
Legal cardpool up to: Rebellion Without Rehearsal
MWL: Standard Ban List 24.05
Format: standard

decklist is not required

Registration starts: 15:00 (local time)
Tournament starts: 15:30 (local time)
Contact: maninthem00n - on discord

runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
event QR code

➡️ Check my timezone Player meeting at 22:00 UTC , 18:00 Eastern USA, 15:00 PDT, 6:00 AWST. Round one starts 30 minutes later

➡️ Purchase tickets here 🥳

If anyone wants to play just for fun you're more then welcome to play without a ticket and prizes.

Prizes for summer showdown

We will be playing 6-8 rounds of single sided swiss in the standard format with a single elim cut to top 4 if we have 16-34 players, and a top 8 cut with 36+ players. This will be a lot of netrunner, from my experience this is the best way to run a medium - large scale event.

Games will be played on Jinteki.net. I will be coordinating the event through the Null Signal online events hub Discord server. You can join the server here. We will be using the #online-store-championship channel for announcements.

I hope to have event streamed, if you have interest in commentating or helping stream please reach out to me on discord!

Affordability My main goal in running this tournament online is to increase the accessibility of competitive netrunner. I have made an effort to keep the ticket price affordable, but I want to make sure cost isn't a barrier for anyone who would like to join. If you are hesitant to play because of the cost you're welcome to use the discount code NETRUNNER4EVERYONE for 100% off the ticket price or HALFOFF for 50% off. I'm hoping to make sure anyone who wants to play can participate. ❤️

AI disclaimer: I "created/designed" the art for the Hagen using generative AI tools. I put a lot of work into it over 10 hours and I'm really proud of how it turned out, but I totally respect people who don't want to have anything to do with Ai and would prefer not to have that as their prize. It is my goal as a TO to run the best possible events in order support our wonderful community. I recognize art is a large part of the community and I am actively seeking out more artist like Lenny and PiCat I can collaborate with for future projects. If you are an artist, an artist supporter, or anyone curious to read more about my thoughts, please check out this google doc ❤️🙃 *Update: A bunch of wonderfully people reached out offering their services as artists! I really appreciate it and there are now more exciting things in the works.

2024 Circuit Opener H1
TO's Discretion: Drafter (Art by Scott Uminga) alternate art card
top 8: Tatu-Bola (Art by Cat Shen) extended alt card
top 4: Prepaid Voicepad (Art by Elizaveta Sokolova) alternate art card
top 2: Cat's Cradle (Art by Bruno Balixa) playmat

Circuit Openers are the inaugural and midseason event of the competitive season. They will be run by local organizers. The 2024 H1 kit contains:

3 x Cat's Cradle Playmat (Bruno Balixa)
15 x Prepaid VoicePAD (Elizaveta Sokolova)
27 x Tatu-Bola (Cat Shen)
6 x Drafter (Scott Uminga)

Additional prizes and information

The tournament will use be using 1-3 2024 H1 CO kits along with a large collection of extra prizes.

The bonus H1 Drafters by Scott Uminga will be given to players who have never played in an online tournament before (while supplies last). If you've been thinking about trying competitive netrunner, but haven't yet taken the plunge this is a great opportunity ❤️

I have a collection of options available as participation prizes. Everyone gets to pick two of their choice.

Participation alt art choices
Curupira Full-art NSG 2024 Q2 GNK (only available until 7/20)
Your Digital Life Full-art NSG 2024 Q2 GNK
Regolith Mining License Full-art NSG 2024 Q1 GNK
Mavirus alt-art by PiCat314
Spin Doctor alt-art by Lenny
Hagen alt-art by ManintheMoon

Wooden IDs:
A Teia: IP Recovery By Jakuza
Jinteki: Restoring Humanity By Jakuza
Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist By Functor

1st Choice of IDs based on placement.
2nd Choice of IDs based on placement. (with 25+ players)
3rd Choice of IDs based on placement. (with 50+ players)

Official CO Kit Prizes*
1st - 2nd 2025 CBI invite
1st - 2nd/4th/6th Cat’s Cradle playmat (illustrated by Bruno Balixa)
1st - 4th/8th/12th Prepaid VoicePAD (illustrated by Elizaveta Sokolova)
1st - 8th/16th/24th Tatu-Bola (illustrated by Cat Shen)

*I'm going to be using 1/2/3 regular H1 CO kits for prizing if we have 8-24 / 25-49 / 50+ participants. So the official CO prizing will scale with tournament size.
*Prizes potentially subject to change.

Participation Prizes for summer showdown

Prizes for summer showdown

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Swiss rounds
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Number of players: 18
Top cut players: 4
concluded by: ManintheMoon
conflicts: strict

Login via NetrunnerDB to claim spot.

Top cut
rank player corp runner
#1 eBentl Outfit (1st @ Frozen Summer Showdown) Boring Deck (3rd @ American Conts 2024)
#2 Disk Elemental To Catch A (R+)unner (4-0 | 2nd @ Frozen Summer Showdown) Boring Deck (3rd @ American Conts 2024)
#3 arlekj Near-Earth Hub Arissana Rocha Nahu
#4 mabo Vanilla with a sprinkle of spice Tourist trap - 12th @EMEA

Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 Disk Elemental To Catch A (R+)unner (4-0 | 2nd @ Frozen Summer Showdown) Boring Deck (3rd @ American Conts 2024)
#2 eBentl Outfit (1st @ Frozen Summer Showdown) Boring Deck (3rd @ American Conts 2024)
#3 arlekj Near-Earth Hub Arissana Rocha Nahu
#4 mabo Vanilla with a sprinkle of spice Tourist trap - 12th @EMEA
#5 Icecreamcollege AgInfusion Hoshiko Shiro
#6 Styx Jinteki: Restoring Humanity Esa Afontov: Eco-Insurrectionist
#7 Tanzzen Precision Design Rielle "Kit" Peddler
#8 Wenjong Three Times Nothing = 3rd @Interconts ✈️Swift Lat v4.1✈️
#9 spiderbro Big Bad Boto - 6th @EMEA Spesâ, Eco-Inspirationist (1st @ EMEA)
#10 somefish ☎️ Dial EA for Murder ☎️ - 4th, 5th, 10th @ EMEA SPARK45 [0-0 at ICC]
#11 Porkobolo Jinteki: Personal Evolution Zahya Sadeghi: Versatile Smuggler
#12 Larrea Precision Design Rielle "Kit" Peddler
#13 Apple_In_Duvall Nuvem SA: Law of the Land Rielle "Kit" Peddler: Transhuman
#14 maninthemoon NBN: Reality Plus Lat: Ethical Freelancer
#15 yeknom02 🚫🇪🇺🤝🍌💲 (40th @ EMEA 2024) Rosetta 3.0 (4th & 11th ICC)
#16 AbyssStaresBack Sportsmetal Az McCaffrey
#17 Lautigant Asa Group Rielle "Kit" Peddler
#18 Atien Asa Group: Security Through Vigilance Lat: Ethical Freelancer

Players going (14)