BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:858alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20171001T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20171001T235900 URL: es-night-kit-rotation LOCATION:25 Hilton St\, Manchester M1 1EL\, UK SUMMARY:Fan Boy Three Netrunner Games Night Kit - Rotation CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nRotation happens today! So why not jump straight into the new meta?\nDate: 1st October\nTime: Registration 12pm 1st Round 12:45\nEntry: £5 (or a data pack purchase)\nYou will need both a core and a runner dec k for this event - but make sure they are now the new legal!\nFrom the Fan tasy Flight website:\nAs of October 1st\, the standard card pool for Andro id: Netrunner Organized Play and tournament play will consist of the cards included in the Revised Core Set (ADN49) and the following expansions:\nC reation and Control\nHonor and Profit\nOrder and Chaos\nData and Destiny\n Terminal Directive (player cards only)\nLunar Cycle Data Packs\nSanSan Cyc le Data Packs\nMumbad Cycle Data Packs\nFlashpoint Cycle Data Packs\nRed S and Cycle Data Packs\nYou can find more information on rotation here: http s://\nWe are n ot expecting the new core set out at this point.\nWe'll be using the norma l rounds in the most recent Fantasy Flight document and don't forget you'l l need both a runner and a corp deck for this event!\nFor those of you who have never been to the new shop don't worry we're not far from the old on e. Our new address is now: 25 Hilton Street\, Manchester\, M1 1EL\nIt's an eight minute walk from the shop to Piccadilly Train Station and there is a car park around the corner.\nIf you have any questions or you would like to register please email us at:\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\nRotation happens today! So why not jump straight into the n ew meta?
\nDate: 1st October\nTime: Registration 12pm 1st Round 12:4 5\nEntry: £5 (or a data pack purchase)
\nYou will need both a core and a runner deck for this event - but make sure they are now the new lega l!
\nFrom the Fantasy Flight website:
\nAs of October 1st\, th e standard card pool for Android: Netrunner Organized Play and tournament play will consist of the cards included in the Revised Core Set (ADN49) an d the following expansions:
\nCreation and Control\nHonor and Profit \nOrder and Chaos\nData and Destiny\nTerminal Directive (player cards only )\nLunar Cycle Data Packs\nSanSan Cycle Data Packs\nMumbad Cycle Data Pack s\nFlashpoint Cycle Data Packs\nRed Sand Cycle Data Packs
\nYou can find more information on rotation here: /en/news/2017/9/11/system-refresh/
\nWe are not expecting the new co re set out at this point.
\nWe'll be using the normal rounds in the most recent Fantasy Flight document and don't forget you'll need both a ru nner and a corp deck for this event!
\nFor those of you who have nev er been to the new shop don't worry we're not far from the old one. Our ne w address is now: 25 Hilton Street\, Manchester\, M1 1EL
\nIt's an e ight minute walk from the shop to Piccadilly Train Station and there is a car park around the corner.
\nIf you have any questions or you would like to register please email us at: