2024.11.09 - 2024.11.10.

Legal cardpool up to: Rebellion Without Rehearsal
MWL: Standard Ban List 24.05
Format: other

decklist is not required

Registration starts: 11:59 (local time)
Tournament starts: 11:59 (local time)
Contact: n.b.kelly@pm.me

runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
event QR code

Have you got what it takes to step into the shoes of a champion? To secure the same tough victories that the legends of netrunner did? Or even to change history, and win when all the odds are stacked against you?

Play through the historical worlds matchups that did (and some that did not) happen from 2012 all the way through to 2024. Each round you will have a new deck to play, and you will be facing against a new deck.

If this sounds complicated, don't worry. I rigged jinteki.net to make this automatic for you.

Tournament starts 11:59AM NZST.

Tournament to be coordinated via discord here: https://discord.gg/9J5act9T

This event will be free to play. Just show up and have a good time.

Additional prizes and information

Top 4: You get tagged.
Participation: If you give me your postal address, I'll send you a postcard.

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Swiss rounds
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Login via NetrunnerDB to add photos or videos.
Number of players: 4
only swiss rounds, no top cut
concluded by: nbkelly
conflicts: strict

Login via NetrunnerDB to claim spot.

Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 nbkelly Cyber Bureau Laramy Fisk
#2 Larrea A Teia: IP Recovery 419: Amoral Scammer
#3 Keriel Jinteki: Replicating Perfection Kate "Mac" McCaffrey: Digital Tinker
#4 tsgstarwars The Shadow The Masque

Players going (4)