BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:99alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20161126T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20161126T235900 URL: ear-tournament LOCATION:3131 Great North Rd\, New Lynn\, Auckland 0600\, New Zealand SUMMARY:FTW Games' Netrunner of the Year Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:FTW Games is happy to announce our Netrunner of the Year Tourna ment to be held on Saturday 26th of November!\nThe winner of this tourname nt receive an Alt-art Hayley Kaplan\, a playset of Alt-art Bank Jobs\, 10 offical FFG Power Token\, and their name engraved onto the Netrunner Of th e Year Plaque!\nSecond Place will also get an Alt-art Hayley Kaplan and a playset of Bankjobs.\nOther prizes will be available based on placing. Eve ry place will have at least 1 alt-art bank job (while stocks last)\nIf the re are 9 or more players registered\, there will be a Top 4 Cut.\nNetrunne r of the Year\nSat 26th Nov\nEntry will be $20\nStart time will be 12pm\, registration on the day will begin 11am.\nSee you all there!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

FTW Games is happy to announce our Netrunne r of the Year Tournament to be held on Saturday 26th of November!


The winner of this tournament receive an Alt-art Hayley Kaplan\, a playset of Alt-art Bank Jobs\, 10 offical FFG Power Token\, and their name engrav ed onto the Netrunner Of the Year Plaque!


Second Place will also g et an Alt-art Hayley Kaplan and a playset of Bankjobs.


Other prize s will be available based on placing. Every place will have at least 1 alt -art bank job (while stocks last)


If there are 9 or more players r egistered\, there will be a Top 4 Cut.


Netrunner of the Year\nSat 26th Nov\nEntry will be $20\nStart time will be 12pm\, registration on the day will begin 11am.


See you all there!