BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:902alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20171104T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20171105T235900 URL: ewing LOCATION:Bismarckstraße 10 - 12\, 10625 Berlin\, Germany SUMMARY:Worlds Tournament & Public Viewing CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Please register yourself via e-mail: (to g et the exact address &\; contact details)\nPlease let us know if you wi ll attend the tournament and / or the public viewing.\nDue to the limited access and us running a tournament\, who appears later\, might need to wai t until the current round has ended before we can pick him up.\nMax partic ipants: 14\nRegistration: 12:00\nPrices: none\, bring your own outdated pr omo (alt art) by rotation and exchange it with your first oponent and let all your oponent sign your promo so you have your special memory for World s 2017!\nEntry: 4 EUR this includes drinks &\; snacks for the whole day \nTournament: (only Sat 4-Nov)\nThe tournament will be single a single rou nd tournament played as Swiss (40 min each).\nStarting: at 13:00\, End ~ 1 8:00\n6 rounds of Swiss\, with 1 hour break between round 3 &\; 4\nPubl ic Viewing: (both Sat 4-Nov &\; Sun 5-Nov)\nWe will watch both Streams on Saturday 4-Nov (6 rounds of Swiss) &\; Sunday 5-Nov (2 rounds of Swi ss &\; Top 16 Cut) assuming there is a Stream available.\nSaturday: Ass umed Start ~ 19:00 until ~ 3:00 to 4:00 in the Morning\nSunday: Swiss (2 r ounds) will start ~ 16:00 until ~ 18:30\, Top 16 will Start at 21:30\, if there is interest 2 rounds swiss on Sunday are also available\, otherwise it's only the top cut\, this will be decided on Saturday!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Please register yourself via e-mail: 5N00P1 (to get the exact address &\; contact details)\nPlease l et us know if you will attend the tournament and / or the public viewing.\ nDue to the limited access and us running a tournament\, who appears later \, might need to wait until the current round has ended before we can pick him up.\nMax participants: 14\nRegistration: 12:00\nPrices: none\, bring your own outdated promo (alt art) by rotation and exchange it with your first oponent and let all your oponent sign your promo so you have your special memory for Worlds 2 017!


Entry: 4 EUR this includes drinks &\; snacks for the whole day


Tournament: (only Sat 4-Nov)


The tournament will be single a single round tournament played as Swiss (40 min each).
at 13:00\, End ~ 18:00
\n6 rounds of Swiss\, with 1 hour break between round 3 &\; 4


Public Viewing: (both Sat 4-Nov &\; Sun 5-Nov)


We will watch both Streams on Saturd ay 4-Nov (6 rounds of Swiss) &\; Sunday 5-Nov (2 rounds of Swiss &\; Top 16 Cut) assuming there is a Stream available.\nSaturday: Assumed Start ~ 19:00 until ~ 3:00 to 4:00 in the Morning\nSu nday: Swiss (2 rounds) will start ~ 16:00 until ~ 18:30\, Top 16 will Start at 21:30\, if there is interest 2 rounds swiss on Sunday are al so available\, otherwise it's only the top cut\, this will be decided on S aturday!