BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:909alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20180127T093000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20180127T235900 URL: ionship LOCATION:Triemlistrasse 183\, 8047 Zürich\, Switzerland SUMMARY:Rien ne va plus Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWe like to invite you to the Android Netrunner “Rien ne va plus Store Championship”. The Store Championship is the kick-off of the Android Netrunner Championship Season which ends in November 2018 with the World Championship. It’s open for all players of all levels and the Win ner will be our local Store Champion for one year. If you never played a t ournament\, you don’t have to pay any starting fee.\nDate: Saturday\, Ja nuary 27th\, 2018\nCheck-in time: 09:15 am - 09:45 am\, please be there in time\nStarting Time: 10:00 am\nEnd: approx. 05:00 pm\, depending on the n umber of players.\nLocation: Restaurant Bar Café Ey Hof\, Triemlistrasse 183\, 8047 Zürich\, map\nNeeded equipment: 1 Runner deck &\; 1 Corp de ck\, both sleeved\, tokens\, starting fee + decklists\nCard pool: Revised Core Set up to the last legal data pack\, available in Switzerland before January 14th.\nRegistration: send e-mail with nickname to\ nD E T A I L S:\nTier: Relaxed\nTournaments at this level are welcoming to all players\, regardless of experience level. Players are encouraged to h elp each other improve and learn\, so long as it does not significantly di srupt the game. The focus is on creating a fun and friendly environment.\n Format: Swiss format without a top cut\, 4-5 rounds\, depending on the num ber of players.\nCard pool: Revised Core Set up to the last legal data pac k\, available in Switzerland before January 14th.\nLanguage: German\, Engl ish\, French\nDecklists: required! Please use NRDB or another deck generat or.\nCard sleeves: please use non-transparent card sleeves. Single proxies are allowed if they are clear to read.\nTournament rules: Standard FFG + current FAQ including “NAPD Most Wanted List”!\nEntry fee: 10.- CHF / 10.- EURO. Free if this is your first tournament.\nPrize support: ANR Stor e Championship Kit.\nPrices are not known yet\, the winner will get a firs t-round bye for the Regionals and a trophy for sure.\nAdditional prices fo r newbies *.\n\nnewbie is if you never played a Netrunner tournament or pl ay less than one year.\n\nNumber of players: max. 16\nTournament organizer (TO): Chiphead404\nJudge: Nembras\nNote: Just a heads-up\, TO and Judge w ill also participate\, but will always be ready to help or solve problems. \nNicknames: The ranking list will be published online. If you don’t wan t to see your real name somewhere on the www\, please send your nickname w ith your registration.\nCar Parking: There is a car parking next to the Ey hof.\nFood: Please order your drinks at the Restaurant. Food can be ordere d after round 1 or you can eat something outside.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



We like to invite yo u to the Android Netrunner “Rien ne va plus Store Championship”. The S tore Championship is the kick-off of the Android Netrunner Championship Se ason which ends in November 2018 with the World Championship. It’s open for all players of all levels and the Winner will be our local Store Champ ion for one year. If you never played a tournament\, you don’t have to p ay any starting fee.


Date: Saturday\, January 27t h\, 2018\nCheck-in time: 09:15 am - 09:45 am\, please be there in time\nStarting Time: 10:00 am\nEnd: approx. 05:00 pm\, depending on the number of players.\nLocat ion: Restaurant Bar Café Ey Hof\, Triemlistrasse 183\, 8047 Zür ich\, map\nNeeded equipment: 1 Runner deck &\; 1 Corp deck\, both sleeved\, toke ns\, starting fee + decklists\nCard pool: Revised Core Se t up to the last legal data pack\, available in Switzerland before January 14th.\nRegistration: send e-mail with nickname to zh@net


D E T A I L S:


Tier: Relaxed\ nTournaments at this level are welcoming to all players\, regardless of ex perience level. Players are encouraged to help each other improve and lear n\, so long as it does not significantly disrupt the game. The focus is on creating a fun and friendly environment.


Format: Swiss format without a top cut\, 4-5 rounds\, depending on the number of players.\nCard pool: Revised Core Set up to the last lega l data pack\, available in Switzerland before January 14th.\nLangu age: German\, English\, French\nDecklists: requi red! Please use NRDB or another deck generator.\nCard sleeves: please use non-transparent card sleeves. Single proxies are allowed if they are clear to read.


Tournament rules: Stan dard FFG + current FAQ including “NAPD Most Wanted List”!\nEnt ry fee: 10.- CHF / 10.- EURO. Free if this is your first tourname nt.\nPrize support: ANR Store Championship Kit.\nPrices a re not known yet\, the winner will get a first-round bye for the Regionals and a trophy for sure.\nAdditional prices for newbies *.


Number of players: max. 16\nTournament organizer (TO): Chiphead404\nJudge: Nembras\nNote: Just a heads-up\, TO and Judge will also p articipate\, but will always be ready to help or solve problems.


< strong>Nicknames: The ranking list will be published online. If y ou don’t want to see your real name somewhere on the www\, please send y our nickname with your registration.


Car Parking: There is a car parking next to the Eyhof.


Food: Please order your drinks at the Restaurant. Food can be ordered after roun d 1 or you can eat something outside.