BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:950alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20171209T093000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20171209T235900 URL: LOCATION:Triemlistrasse 183\, 8047 Zürich\, Switzerland SUMMARY:Random-ID CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWe have a new Netrunner World Champion: Wilfy Horig (Australi a). And we have a new ANRZH announcement: the Random-ID tournament.\nWhen you sign up to this tournament\, we will send you a random Runner-ID and a random Corp-ID. This will be the IDs you have to play at this tournament. No ID will be draw twice for a maximum diversity. If you are a “newbie ”\, you can send one ID wish and we will check if this ID is still avail able - we recommend to sign-up quick.\nFollowing IDs will be not in our Ra ndom-ID pool: Hayley Kaplan\, Ele "\;Smoke"\; Scovak\, Valencia Es tevez\, Edward Kim\, MaxX\, Armand "\;Geist"\; Walker\, Cerebral I maging\, Potential Unleashed\, AgInfusion\, Controlling the Message and Ne ar-Earth Hub. Additional: The runner card “Rebirth” is banned for this tournament.\nDate: Saturday\, December 9th 2017\nCheck-in time: 09:30 am - 09:45 am\, please be there in time\nStarting Time: 10:00 am\nEnd: approx . 04:00 pm\nLocation: Restaurant Bar Café Ey Hof\, Triemlistrasse 183\, 8 047 Zürich\, (map)\nNeeded equipment: 1 Runner deck &\; 1 Corp deck\, both sleeved\, tokens\, starting fee\nCard pool: Revised Core Set up to t he last legal data pack\, available in Switzerland before November 26th.\n Registration: send e-mail to with nickname and ask for you r ID’s.\nD E T A I L S:\nTier: Relaxed\nTournaments at this level are we lcoming to all players\, regardless of experience level. Players are encou raged to help each other improve and learn\, so long as it does not signif icantly disrupt the game. The focus is on creating a fun and friendly envi ronment.\nFormat: Swiss format without cut\, 4 rounds.\nCard pool: Revised Core Set up to the last legal data pack\, available in Switzerland before November 26th.\nLanguage: German\, English\, French\nDecklists: not requi red\nCard sleeves: please use non transparent card sleeves. Single proxies are allowed\, if they are clear to read.\nTournament rules: Standard FFG + current FAQ including “NAPD Most Wanted List”!\nEntry fee: 10.- CHF / 10.- EURO. Free if this is your first tournament.\nPrize support: ANR Ga me Night Kit (Q4 2017\, if here - otherwise we have some other GNK). Addit ional prices for newbies *.\n\n\nnewbie is if you never played a netrunner tournament before or if you have been playing for less than a year.\n\n\n Number of players: max. 16\nTournament organizer (TO): Chiphead404\nJudge: Nembras\nNote: Just a heads-up\, TO and Judge will also participate\, but will always be ready to help or solve problems.\nNicknames: The ranking l ist will be published online. If you don’t want to see your real name so mewhere on the www\, please send your nickname with your registration.\nCa r Parking: There is a car parking next to the Eye of.\nFood: Please order your drinks at the Restaurant. Food can be ordered after round 1 or you ca n eat something outside.\nRegistered players and ID's:\nChiphead404:Ken &q uot\;Express"\; Tenma: Disappeared Clone+ Seidr Laboratories: Destiny Defined\nNembras:Jesminder Sareen: Girl Behind the Curtain+ Harmony Medtec h: Biomedical Pioneer\nb3ar:Nero Severn: Information Broker+ Custom Biotic s: Engineered for Success\nulrichurlaub:Alice Merchant: Clan Agitator+ Arg us Security: Protection Guaranteed\nGoldenBoi:Chaos Theory: Wünderkind+ N isei Division: The Next Generation\nTessier-Ashpool:Steve Cambridge: Maste r Grifter+ New Angeles Sol: Your News\nphoton:Ayla "\;Bios"\; Rahi m: Simulant Specialist+ Chronos Protocol: Selective Mind-mapping\nqvm:Exil e: Streethawk+ Skorpios Defense Systems: Persuasive Power\nHumanity's Hamm er:Quetzal: Free Spirit+ The Foundry: Refining the Process\nX◒F:Apex: In vasive Predator+ Tennin Institute: The Secrets Within\nRabenzwist:Silhouet te: Stealth Operative+ Haas-Bioroid: Architects of Tomorrow\nm1k4:Laramy F isk: Savvy Investor+ Spark Agency: Worldswide Reach\nRedV: Rielle "\;K it"\; Peddler: Transhuman+ Weyland Consortium: Builder of Nations\nHaZ e:Los: Data Hijacker+ Jinteki: Personal Evolution\nmunchli: Sunny Lebeau: Security Specialist+ NEXT Design: Guarding the Net\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\nWe have a new Netrunner World Champio n: Wilfy Horig (Australia). And we have a new ANRZH announcement: the Rand om-ID tournament.\nWhen you sign up to this tournament\, we will send you a random Runner-ID and a random Corp-ID. This will be the IDs you have to play at this tournament. No ID will be draw twice for a maximum diversity. If you are a “newbie”\, you can send one ID wish and we will check if this ID is still available - we recommend to sign-up quick.\nFollowing ID s will be not in our Random-ID pool: Hayley Kaplan\, Ele "\;Smoke" \; Scovak\, Valencia Estevez\, Edward Kim\, MaxX\, Armand "\;Geist&quo t\; Walker\, Cerebral Imaging\, Potential Unleashed\, AgInfusion\, Control ling the Message and Near-Earth Hub. Additional: The runner card “Rebirt h” is banned for this tournament.
