United States, CA, Berkeley

Legal cardpool up to: Rebellion Without Rehearsal
MWL: Standard Banlist 24.09
Format: standard

decklist is not required

Registration starts: 18:00 (local time)
Tournament starts: 18:15 (local time)
Store/venue: Victory Point Cafe
Address: 1797 Shattuck Ave. Ste A, Berkeley, CA 94709, USA
Contact: @bdorf on SanSan north discord (https://sansan.cards)

runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
event QR code

A weekday no-stakes tournament. Four rounds of swiss, trying to start as close to 6:15 as possible to get us out not too late. If you can't make it on time, feel free to show up later and we'll pair you in to the next round!

The goal of no-stakes tournaments is a "just for fun" experience and to get players used to playing in tournament rules and time constraints. Everyone will receive a participation prize alt regardless of placement.

This tournament will take place during our normal Tuesday night casual meetup.

Standard format with latest banlist.

Additional prizes and information

I will have some of the leftover prizes from the previous Berkeley no-stakes tournament:
4 playsets of NSG Ablative Barrier alts (NSG 2024 Q3 GNK)
5 playsets of NSG Regolith Mining License alts (NSG 2024 Q1 GNK)
7 playsets of LLAvendearie Bravado alts (https://www.makeplayingcards.com/sell/marketplace/bravado-llavendearie-alt.html)

I'll also have a binder with a bunch of miscellaneous official and unofficial FFG, NSG, and fan alts

Everyone can have two prizes: Either a full playset from the above list and any single card from the alt binder, or two different cards from the alt binder.

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Swiss rounds
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Number of players: 13
only swiss rounds, no top cut
concluded by: bdorf
conflicts: strict

Login via NetrunnerDB to claim spot.

Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 Diego Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design Rielle "Kit" Peddler: Transhuman
#2 enkoder Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center 419: Amoral Scammer
#3 tzeentchling Asa Group Lat
#4 Harp Sportsmetal Akiko Nisei
#5 pengguin Reality Plus Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta
#6 kidco Bland PD - 1st at North Regional, 13th at Worlds Getting Away With It (1st NANPC Boston)
#7 winston Asa Group: Security Through Vigilance Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy
#8 Kevin Jinteki: Personal Evolution Alice Merchant: Clan Agitator
#9 Tyler Mintzer Jinteki: Personal Evolution Rielle "Kit" Peddler: Transhuman
#10 Brianna Jinteki: Restoring Humanity Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
#11 Snowii Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design Quetzal: Free Spirit
#12 Ben P Azmari EdTech: Shaping the Future Lat: Ethical Freelancer
#13 unclaimed unclaimed

Players going (9)