BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:859alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170925T190000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170925T235900 URL: post-rotation LOCATION:9-11 Newmarket Rd\, Cambridge CB5 8EG\, UK SUMMARY:Cambridge GNK: Revised Core + Post-Rotation CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Not only has Whizzard trashed his last Jackson: but Kate has lo st her toolbox\, Noise has gone deaf\, and Haas-Bioroid may have engineere d itself out of having a future.\nBut Reina is back to slay more monsters\ , and Chaos Theory is off to college!\nThe Netrunner Core Set is dead... a ll hail the New Netrunner Core Set!\n\nSystem Refresh\nThe Post-Rotation s tandard card pool consists of the cards included in the Revised Core Set a nd the following expansions:\nCreation and Control\nHonor and Profit\nOrde r and Chaos\nData and Destiny\nTerminal Directive (player cards only)\nLun ar Cycle Data Packs\nSanSan Cycle Data Packs\nMumbad Cycle Data Packs\nFla shpoint Cycle Data Packs\nRed Sand Cycle Data Packs\n\n\n\n\n\n2017 Q3 Pri ze Kit:\nalt-art Omar\, alt-art team sponsorship\, Anarch click tracker + other assorted prize support!\n3 rounds of swiss\, no top cut\nFirst round starts 19:00 at The Burleigh Arms\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Not only has Whizzard trashed his last Jack son: but Kate has lost her toolbox\, Noise has gone deaf\, and Haas-Bioroi d may have engineered itself out of having a future.
\nBut Reina is back to slay more monsters\, and Chaos Theory is off to college!
\nT he Netrunner Core Set is dead... all hail the New Netrunner Core Set!
\ nThe Post-Rotation standard card pool consists of the cards included in the Revised Core Set and the following expansions:
\ nCreation and Control\nHonor and Profit\nOrder and Chaos\nData
and Destiny\nTerminal Directive (player cards only)\nLunar Cycle Data Pack
s\nSanSan Cycle Data Packs\nMumbad Cycle Data Packs\nFlashpoint Cycle Data
Packs\nRed Sand Cycle Data Packs\n
2017 Q3 Prize Kit:
\nalt-art Omar\ , alt-art team sponsorship\, Anarch click tracker + other assorted prize s upport!
\n3 rounds of swiss\, no top cut
\nFirst round starts 19:00 at The Burleigh Arms