Netherlands, Rotterdam

Legal cardpool up to: Uprising Booster Pack
MWL: Standard MWL 3.4
Format: cube draft

decklist is not required

Store/venue: Schiecentrale
Address: Lloydstraat 5, 3024 EA Rotterdam, Netherlands

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Swiss rounds
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Number of players: 8
only swiss rounds, no top cut
concluded by: Null Signal Games
conflicts: relaxed

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Swiss rounds
rank player corp runner
#1 leopold The Shadow: Pulling the Strings The Masque
#1 Council Engineering the Future Armand "Geist" Walker
#2 bl4nk3t The Shadow: Pulling the Strings The Masque
#3 Johann The Shadow: Pulling the Strings The Masque
#4 Mikael Holmberg (CeeTee2001) The Shadow The Masque
#5 Internet The Shadow: Pulling the Strings The Masque
#6 Smiesynz The Shadow: Pulling the Strings The Masque
#7 vincent The Shadow: Pulling the Strings The Masque
#8 boreira The Shadow: Pulling the Strings The Masque

Players going (2)