BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:886alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250123T180000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250123T235900 URL: t-up LOCATION:97 Mary St\, Sheffield City Centre\, Sheffield S1 4RT\, UK SUMMARY:Sheffield weekly casual meet-up CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Sheffield Pubrunner meets every Thursday evening at Patriot Gam es in the city centre. The venue has a lot of gaming space and a cafe serv ing food and drink.\nEverybody is welcome\, from beginners to experienced players. We're always happy to teach new players\, lend cards or decks for the evening (just let us know in advance so we know to bring some along) or just to play a bit more slowly / explain what we're doing if you're new to the game. We're happy to play with the beginner decks\, startup\, stan dard\, or whatever really!\nWe often organise via WhatsApp. If you'd like to be added\, drop a message to either:\n\nMay: mays.leyline on Discord\, or mays.leyline [at]\nPaul: pdg [at]\n\nVenue details\nG etting there\nBy public transport: The venue is well-served by buses into the city centre\, with many stopping at the Moorfoot stops. If coming by t rain then it is around a 10 minute walk from Sheffield Station.\nBy car: T here is some on-street parking nearby\, and various small car parks on Mat ilda Street and Sidney Street.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Sheffield Pubrunner meets every Thursday ev ening at Patriot Games in the city centre. The venue has a lot of gaming s pace and a cafe serving food and drink.
\nEverybody is welcome\, fro m beginners to experienced players. We're always happy to teach new player s\, lend cards or decks for the evening (just let us know in advance so we know to bring some along) or just to play a bit more slowly / explain wha t we're doing if you're new to the game. We're happy to play with the begi nner decks\, startup\, standard\, or whatever really!
\nWe often org anise via WhatsApp. If you'd like to be added\, drop a message to either:< /p>\n
Getting there\nBy public transport: The venue is well-served by buses into the city centre\ , with many stopping at the Moorfoot stops. If coming by train then it is around a 10 minute walk from Sheffield Station.
\nBy car: There is s ome on-street parking nearby\, and various small car parks on Matilda Stre et and Sidney Street.