BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:940alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250225T183000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250225T235900 URL: erpool SUMMARY:Weekly Casual Netrunner - Liverpool CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Updated: Wednesday 16th March 2022\nLocation: JustPlay\, Titheb arn Street\, L2 2SB\, Liverpool (The nearest train station is Moorfields. Come out of the station on the Moorfields side and turn right. At the end of the road\, turn right again and JustPlay will be on the left across the road) - Ask at the front desk for the Netrunner group. We'll be towards t he back of the store.\nDetails\nCasual weekly meetup for those who want to play Netrunner in Liverpool. No rotation enforced\, though players wantin g to practice for tournaments should adhere to the current legal card pool and Standard Ban List restrictions. Please keep an eye on the Facebook gr oup in case of any last minute changes.\nNew players are welcome to join u s and we will be willing to teach you how to play with the System Gateway basic decks. Either contact us through the Facebook group or via e-mail if you have any questions!\nWe now also have occasional GNK's (events) on Tu esdays to give local players a chance to win prizes when weekends don't wo rk for them. More information on events can be found on our Facebook group or through the UK Netrunner Facebook group.\nWeekly meets at JustPlay are currently free to attend\, though we ask that you consider purchasing any items you need for Netrunner at the store as a way to support them.\nCovi d restrictions\nAlthough most Covid restrictions have been lifted\, the vi rus is still around and case numbers are still high so for now\, please ad here to the following guidelines:\n\n\nWhere possible\, please ensure you take a lateral flow test before coming to the store and do not attend if y ou test positive or have symptoms\n\n\nFace masks or coverings are not str ictly mandatory if you have been double vaccinated and boosted but are rec ommended to reduce the risks of transmitting or catching Covid-19. Please ensure you bring a face covering in case you're asked by the store to wear one\n\n\nPlayers who have not been double vaccinated and boosted for 14 d ays or more must wear a mask or face covering during the meet except when eating or drinking\n\n\nIt is recommended to not touch other player's card s or tokens where possible\n\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Updated: Wednesday 16th March 2022
\nLocation: JustPlay\, Tithebarn Street\, L2 2SB\, Liverpoo l (The nearest train station is Moorfields. Come out of the station on the Moorfields side and turn right. At the end of the road\, turn right again and JustPlay will be on the left across the road) - Ask at the front desk for the Netrunner group. We'll be towards the back of the store.
\nDetails\nCasual weekly meetup for those who want to play Netrunner in Liverpool. No rotation enforced\, though players wanting to p ractice for tournaments should adhere to the current legal card pool and S tandard Ban List restrictions. Please keep an eye on the Facebook group in case of any last minute changes.
\nNew players are welcome to join us and we will be willing to teach you how to play with the System Gateway basic decks. Either contact us through the Facebook group or via e-mail i f you have any questions!
\nWe now also have occasional GNK's (event s) on Tuesdays to give local players a chance to win prizes when weekends don't work for them. More information on events can be found on our Facebo ok group or through the UK Netrunner Facebook group.
\nWeekly meets at JustPlay are currently free to attend\, though we ask that you consider purchasing any items you need for Netrunner at the store as a way to supp ort them.
\nCovid restrictions\nAlthough most Covid restrictions have been lifted\, the virus is still around and case number s are still high so for now\, please adhere to the following guidelines: p>\n
Where possible\, please ensure you take a lateral flow test before coming to the store and do not attend if you test positive or have symptoms
\nFace masks or coverings are not strictl y mandatory if you have been double vaccinated and boosted but are recomme nded to reduce the risks of transmitting or catching Covid-19. Please ensu re you bring a face covering in case you're asked by the store to wear one
\nPlayers who have not been double vaccinated and boos ted for 14 days or more must wear a mask or face covering during the meet except when eating or drinking
\nIt is recommended to n ot touch other player's cards or tokens where possible