Germany, Würzburg

Legal cardpool up to: Rebellion Without Rehearsal
MWL: Standard Ban List 20.06
Format: standard

decklist is not required

Registration starts: 10:30 (local time)
Tournament starts: 11:00 (local time)
Store/venue: Fantasy Spiele Würzburg e.V.
Address: Erthalstraße 20, 97074 Würzburg, Germany

runner IDs
corp IDs
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corp factions
runner IDs
corp IDs
runner factions
corp factions
event QR code

Teilnahmegebühr: 10€

Wir werden 3 oder 4 Runden Double Sided Swiss zu je 70 Minuten spielen. Nach der zweiten Runde machen wir eine kurze Mittagspause.

Das Vereinsheim des Fantasy Spiele Würzburg e.V. befindet sich in zweiter Reihe hinter dem Restaurant Daryan Grill.
Es gibt Parkmöglichkeiten in der Erthalstraße und in weiteren Nebenstraßen, für die Parkplatzsuche sollte aber ein bisschen Zeit eingeplant werden.

2024 Circuit Opener H1
TO's Discretion: Drafter (Art by Scott Uminga) alternate art card
top 8: Tatu-Bola (Art by Cat Shen) extended alt card
top 4: Prepaid Voicepad (Art by Elizaveta Sokolova) alternate art card
top 2: Cat's Cradle (Art by Bruno Balixa) playmat

Circuit Openers are the inaugural and midseason event of the competitive season. They will be run by local organizers. The 2024 H1 kit contains:

3 x Cat's Cradle Playmat (Bruno Balixa)
15 x Prepaid VoicePAD (Elizaveta Sokolova)
27 x Tatu-Bola (Cat Shen)
6 x Drafter (Scott Uminga)

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Swiss rounds
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Number of players: 10
only swiss rounds, no top cut
concluded by: KNT_HLZ
conflicts: strict

Login via NetrunnerDB to claim spot.

Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 Tradon R+ Kill, and Snare! as well? - V2.1 würzburg DeepDive Sable - worlds 48./203
#2 Virulentz Jukebox Asa (8th-10th At Worlds 2024) Spesâ, Eco-Inspirationist (1st @ EMEA)
#3 KNT_HLZ It's fine, just run the right server(Corrected Version) Zombie Freedom - 5th and 18th at Worlds 2024
#4 KingHereAfter Precision Design Lat
#5 OF15-15 Reality Plus Arissana Rocha Nahu
#6 TorpedoTyrus Thule Subsea: Safety Below Mercury: Chrome Libertador
#7 Lutheus Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy
#8 Brithulhu Sportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home Mercury: Chrome Libertador
#9 Darksider Built to Last Hoshiko Shiro
#10 Phexberger The Outfit Tāo Salonga

Players going (9)