BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:975alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20171209 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20171210 URL: nament SUMMARY:Stimhack Second Chance Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:For all the details see:\n -second-chance-tournament/9477\nThe Stimhack Second Chances Tournament is an online tournament hosted on on Saturday Dec 9\, 2017 starti ng at 10 AM (EST\, GMT -5). It is a tournament open to all who want anothe r chance at glory\, though we will Cap at 200 for time reasons.\nBeing on Slack is not required to join\, but it is preferred as it makes organizati on easier and announcements will primarily be done through there. See the #ssct-general channel on slack for more information.\nSign up using this f orm:\\nSignup for the stimhack Second Chances tournament!\ nThe SSCT will be live streamed with commentary by a motley crew of Stimha ck regulars\nPrizes (sponsored by the stimhack p atreon6):\nFirst: $200\nSecond: $125\nThird: $75\nFourth: $50\nFifth-Eight : $25\nDecklists will be due by End of Day Wednesday Dec 6 (11:59 gmt -5). \nRound length will be decided post sign up numbers\, but expect the tourn ament to take up 8-9 hours for Swiss (though drops are allowed).\nAfter mi ssing the SSCI this last year\, I’d like to help step up the game and ho st more big online tournaments again! PM if you’re interested in helping with Judging or Commentating.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

For all the details see:\nhttps://for


The < strong>Stimhack Second Chances Tournament is an online tournament hosted on on Saturday Dec 9\, 2017 starting at 10 AM (EST\, G MT -5). It is a tournament open to all who want another chance at glory\, though we will Cap at 200 for time reasons.


Being on Slack is not required to join\, but it is preferred as it makes organization easier and announcements will primarily be done through there. See the #ssct-general channel on slack for more information.


Sign up using this form:\n

\ n

Signup for the stimhack Second Chances tournament!\nThe SSCT will be l ive streamed with commentary by a motley crew of Stimhack regulars


Prize s (sponsored by the stimhack patreon6):\nFirst: $200\nSecond: $125\nThird: $75\nFourth: $50\nFifth-Eight: $25


Decklists will be due by End o f Day Wednesday Dec 6 (11:59 gmt -5).


Round length will be decided post sign up numbers\, but expect the tournament to take up 8-9 hours for Swiss (though drops are allowed).


After missing the SSCI this las t year\, I’d like to help step up the game and host more big online tour naments again! PM if you’re interested in helping with Judging or Commen tating.