. Firstly, we ask that any attendees who have a car and are able to make trips from Bristol city centre to Ashton Court at the start or end of any of the days please make themselves known to us so that we can arrange carpooling for those without vehicles. There is free parking available at the venue. We will be coordinating this in the below thread, so please post there if you are able to help.

We are aware that this extra travel may create an obstacle for some attendees who have physical access needs or who had not budgeted for it in their planning. If you have particular needs in terms of transport or access, or your financial situation is such that the cost of this extra transport would be a barrier to your participation in the event, please contact us using the details below. We will coordinate transport (likely via taxi) for those who need it for these reasons, using the event budget.

In addition, in order to assist people in making the journey from the edge of the Ashton Court estate to the venue building, we will be running a volunteer shuttle service. If you have a vehicle, will be driving to the venue, and are willing to help shuttle people at the start or end of any of the days, please get in touch.


Ashton Court does not have the facilities to cater for the number of attendees we are expecting, and given the size of the estate it is not close enough to other places where attendees could buy food in a timely fashion. As such, we recommend that all attendees make plans to bring food for themselves for each day that they attend, especially on Saturday which will be a long day.

In addition, we will be sourcing a large quantity of vegan, nut-free snacks which we will make available at cost price in the venue, for payment by cash or card. Please do not assume that this




We are looking for lots of volunteers to help with reporting results and pairings, judging games, running and commentating the stream, setting up, running side events and much much more.

All attendees who volunteer during the main event on Saturday will get free entry into all side events and will not need to buy a ticket. If you plan to play on Saturday but volunteer on other days, we are very grateful for your help but you will still need to buy a ticket!

Link to sign-up form


Discord: @not_yeti
email: ewanmilneu@gmail.com

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Number of players: 20
only swiss rounds, no top cut
concluded by: not_yeti
conflicts: strict

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Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 LLBlumire Evolved into the Grave at UK Nationals [1st@Startup] A Bird in the Hand at UK Nationals [Undefeated, 1st@Startup]
#2 Lap Weyland Consortium: Built to Last Mercury: Chrome Libertador
#3 Tanzzen Built to Last Tāo Salonga
#4 Griffonstone Weyland Consortium BtL - Startup - UK Nationals Bristol 2024 Zahya Sadeghi - Startup - UK Nationals Bristol 2024
#5 Girometics Epiphany Analytica Reina Roja
#6 Cobalt [Startup] Secession Movement [Startup] A Minor Variation on Hermes Tao
#7 ChonkySeal Weyland Consortium: Built to Last RenΓ© "Loup" Arcemont: Party Animal
#8 DungeonMxter Same As It Ever Was (Same As It Ever Was) Werewolves of London STARTUP
#9 Simili NBN: Reality Plus SebastiΓ£o Souza Pessoa: Activist Organizer
#10 snoobz Personal Evolution Mercury
#11 EV Built to Launch, Startup kit startup
#12 ORCH1D She wants the Holo Man (2-1 @ UK Nationals Startup) Zahya's Big Break (1-2 @ UK Nationals Startup)
#13 LGetlander Nuvem SA: Law of the Land Steve Cambridge: Master Grifter
#14 sprocket314 [Startup] It's Basically Sensie (1st @ EMEA) Eddy is a Madman 3-1 at World Startup 2024
#15 Nephralite Despite the SCT's best efforts (Undefeated @ SF4SF) [startup Seb Does Fun Kickflips @ UK Nats & SF4SF
#16 knightfromchess Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design Tāo Salonga: Telepresence Magician
#17 JS19 Reality Plus Rielle "Kit" Peddler
#18 SlanderNLies Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design Zahya Sadeghi: Versatile Smuggler
#19 Luis Jinteki: Personal Evolution Zahya Sadeghi: Versatile Smuggler
#20 xccam Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design Zahya Sadeghi: Versatile Smuggler

Players going (14)