BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:895alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20171021T150000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20171021T235900 URL: LOCATION:Parklanes Commercial Hub Jalan SS7/26\, Kelana Jaya\, Ss 7\, 47301 Petaling Jaya\, Selangor\, Malaysia SUMMARY:Malaysia ANR Nationals 2017 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nJackson: "\;You read the Bible\, Whizzard?"\;\nWhizza rd: "\;Yes!"\;\nJackson: "\;Well\, there's this passage I've g ot memorized that sort of fits this occasion. Howard 25:17. The path of th e righteous corporation is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the sel fish and the tyranny of the evil runner. Blessed is he who\, in the name o f charity and goodwill\, shepherds the agendas through the valley of darkn ess\, for he is truly his CEO's keeper\, and the finder of lost points. An d I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger thos e who attempt to poison and destroy my servers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee!"\;\nFFG: "\;Yeahhh\ , we're having none of that."\; BOOM!\n\nANDROID: NETRUNNER | National s 2017\nDate: 21st October 2017 (Saturday)\nTime: 3.00PM – late\nVenue: Cards and Hobbies (A-1-5\, Parklanes Commercial Hub\, Jalan SS7/26\, Petal ing Jaya\, Malaysia 47301)\nEntry Fee: 45 RM\nSchedule:\nRegistration begi ns at 2:30PM.\nFirst round begins at 3:00PM.\nTop Cut after swiss.\nSet Le gality:\nRevised Core* (Core 2.0) + Lunar Cycle onwards up to Crimson Dust (Red Sand 6)\nMWL 2.0 in effect. Refer to https://images-cdn.fantasyfligh g_adn_mwl_v20.pdf for list of cards.\n*Revised Core card list:\n(https://i 3-6e051613e4ca/adn49_cardlist.pdf)\nPrizes:\nChampion – Each National Ch ampion earns an incredible color trophy featuring art from the Android: Ne trunner Core Set to commemorate their victory!\nTop 2 – This gorgeous ne w card tray prize has two different possibilities. It can be mounted on a wall as a plaque to commemorate a Top 2 finish\, perhaps including a cruci al card from your deck. Or\, it can bear your ID card in future games\, in stilling the fear of facing a superior runner in potential opponents.\nTop 4 – This visually stunning art on a playmat that showcases its bearer's fantastic finish awaits each of the Top 4 competitors.\nTop 8 – Ten red acrylic 5 credit tokens will be the reward for each competitor who spends wisely and places among the Top 8!\nTop 32 – Earn your spot in the Top 32\, tag your opponent\, and blow them to smithereens with this alternate art BOOM!\nNon-Top 8 - Iain Sterling Prizes courtesy of Zahir (Sterling st ill gets credits when he's not winning!):\n\nPrizes for each top player of each faction (most matches won per\nfaction\; the 3 Data and Destiny mini -factions count as one faction)\n"\;Princess Space Kitten"\; prize for most unique IDs used (ties go to\nhigher placement)\n\nLatecomers War ning:\nDue to time constraints\, the organizers have to be strict with the time management during the event. Players arriving within the first 10 mi nutes after the start of the first game (3:00PM)\, may proceed with the ga me with no extra time allowed. If you arrive after the first 10 minutes\, you will be given a game loss for your first round and can only join the t ournament at the second round. We thank you for your cooperation in ensuri ng the game day proceeds efficiently.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Jackson: "\;You read the Bible\, Whizzard?"\;
\ nWhizzard: "\;Yes!"\;
\nJackson: "\;Well\, there's th is passage I've got memorized that sort of fits this occasion. Howard 25:1 7. The path of the righteous corporation is beset on all sides by the iniq uities of the selfish and the tyranny of the evil runner. Blessed is he wh o\, in the name of charity and goodwill\, shepherds the agendas through th e valley of darkness\, for he is truly his CEO's keeper\, and the finder o f lost points. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and f urious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my servers. And you w ill know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee!"\;
\nFFG: "\;Yeahhh\, we're having none of that."\; BOOM!
\nANDROID: NETRUNNER | Nationals 2017
\nDate: 21st October 201 7 (Saturday)\nTime: 3.00PM – late\nVenue: Cards and Hobbies (A-1-5\, Par klanes Commercial Hub\, Jalan SS7/26\, Petaling Jaya\, Malaysia 47301)\nEn try Fee: 45 RM
\nSchedule:\nRegistration begins at 2:30PM.\nFirst ro und begins at 3:00PM.\nTop Cut after swiss.
\nSet Legality:\nRevised Core* (Core 2.0) + Lunar Cycle onwards up to Crimson Dust (Red Sand 6)\nM WL 2.0 in effect. Refer to _public/6c/cc/6ccc65fe-3fc8-467c-ac4d-5dca161a66ff/upcoming_adn_mwl_v20.pd f for list of cards.
\n*Revised Core card list:\n(https://images-cdn 3e4ca/adn49_cardlist.pdf)
\nChampion – Each Nation al Champion earns an incredible color trophy featuring art from the Androi d: Netrunner Core Set to commemorate their victory!
\nTop 2 – This gorgeous new card tray prize has two different possibilities. It can be m ounted on a wall as a plaque to commemorate a Top 2 finish\, perhaps inclu ding a crucial card from your deck. Or\, it can bear your ID card in futur e games\, instilling the fear of facing a superior runner in potential opp onents.
\nTop 4 – This visually stunning art on a playmat that sho wcases its bearer's fantastic finish awaits each of the Top 4 competitors.
\nTop 8 – Ten red acrylic 5 credit tokens will be the reward for each competitor who spends wisely and places among the Top 8!
\nTop 32 – Earn your spot in the Top 32\, tag your opponent\, and blow them to smithereens with this alternate art BOOM!
\nNon-Top 8 - Iain Sterli ng Prizes courtesy of Zahir (Sterling still gets credits when he's not win ning!):
\nLatecomers War ning:\nDue to time constraints\, the organizers have to be strict with the time management during the event. Players arriving within the first 10 mi nutes after the start of the first game (3:00PM)\, may proceed with the ga me with no extra time allowed. If you arrive after the first 10 minutes\, you will be given a game loss for your first round and can only join the t ournament at the second round. We thank you for your cooperation in ensuri ng the game day proceeds efficiently.