
Legal cardpool up to: Parhelion
MWL: Standard Ban List 23.03
Format: standard

decklist is not required

Registration starts: 23:30 (local time)
Tournament starts: 00:00 (local time)

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corp factions
runner IDs
corp IDs
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2023-3 AMT
Netrunners - NSG will be hosting monthly events for all of '23!

This is the third Accelerated Meta Test, and is open to anyone who wants to play. These will be Circuit Openers, but the only prizing will be an Invite to the Circuit Breaker Invitational in January of '24 for the top finisher (or top 2 if we exceed 20 entrants).

This event is starting on the 20th 00:00 UTC (for players in the Americas this will be the evening of the 19th)

The event will be run through the NSG Online Event Hub Discord. Registration will start the day before, and close at 23:30 UTC. We anticipate this being four rounds with a top 4 cut. The Player Meeting will start at 23:45 UTC, and the event will start at 00:00 UTC.

If you do not indicate attendance between 23:30 and 23:50 you will be dropped.

The event will be run on Jinteki.net. Decklists will not need to be submitted beforehand.

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Swiss rounds
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Number of players: 20
Top cut players: 3
concluded by: Null Signal Games
conflicts: strict

Login via NetrunnerDB to claim spot.

Top cut
rank player corp runner
#1 rip netrunner Sportsmetal Esâ Afontov
#2 Sokka234 Acme Consulting Hoshiko Shiro
#3 HaverOfFun Laurazmari - 1st and undefeated at Reading CO Métropole Grid's Auto-Dialer - Undefeated 1st Place Naarm/M

Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 rip netrunner Sportsmetal Esâ Afontov
#2 Sokka234 Acme Consulting Hoshiko Shiro
#3 HaverOfFun Laurazmari - 1st and undefeated at Reading CO Métropole Grid's Auto-Dialer - Undefeated 1st Place Naarm/M
#4 Chromatically Azmari EdTech Hoshiko Shiro
#5 KingsOracle AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
#6 groundhog AgInfusion Hoshiko Shiro
#7 aksu My resignation from the family... Runic stun - Tampere casual tournament.
#8 jfoley Cold Brew Keeling [2-1, 8th @ May AMT] Heartbeat Hoshiko (1-2-1, 8th May AMT)
#9 AugustusCaesar Loki Ag (Lokipilled with minor changes) Stock Esa (botulus version)
#10 Redemptor Depth & Taxes 2 [Huggernautilus] Smoke Econ
#11 Scarius Jinteki: Personal Evolution Captain Padma Isbister: Intrepid Explorer
#12 EqualzDee Sportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home René "Loup" Arcemont: Party Animal
#13 osclate Azmari EdTech: Shaping the Future Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
#14 OF15-15 Laurazmari - 1st and undefeated at Reading CO Sciabattatrice (1st and undefeated @ Padua CO)
#15 techgin Asa Group Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta
#16 sebastiank AgInfusion Null
#17 izzy Personal Evolution Hoshiko Shiro
#18 enby The Outfit 419
#19 DeeR Jinteki: Personal Evolution Esâ Afontov: Eco-Insurrectionist
#20 riverluna Jinteki: Personal Evolution Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist

Players going (16)