\nDate: Saturda
y\, December 9th 2017\nCheck-in time: 09:30 am - 09:45 am
\, please be there in time\nStarting Time: 10:00 am\n
Tier: Relaxed\nTournam ents at this level are welcoming to all players\, regardless of experience level. Players are encouraged to help each other improve and learn\, so l ong as it does not significantly disrupt the game. The focus is on creatin g a fun and friendly environment.
\nFormat: Swiss f ormat without cut\, 4 rounds.\nCard pool: Revised Core Se t up to the last legal data pack\, available in Switzerland before Novembe r 26th.\nLanguage: German\, English\, French\nDec klists: not required\nCard sleeves: please use n on transparent card sleeves. Single proxies are allowed\, if they are clea r to read.
\nTournament rules: Standard FFG + curre nt FAQ including “NAPD Most Wanted List”!\nEntry fee: 10.- CHF / 10.- EURO. Free if this is your first tournament.\nPri ze support: ANR Game Night Kit (Q4 2017\, if here - otherwise we have some other GNK). Additional prices for newbies *.
\nNumbe r of players: max. 16\nTournament organizer (TO): Chiphead404\nJudge: Nembras\nNote: Jus t a heads-up\, TO and Judge will also participate\, but will always be rea dy to help or solve problems.
\nNicknames: The rank ing list will be published online. If you don’t want to see your real na me somewhere on the www\, please send your nickname with your registration .
\nCar Parking: There is a car parking next to the Eye of.
\nFood: Please order your drinks at the Re staurant. Food can be ordered after round 1 or you can eat something outsi de.
\nRegistered players and ID's:\nChiphead404:Ken "\;Express"\; Tenma: Disappeared Clone+ Seidr Laboratories: Desti ny Defined\nNembras:Jesminder Sareen: Girl Behind the Curtain+ Harmony Med tech: Biomedical Pioneer\nb3ar:Nero Severn: Information Broker+ Custom Bio tics: Engineered for Success\nulrichurlaub:Alice Merchant: Clan Agitator+ Argus Security: Protection Guaranteed\nGoldenBoi:Chaos Theory: Wünderkind + Nisei Division: The Next Generation\nTessier-Ashpool:Steve Cambridge: Ma ster Grifter+ New Angeles Sol: Your News\nphoton:Ayla "\;Bios"\; R ahim: Simulant Specialist+ Chronos Protocol: Selective Mind-mapping\nqvm:E xile: Streethawk+ Skorpios Defense Systems: Persuasive Power\nHumanity's H ammer:Quetzal: Free Spirit+ The Foundry: Refining the Process\nX◒F:Apex: Invasive Predator+ Tennin Institute: The Secrets Within\nRabenzwist:Silho uette: Stealth Operative+ Haas-Bioroid: Architects of Tomorrow\nm1k4:Laram y Fisk: Savvy Investor+ Spark Agency: Worldswide Reach\nRedV: Rielle " \;Kit"\; Peddler: Transhuman+ Weyland Consortium: Builder of Nations\n HaZe:Los: Data Hijacker+ Jinteki: Personal Evolution\nmunchli: Sunny Lebea u: Security Specialist+ NEXT Design: Guarding the Net