BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:949alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Halifax:20171125T140000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Halifax:20171125T235900 URL: q2-tournament-kit LOCATION:99 Grafton St\, Charlottetown\, PE C1A 1K9\, Canada SUMMARY:Lightning Bolt Comics 2016 Q2 Tournament Kit CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Location: Lightning Bolt Comics\nStarting Time: 2:00-2:15 PM\nT ournament start: 2:15-2:30 PM\nPrice of admission: [[ TBD - probably $5 ]] \nWe will have extra decks on hand for anyone who wishes to play but doesn 't have a full collection\, and any lapsed players are free to use proxies as needed.\n\nPrizes: 2016 Q2 Tournament Kit\n\nOne set of acrylic Power Tokens\n\nTwo copies of the alternate art Shaper ID Hayley Kaplan\n\nSeven teen copies of the alternate art Criminal Resource Bank Job\n\n\n\nTournam ent Rules/Format as per the FFG "\;Critical Run"\; guidelines and we will be following the MWL 2.0 as well as all errata from FAQ 4.1. Round time\, pairings\, and overall placing will be handled via NRTM\nPacks wi ll be legal up to (and including) the Revised Core Set. A copy of the offi cial FFG Floor Rules will be available to resolve any questions or issues may come up.\nIf there are any questions\, comments or concerns\, please g et in touch through the Facebook group.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Location: Lightning Bolt Comics\nStarting Time: 2:00-2:15 PM\nTournament start: < strong>2:15-2:30 PM\nPrice of admission: [[ TBD - probabl y $5 ]]


We will have extra decks on hand for anyone who wishes to play but doesn't have a full collection\, and any lapsed players are free to use proxies as needed.


Prizes: 2016 Q2 Tournament Kit




Tournament Rules/Format as per the FFG "\;Critical Run"\; guidelines and we will be followin g the MWL 2.0< /strong> as well as all errata from FAQ 4.1. Round time\, pairings\, and overall placing will be handled via NRTM


Packs will be legal up to (and including) the Revised Core Set. A copy of the offi cial FFG Floor Rules will be available to resolve any questions o r issues may come up.


If there are any questions\, comments or con cerns\, please get in touch through the Facebook group.