United Kingdom, Liverpool

Facebook event

Legal cardpool up to: Midnight Sun Booster Pack
MWL: Standard Ban List 21.10
Format: standard

decklist is not required

Registration starts: 10:05 (local time)
Tournament starts: 10:45 (local time)
Store/venue: JustPlay
Address: 61 Tithebarn St, Liverpool L2 2SB, UK
Contact: liverpoolnetrunner@outlook.com

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event QR code

Hello everyone! Welcome to the July 2022 Liverpool Netrunner Circuit Opener! This is the new event made from the merging of the old style Store Championship and Regional events.

This is a NISEI casual level event with prizes to be won from the 2022 NISEI Store Championship kit. As a casual event, it will be a relatively relaxed environment and ideal for newer/returning players to experience tournament play for the first time! At all NISEI events and any of our weekly meets, printed proxies are allowed. Decklists are NOT required.

This event is capped at 16 players. Please fill out the below form to pre-register for the event. In the case that more than 16 players submit the form, you'll be added to a waiting list in case a space becomes available.


Entry Fee: £10 (can be paid by cash on the day or through PayPal - but fill out the above form first!)

Winner: Invitation to NISEI's Circuit Breaker Invitational Championship*
Top 4: Hákarl 1.0 Playmat
Top 8: 3 x Obokata Protocol
Participation: 3 x Simulchip
There may also be additional prizes on the day

Format: Standard. See https://nisei.net/players/supported-formats/ for full details

Registration starts: 10:05am
Round 1 starts: 10:45am
Lunch after round 2
Maximum of 4 rounds with top 4 cut**

Note: JustPlay only sell snacks now (though they do occasionally have microwave friendly food available). There are a few shops around the area to get sandwiches. I'll check whether food is allowed in store during the break.

  • The invite is only awarded if there are 8 or more players attending the event. More information can be found here: https://nisei.net/blog/announcing-2022-circuit-breaker/
    ** There will be no top cut if less than 16 players attend as per the NISEI OP guidelines

If you have any questions, please create a post in the event or send an email to liverpoolnetrunner@outlook.com!

All attendees are asked to be adhere to the NISEI code of conduct at all events and meets, which can be found here: https://nisei.net/about/code-of-conduct

2022 Circuit Opener Kit
top 2: Hákarl 1.0 Playmat (Art by Jakuza) playmat
top 4: Obokata Protocol (Art by Olie Boldador) alternate art card
top 8: Simulchip (Art by Kira Nguyen) alternate art card
bonus prize: Biotic Labor (Art by Olie Boldador) alternate art card
champion: Invite to Circuit Breaker Invitational Event Event Invite

Circuit Openers are the inaugural event of the competitive season. They will be run by local organizers. The 2022 kit contains:

3 x Hákarl 1.0 Playmat (Art by Jakuza)
15 x Alt art Obokata Protocol (Art by Olie Boldador)
27 x Alt art Simulchip (Art by Kira Nguyen)
6 x Alt art Biotic Labor (Art by Olie Boldador)

(As Sanctioned events, prize structures for Circuit Openers are strict. TOs found in violation of the prize structure may be banned from purchasing future kits.)

Additional prizes and information

This event is using a boosted prize kit so double the number of prizes from the Circuit Opener prize kit. This means:

Winner: Invitation to NISEI's Circuit Breaker Invitational Championship
Top 4: Hákarl 1.0 Playmat
Top 8: 3 x Obokata Protocol
Participation: 3 x Simulchip

Biotic Labor will be randomly distributed on the day

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Swiss rounds
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Number of players: 9
only swiss rounds, no top cut
concluded by: HiddenAway
conflicts: strict

Login via NetrunnerDB to claim spot.

Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 Tolaasin Filling the Void - 3-1 at Liverpool Circuit Opener 16-7-2022 Cards Carefully Chosen Given Limited Slots - 4-0 L'pool CO
#2 Good Job Phil Argus Inquisition Reg Hoshiko
#3 Sauc3 "Just Play Hedge Funds", 5-2, 4th @ BCOM 2022 Uncomfortably Big MaxX (1st CO Berlin)
#4 David Alderton Pālanā Foods: Sustainable Growth Ken "Express" Tenma: Disappeared Clone
#5 John Buston Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock
#6 Utati Sports Design (1st & undefeated @ Hungarian Nationals) Salleas (1-2 Liverpool Circuit Opener)
#7 HiddenAway Rushed Outfit (5-1 at Worlds 2021) Mawhammer: Final Swing (Liverpool CO 3-1)
#8 mcg Pālanā Foods Steve Cambridge
#9 Terence Melia Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer

Players going (7)