Czechia, Praha

Facebook event

Legal cardpool up to: Downfall
MWL: Standard MWL 3.2
Format: standard

decklist is mandatory!

Registration starts: 10:00 (local time)
Tournament starts: 10:30 (local time)

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Herní klub Mephit
Arbesovo náměstí 781/14
Praha 5
150 00

Začátek 22.6.2019 v 10:30 (registrace od 10:00).
Vstupné 400 Kč předregistrovaní, 450Kč registrace na místě .
Ceny: Netrunner 2019 Regionals Kit

Předregistraci lze provést na

Herní klub Mephit
Arbesovo náměstí 781/14
Praha 5
150 00
Start 22.6.2019 at 10:30 (registration from 10:00)
Entry Fee 400 CZK (15EUR) preregistered, 450CZK (17 EUR) on site registration
Prizes: Netrunner 2019 Regionals Kit

Please preregister on

2019 NISEI Regional Championship Kit
top 64: Scrubber alternate art card
top 32: Adam: Compulsive Hacker alternate art card
top 16: ACME Consulting: The Truth You Need alternate art card
top 8: The Artist playmat
top 4: Az McCaffrey frosted plastic card
champion: NISEI Nationals/Continentals first-round bye

First place: First-round bye for any NISEI National or Continental Championship
Top 4: Frosted plastic Az McCaffrey (a new Runner from Ashes: Downfall)
Top 8: Playmat featuring The Artist
Top 16: Alt-art ACME Consulting: The Truth You Need
Participation/Top 32: Alt-art Adam: Compulsive Hacker
Participation/Top 64: Alt-art Scrubber

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