BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:880alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20171021T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20171021T235900 URL: rnament LOCATION:Djäknegatan 2a\, 211 34 Malmö\, Sweden SUMMARY:Netrunner Post-rotation Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWHAT\nA new era in Netrunner! With a Revised Core Set\, Rotat ion and probably a new MWL (possibly with a new ban/restricted format) on the table comes the largest meta shake up ever! Join us in exploring this unknown world and try to figure out which decks that work and those that d on't.\nWe will be using all the latest official tournament regulations\, m eaning that cards from the original Core Set\, Genesis Cycle and Spin Cycl e have rotated out and aren't allowed unless they are in the Revised Core Set. All other cards up to and including Crimson Dust are legal (unless ba nned by the MWL)\nIt also means adhering the latest MWL which will probabl y be released in October some time before the tournament. There is a leake d version featuring a ban/restricted format\, which is most likely correct . It will be posted below.\nWHEN\nSaturday October 21st. Registration open from 11.00 to 11.15. Tournament start at 11.15. Note: the store opens at 11.00.\nWHERE\nPlayoteket\, Malmö\, Djäknegatan 2A\nENTRY FEE\nDepending on number of attendants\, around 50 SEK\nPRIZES\n2017 Q3 kit and extras:\ nAll participants will recieve 1 alt-art Team Sponsorship and 1 alt-art Sm oke\nAll participants\, starting with the winner and then in descending or der\, will choose 1 of the following prizes:\n\n1 set acrylic Anarch click tracker\n1 set acrylic Shaper click tracker\n1 alt-art Omar Keung\n1 alt- art Nero Severn\n1 double sided full-art Terminal Directive IDs\n1 playset full-art Eli 2.0\n1 playset full-art Charlatan\n1 playset alt-art Ice Wal l\n1 playset alt-art Data Raven\n\nLATEST DATAPACK ALLOWED\nCrimson Dust\n DECKLISTS\nNot required\nRULES\nAll of the latest versions of FFG's rules documents\, MWL\, FAQ\, UFAQ\, Tournament Regulations and Floor Rules. Can be found here\, under "\;support"\;: https://www.fantasyflightgam\nTOURNAMENT STRUCTURE\ n4 rounds of Swiss.\nWelcome!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
WHAT\nA new era in Netrunner! With a Revised Core Set\, Rotation and probably a new MWL (possibly with a new ban/restricted format) on the tabl e comes the largest meta shake up ever! Join us in exploring this unknown world and try to figure out which decks that work and those that don't.
\nWe will be using all the latest official tournament regulations\, me aning that cards from the original Core Set\, Genesis Cycle and Spin Cycle have rotated out and aren't allowed unless they are in the Revised Core S et. All other cards up to and including Crimson Dust are legal (unless ban ned by the MWL)
\nIt also means adhering the latest MWL which will p robably be released in October some time before the tournament. There is a leaked version featuring a ban/restricted format\, which is most likely c orrect. It will be posted below.
\nWHEN\nSaturday October 21st. Regi stration open from 11.00 to 11.15. Tournament start at 11.15. Note: the st ore opens at 11.00.
\nWHERE\nPlayoteket\, Malmö\, Djäknegatan 2A p>\n
ENTRY FEE\nDepending on number of attendants\, around 50 SEK
\n< p>PRIZES\n2017 Q3 kit and extras:\nAll participants will recieve 1 alt-art Team Sponsorship and 1 alt-art Smoke\nAll participants\, starting with th e winner and then in descending order\, will choose 1 of the following pri zes:\nLATEST DATAPACK ALLOWED\nCrimson Dust
\nDECKLISTS\ nNot required
\nRULES\nAll of the latest versions of FFG's rules doc uments\, MWL\, FAQ\, UFAQ\, Tournament Regulations and Floor Rules. Can be found here\, under "\;support"\;: https://www.fantasyflightgames. com/en/products/android-netrunner-the-card-game/
\nTOURNAMENT STRUCT URE\n4 rounds of Swiss.