United Kingdom, Aldershot

Facebook event

Legal cardpool up to: Parhelion
MWL: not applicable
Format: startup

decklist is not required

Registration starts: 10:00 (local time)
Tournament starts: 11:00 (local time)
Store/venue: The Games Shop Aldershot
Address: 6 Wellington St, Aldershot GU11 1DZ, UK
Contact: tdkenny@me.com

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2023 H1 Circuit Opener
top 8: Seamless Launch (Art by Martin de Diego Sádaba) alternate art card
top 4: Boomerang (Art by Oliver Morit) alternate art card
top 2: Smartware Distributor Playmat (Art by Benjamin Giletti) playmat
bonus prize: Enigma (Art by Benjamin Giletti) alternate art card

Circuit Openers are the inaugural and midseason event of the competitive season. They will be run by local organizers. The 2023 H1 kit contains:

3 x Smartware Distributor Playmat (Benjamin Giletti)
15 x Alt Art Boomerang (Oliver Morit)
27 x Alt Art Seamless Launch (Martin de Diego Sádaba)
6 x Alt Art Enigma (Benjamin Giletti)

(As Sanctioned events, prize structures for Circuit Openers are strict. TOs found in violation of the prize structure may be banned from purchasing future kits.)

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Number of players: 11
only swiss rounds, no top cut
concluded by: Loki37
conflicts: strict

Login via NetrunnerDB to claim spot.

Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 steffmonkey NEH - Money Drain (Startup) Tao - Fermented Lunch (Startup)
#2 J0N4LD Ob Superheavy Logistics Captain Padma Isbister
#3 Quarg Issuaq Adaptics Captain Padma Isbister
#4 Nicky3.0 Thulish House [startup] Sable trigger engine [startup]
#5 Hideyoshi Personal Evolution Esâ Afontov
#6 rotage Ob Superheavy Logistics Captain Padma Isbister
#7 xccam [Startup] R+ CO (2-2 Aldershot CO) [Startup] Carnivore Sucks - But what if.. (2-2 Aldershot CO)
#8 Loki37 ICE econ engine Inspired but Fragile
#9 Potential_Undead Personal Evolution René "Loup" Arcemont
#10 Rusefus Thule Subsea René "Loup" Arcemont
#11 Swiftie Ob Superheavy Logistics Captain Padma Isbister

Players going (11)