BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:872alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20171029T140000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20171029T235900 URL: ellenhuis-haarlem LOCATION:Kruisweg 60\, 2011 LE Haarlem\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Beerunner / Casual Meet-up | Spellenhuis (Haarlem) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nFormat: None\, just drinks and Netrunner!\nLocation ~ Haarlem ~ Spellenhuis\nInformation subject to change at the store owner's discret ion!\nSeeing how Netrunner is changing\, A LOT\, we figured we should have a non-competitive event where people who love the game can come to the Sp ellenhuis store\, have some drinks and enjoy some fun games of Android: Ne trunner!\nYou only have to pay an entry fee (5\,- euro) in order to partic ipate in the prizes raffle in the end of the event. We have lots of promo goodies left so the raffle will most definitely be interesting!\n(If you h ave to leave earlier\, then do not worry\, as we can mail you what you won at a later date.)\nThere will be no pairing whatsoever. You can freely ta lk to people\, have a drink and start some games of Netrunner.\nSeeing how successful it was at the pre-Dutch Nationals day\, we might be running a game of Netrunner charades if everyone is up for it\, a couple hours later into the day.\nBring as many decks as you'd like\, as many friends as you 'd like (even total newbies) and come down to Haarlem to enjoy some fun ga mes of Netrunner!\n\nBring only post-rotation AND post-banlist/restricted decks!\n\n(Banlist and Restricted list being true or not\, most people hav e been saying that there is even more balance in the game with it\, so we will keep it like that for now. Worst case scenario\, we just go back to u sing some very powerful cards again! This is a very casual event though\, so we want to keep it fair for everyone. )\nTO: Constantine Kelfecil Chr\n Start: 14:00\nPrice of admission: 5\,- €\nPrizes: lots of past events' p romos!\nPLEASE SIGN-UP if you're coming so that we know who to expect! :)\ n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:


Format: None\, just drinks and Netrunner!


Location ~ Haarle m ~ Spellenhuis


Information subject to change at the store owner's discretion!


Seeing how Netrunner is changing\, A LOT\, we figured we should have a non-competitive event where people who love the game can come to the Spellenhuis store\, have some drinks and enjoy some fun games of Android: Netrunner!


You only have to pay an entry fee (5\,- eu ro) in order to participate in the prizes raffle in the end of the event. We have lots of promo goodies left so the raffle will most definitely be i nteresting!


(If you have to leave earlier\, then do not worry\, as we can mail you what you won at a later date.)


There will be no p airing whatsoever. You can freely talk to people\, have a drink and start some games of Netrunner.


Seeing how successful it was at the pre-D utch Nationals day\, we might be running a game of Netrunner charades if e veryone is up for it\, a couple hours later into the day.


Bring as many decks as you'd like\, as many friends as you'd like (even total newb ies) and come down to Haarlem to enjoy some fun games of Netrunner!

\n< ul>\n
  • Bring only post-rotation AND post-banlist/restricted decks!
  • \ n\n

    (Banlist and Restricted list being true or not\, most people ha ve been saying that there is even more balance in the game with it\, so we will keep it like that for now. Worst case scenario\, we just go back to using some very powerful cards again! This is a very casual event though\, so we want to keep it fair for everyone. )


    TO: Constantine Kelfec il Chr\nStart: 14:00\nPrice of admission: 5\,- €\nPrizes: lots of past e vents' promos!


    PLEASE SIGN-UP if you're coming so that we know who to expect! :)