BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:875alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Moscow:20171014T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Moscow:20171014T235900 URL: LOCATION:с\, 5-й Монетчиковский пер.\, 3с1\, Москв а\, Russia\, 115054 SUMMARY:Russian Nationals 2017 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:We are holding Russian Nationals on Oct. 14th at GeekWars board game shop. (5-y Monetchikovskiy pereulok 3/1\, Moscow\, Russia)\nRegistra tion starts at 11:00\, first round at 11:45.\nLegality: Up to revised core set\, with rotation active. Leaked banlist is in effect - https://imgur.c om/a/3iRVu (even if it is proven to be false at some point before the nati onals).\nFormat: 5-round Swiss and Top-8 cut.\nParticipation Fee: 800 rub\ nPrize pool:\n2x BOOM for participation\nTop-16 - acrylic 5c counters\nTop -8 - Playmat with Biometric Spoofing / Bio-Modeled Network art\nTop-4 - fa ncy acrylic tray for your ID card\, or\, I dunno\, frame a Snare and hang it on the wall or something\nFirst place - Champion trophy and 1st round b ye on Worlds.\nTo register for the tournament\, or for any additional info rmation\, send messages to\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
We are holding Russian Nationals on Oct. 14 th at GeekWars board game shop. (5-y Monetchikovskiy pereulok 3/1\, Moscow \, Russia)
\nRegistration starts at 11:00\, first round at 11:45.
\nLegality: Up to revised core set\, with rotation active. Leaked banl ist is in effect - (even if it is proven to be f alse at some point before the nationals).
\nFormat: 5-round Swiss an d Top-8 cut.
\nParticipation Fee: 800 rub
\nPrize pool:\n2x BO OM for participation\nTop-16 - acrylic 5c counters\nTop-8 - Playmat with B iometric Spoofing / Bio-Modeled Network art\nTop-4 - fancy acrylic tray fo r your ID card\, or\, I dunno\, frame a Snare and hang it on the wall or s omething\nFirst place - Champion trophy and 1st round bye on Worlds.
\nTo register for the tournament\, or for any additional information\, se nd messages to