BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:857alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20171112T090000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20171112T235900 URL: LOCATION:University of Southampton\, 12 University Rd\, Southampton SO17 1B J\, UK SUMMARY:GvsC Android: Netrunner 2017 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Gaming vs. Cancer is proud to announce the return of our popula r Android: Netrunner tournament!\nIt will once again be a random ID tourna ment. Players will be assigned a random Corp and Runner ID after their tic ket purchase\, which they can then use to build their decks for the event. If you do not own a copy of the ID please let us know and we can ensure t here are spares available on the day.\nAgain we have sorted each ID into o ne of three tiers. Your random pair will either be two tier 2 IDs or a tie r 1 ID and a tier 3 ID. (Let the debate commence on the strength of each I D). We will be using all IDs up to and including the Red Sands cycle.\nAll cards released at least 2 weeks prior to the event will be tournament leg al.\nThere will be no set rotation.\nTournament format is to be 6 rounds o f swiss. Swiss rounds will be 65 minutes in length.\nRegistration opens at 9am\, with the first round to commence at 10:30am. A full schedule will b e available on the day.\nTickets are £10 and available from https://gamin\nWe are capped at 64 players for this event .\nAll money raised goes to Cancer Research UK and is used for life saving research.\nPRIZES\nTO BE CONFIRMED\nDoor Prize upon registration for ever y player including Steam keys\, alt-art cards\, World Championship full-ar t decks\, art-sleeves\, custom tokens and playmats.\nAchievement prizes fo r completing a range of on-the-day objectives.\nVENUE\nThe Garden Court ca n be found on University Road (SO17 1BJ) and is in the Hospitality and Cat ering Building near the Students Union.\nThere is a car park on University Road which can be used if you are driving.\nThere is a Co-Op within five minutes walk of the venue as well as a Sainsburys and Burger King slightly further along Burgess Road. There is also a bar and cafe on the Universit y Campus but we will be unable to confirm their opening until closer to th e event.\nTHANKS TO DONORS:\nCheap Thrills\nFantasy Flight Games\nIf you w ould like to donate some prizing for the event please contact us at info@g\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Gaming vs. Cancer is proud to announce the return of our popular Android: Netrunner tournament!
\nIt will once again be a random ID tournament. Players will be assigned a random Corp an d Runner ID after their ticket purchase\, which they can then use to build their decks for the event. If you do not own a copy of the ID please let us know and we can ensure there are spares available on the day.
\nA gain we have sorted each ID into one of three tiers. Your random pair will either be two tier 2 IDs or a tier 1 ID and a tier 3 ID. (Let the debate commence on the strength of each ID). We will be using all IDs up to and i ncluding the Red Sands cycle.
\nAll cards released at least 2 weeks prior to the event will be tournament legal.
\nThere will be no set rotation.
\nTournament format is to be 6 rounds of swiss. Swiss rounds will be 65 minutes in length.
\nRegistration ope ns at 9am\, with the first round to commence at 10:30am. A full schedule w ill be available on the day.
\nTickets are £10 and available from h ttps://
\nWe are capped at 64 pla yers for this event.
\nAll money raised goes to Cancer Resea rch UK and is used for life saving research.
\nDoor Prize upon registration for every player including Steam keys\, alt-art cards\, World Championship full-art decks\ , art-sleeves\, custom tokens and playmats.
\nAchievement prizes for completing a range of on-the-day objectives.
\nThe Garden Court can be found on University Road (SO17 1BJ) and is in the Hosp itality and Catering Building near the Students Union.\nThere is a car par k on University Road which can be used if you are driving.\nThere is a Co- Op within five minutes walk of the venue as well as a Sainsburys and Burge r King slightly further along Burgess Road. There is also a bar and cafe o n the University Campus but we will be unable to confirm their opening unt il closer to the event.
\nCheap Thrills\ nFantasy Flight Games
\nIf you would like to donate some prizing for the event please contact us at